Ye Xuan came to the community, picked up the phone, and called the customer who was receiving the express delivery.

This customer likes online shopping very much, so he is considered a regular customer.

"Beauty, please come down and pick up the package."

On the other side of the phone:"Has the express arrived? Okay, I'll send my dog ​​down to pick up the express right away.

Ye Xuan laughed dumbly and nodded:"Okay.""

This customer is very interesting. Although he often communicates by phone, Ye Xuan has never met a real person. Every time, the golden retriever comes out to collect the express delivery.

A minute later, a golden retriever ran over.

Ye Xuan handed the package over, and the golden retriever bit it. Go back.

This golden retriever is really a spirit. While running, he turned back and nodded to Ye Xuan, as if to say"Thank you for your hard work."

Ye Xuan smiled and continued to deliver the next express.

The next express was sent to a very large There are dozens of buildings in the community. The buildings in the community are widely spaced and there are many gardens. It looks like a park, not like a community. The customer this time is a woman named Lu Chichi.

Ye Xuan arrived at the gate of the community and was intercepted as usual.

Many childrenThere are regulations that prohibit courier boys from entering to prevent people from impersonating or taking advantage of others.

Express delivery can only be handed over at the gate of the community.

Ye Xuan walked to the gate of the community and made a phone call···

"Hello, I am delivering express. If you have your express delivery, please pick it up at the gate of the community."

On the other end of the phone, there was a very cute voice. It was a bit timid. The voice was very soft, but when I heard it, I felt a little confused.

"Okay, okay, but, uh···"

This beauty seems to have something unspeakable, and she hesitates to speak.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Xuan frowned

"No, I'll go down and look for it first. Haha, hang up. If you have any questions, please contact me again."

"try to find···? ? ? What's the meaning? ?"

Ye Xuan was at a loss.

…… the other side.

Lu Chichi was taking the elevator downstairs.

Although she looks and dresses like a cute girl, there is no doubt that Lu Chichi is an outstanding beauty!

Definitely a beauty score above 90 points.

She is a new tenant and has just rented in this community.

But the problem is···She is another big road addict!

The top kind!

In your own community, you can get yourself confused!

"what to do?"

Lu Chichi was a little embarrassed. She also knew very well how powerful her Lu Chi attribute was. Sometimes she would get lost on her way to and from work!

She fainted after just a few turns when she went downstairs.

"oh? It seems like the entrance to the community should go in this direction. I remember when I came···"

"Um? Why haven't you arrived yet? No, it seems to be in this direction?"

"Huh? Nothing is right?"

"ah? Where am I?"

Lu Chichi is about to cry!

She has been wandering around her community for 15 minutes, and she has obviously walked the same route several times!

But she can't find the gate of the community. Not only can she not find the gate of the community, but she can't even find the gate of the community. I don’t know where I am!

Where am I?

I actually lost myself in the community!

I actually got lost in the community?

Lu Chichi was really convinced by himself. He is obviously not stupid. After all, he is a college student. How can he just find the way? So crazy?

She was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Now it was not a question of whether the express delivery could be received, but···

She can't even go home.

Lu Chichi asked the people passing by, but he just said:"Excuse me, where is my home?"

But as soon as the words came out, the people who were asked over there looked at them with"You are not a fool, are you?" and they glanced over. , so scared that Lu Chichi flinched again.

Lu Chichi wandered around for a long time, completely desperate. Finally, he had no choice but to call Ye Xuan.

"Hello, I’m Lu Chichi who collects express delivery."

"Hello little sister. Ye Xuan nodded:"I've been waiting for you. It seems like it's been 15 minutes. Where have you been?""

"I don't know either, I'm lost."

Lu Chichi said with a cry.

Ye Xuan looked confused.


Is there such a talent in this world?

Lost himself in his own community?

"Miss Lu, don't worry, listen to me. Ye

Xuan told her patiently:"Which building are you currently under?" Look at the building number?"

"It seems to be Building 18 on my left!"

Ye Xuan's voice was nice and soft, with a kind of reassuring power. Lu Chichi gradually calmed down and found the building number next to him.

"Okay, I get it now."

Ye Xuan has only been to the community once or twice, but all the paths are as clear as a map in his mind.

He said calmly:"You walk forward three buildings, then turn left, and walk four Building, then you can see the gate of the community"

"Oh, thank you.

Lu Chichi was still a little hesitant:"I'll give it a try.""

Ye Xuan waited for another ten minutes and sighed.

Needless to say, she must have gotten lost again!

This beauty is really a road addict.

Sure enough, Ye Xuan's cell phone rang again.

"sorry! I'm lost again!"

Lu Chichi cried,"Can you come in and rescue me? My legs hurt from walking and I still can’t find the way out."

"All right."

Ye Xuan had no choice but to be convinced.

This Lu Chichi is really a crazy person!

He said directly:"Don't leave, just stand there and don't move, wait for me to find you."

"OK, thanks!"

Lu Chichi breathed a sigh of relief, and a warm current rose in his heart.

This courier boy was nice to talk to and more considerate.

Ye Xuan explained the situation to the security guard, and the security guard finally agreed and let him in.

Ye Xuan I quickly found Lu Chichi.

She was downstairs somewhere in the community, she was about to cry, her little face was frowning, her expression was as cute as she wanted.

"Are you Lu Chichi?"

"Who are you···Delivery boy? Lu Chichi looked at Ye

Xuan in surprise. He couldn't believe there was such a handsome and sunny courier boy in the world.

Ye Xuan:"Get in the car, I'll take you back.""

Lu Chichi said simply:"Okay! My home is Building 32, 803! This community is really big, and I'm a serious road addict. If you hadn't come to pick me up, I really don't know what I would have done."

Ye Xuan:"····"

You are the first one to get lost in your own neighborhood!


Thumbs up!!

Lu Chichi sat on Ye Xuan's tricycle.

A stream of evening breeze blew over, bringing with it the scent of Ye Xuan, a scent of sunshine that made Lu Chichi feel at ease and comfortable.

The night breeze is cool, the guy is handsome, and her heart is warm!

She found the feeling of love!

Lu Chichi:"It would be great if we could go on like this forever." She secretly prayed that this journey would never be completed.

Nympho ing...

This warm-hearted little handsome guy, I love it so much


Ye Xuan:"We're here!"

"ah? So fast?"

Lu Chichi said in his heart:(# ̄~ ̄#)!

It took me half an hour to get here. How come he arrived in three minutes?

I haven’t enjoyed it enough!

Lu Chichi didn't want to come down, but in desperation, he had no choice but to come down, took the package, reluctantly left it, and looked back three times.

"But with this guy’s phone number, hehe···"

The lost Lu Chichi rekindled hope, with little stars in his eyes:"Look back for him!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, drove away, and suddenly received a system reward:

【Ding... It has been detected that the host has just completed a special express delivery and was rewarded with a courtyard in the Second Ring Road of the Imperial Capital!】

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