"Never heard that our school has such amazing alumni?"

"Who is this person?"

Countless people, full of curiosity, shock, and expectation, want to get the last name.

Zhou Molin is full of affection and enthusiasm:"It only took three years for him to graduate, and he is only 24 years old this year.···"

Underneath, he was even more shocked!

"I wipe it! Awesome!"

"Three years after graduation? But 24?"

"Why is the gap between people so big?"

"Thinking of that song: We are different, different!"

Zhou Molin finally read out the name

"This outstanding alumnus is···"

"Ye Xuan!"

"Starting today, the new complex will be named after him, and he will become the vice president of the Standing Council of the Polytechnic University Alumni Association!"

The classmates in Ye Xuan's class were confused.

Ye Xuan?

Is that the one in our class?

Other students and alumni were talking about it.

"Ye Xuan? Could it be that all-powerful school boy back then?

The girls were screaming, looking around:"Where is Ye Xuan?""

"Do you have Ye Xuan’s WeChat account? Phone?"

"Ask his classmates……"

Regardless of whether they were senior sisters or female classmates, they all found Mo Lili and others with the same problem.

"Do you have Ye Xuan’s WeChat account?"

Mo Lili:"···"

Cried! I feel like I have missed Ye Xuan's destiny, and I have missed hundreds of millions!

Yu Haitao and Song Siming don’t want to talk anymore!

From now on, I don’t want to come anywhere with Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan has already finished showing off, and we all don’t know how to show off.

A student union sister on the side suddenly asked her:"Huh? You seem to have sent an invitation letter to Senior Ye Xuan. Do you have his WeChat account?"

Liang Rou touched her phone and shook her head:"I don't!"

She lied. Kindhearted! but···I really can’t give it!

Senior Ye Xuan’s WeChat is a priceless treasure!


A legend spread in Polytechnic University!

A hundred years later, the Ye Xuan Building still stands there, telling the legendary life of an outstanding alumnus - Ye Xuan!!

In the end, it even became a museum of Ye Xuan’s legend!



At this time, Imperial TV Station. Imperial TV Editorial Department,"Social Concern" Column Team

"Delivery boy? This seems like it could be a special feature!"

Editor-in-chief Liu Guoping just saw a hot search on Weibo.——————

#The courier boy is crying#

In the video, it is pouring rain, and a courier boy, whose face is covered with rain, is squatting on the ground crying.

Someone asked him why he was crying. The courier boy said that he had just gone upstairs to deliver a courier, but as a result, several packages were stolen from the courier in the car.

He searched everywhere but couldn't find it, so he called the customer. The customer was furious and said he would file a complaint against him and report it to the company. The company would deduct his bonus and make him pay full compensation, and also said he would be fired.

The courier boy collapsed and cried in the rain.

This video is very popular, with hundreds of thousands of reposts and comments on Weibo, and the comment section is basically··

"Who is so wicked?"

"This courier thief is really a killer!"

"This kind of thing is useless when giving birth!"

Moreover, it quickly became the number one trending topic on Weibo!!

Liu Guoping had a lot on his mind and began to think:"The fishing boat happens to be here, maybe we can get a wave of popularity. He made a prompt decision and called one of his reporters, Zhuo Xiaowei.

Zhuo Xiaowei came and said,"Chief editor, are you calling me?"

Liu Guoping:"I want you to do a special program. As for the focus of the program: interview the courier boys to reflect their hard work, suffering, and sorrow.""

"The focus of our interview must be on the hard work of being a courier boy!"

"It is necessary to deeply explore the courier brother's background, salary level, level of fatigue, status, persistence in rain or shine, and service with a smile, and then win the sympathy of the TV audience."

Liu Guoping guided Zhuo Xiaowei in every detail. Zhuo Xiaowei was recording quickly on the side, nodding his head, his eyes shining.

"Yes, yes, Editor Liu, your vision is so accurate! Being a courier boy is the most popular profession right now. It involves hard work, low status, low salary, being looked down upon by others, and all sorts of hardships. Moreover, the hot searches on Weibo are happening right now, so we can ride on the popularity and make the show popular!"

The more Zhuo Xiaowei thought about it, the more right he became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

"You must remember to focus on selling miserably! Liu Guoping said in a deep voice

"Yes, it’s a miserable sale! Zhuo Xiaowei nodded repeatedly:"For this kind of program, the worse the delivery is, the more people will care about it. The clicks and ratings will definitely be huge!""



I feel like a good program is about to be born in my own hands!

Neither of them noticed that when they were discussing, they always exuded the kind of condescending look down on the courier guy.

In their opinion, express delivery I am born to be at the bottom of society, a hard worker, and an object to be pitied and looked down upon.



Zhuo Xiaowei made a little preparation and set off with the cameraman.

I interviewed all the courier points in Sitong throughout the morning.

Zhuo Xiaowei felt more and more that the courier boy was really having a hard time. too difficult!

Delivery is very tiring, the working hours are long, and customers are difficult to serve. The working hours of express delivery are relatively long, 12 hours a day is normal. When there is a big promotion, I often work from morning to night for 15-16 hours.

Many outlets similar to Three Links and One Express are franchise models. The delivery boys do not have their own regular employees. Some are outsourced and some are labor dispatch, so there is a lot of liquidity.

If you encounter a bad-tempered customer, you may hit them directly.

If you are even slightly late or do not meet the customer's demanding requirements, you will be complained. Once a complaint is made, the company will deduct money indiscriminately, at least 200, and it will be a day's work in vain.

Anyway, bah bah, all kinds of hard work~~~

Zhuo Xiaowei and the photographer were secretly excited while interviewing.

This kind of miserable and painful show can still be disguised as"social realism""Outerwear, once aired, will definitely attract a lot of attention!

Gain fame and fortune!

Zhuo Xiaowei also deliberately set the pace and put a halo of misery on the heads of the courier boys being interviewed, such as parents who are sick, wives who are divorced, children who are left behind, being looked down upon, poor people who are inspirational, people who are disabled. Brother Zhijian···

In short, no matter how miserable you are, you can set the rhythm, it all depends on how miserable you are!

Finally, Zhuo Xiaowei came up with an idea to interview a female passerby:"Are you willing to marry the courier guy?"

The female passerby rolled her eyes and said:"Are you sick? You can't marry anyone else." Zhuo

Xiaowei chuckled and ran to ask another passerby, Female B:"Are you willing to marry the courier boy?"

Passerby Female B shook her head:"I'd rather be single! I'd rather die than get married!"

Zhuo Xiaowei said to Looking at the camera, he said with a compassionate face:"Everyone in the audience, we have all seen that the delivery boy not only has a hard job and a hard life, but also has a hard time getting married. He is despised by many women and encounters great difficulties in getting married. In these societies, Vulnerable groups need more care and attention from us."


Very OK!

Zhuo Xiaowei brought the photographer with him, but he still felt a little unsatisfied


At this time, he happened to come to the SF express delivery point.

That is the express delivery point where Ye Xuan is.

"Huh? Is there a courier point here? Just do the last interview."

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