Chapter 295 Plague ravages
What has happened has happened, and no amount of self-blame and regret can undo it.

The most important thing she needs to do now is to cheer up and find a place where she can be used.

If his guess is correct, Yun Qi's visit this time should be about an epidemic outbreak in the capital.

Even he didn't come to look for Feng Wuming, but to look for himself.

"Please ask the prince to arrange for the medicinal materials to be as much as you need after leaving the princess's residence."

Feng Wuming agreed.

Fu Jingtong said that he could also do his best.

Ye Zhiyu accepted all orders.

She wanted as much medicine as she had, and it was better to waste it than to have no cure and watch so many people die in front of her.

She only hopes that it is the early stages of the epidemic and that the epidemic has not yet begun to spread on a large scale.

Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise... I am afraid that we will face the tragic situation of massacre/city.

When the three of them arrived at the front hall, Yun Qi was already sitting at the bottom.

When he saw the three of them, he stood up and saluted.

"Your Majesty, Sir Fu, Miss Wang."

The three of them nodded and said hello.

Feng Wuming consciously sat at the top and motioned for them all to sit down.

Yun Qi said apologetically: "I wonder if Yun's rash visit has made the eldest princess unhappy. The situation is really urgent and we need to find the king's miracle doctor, so we took this step."

Yun Qi has not seen the eldest princess Changning, and he also knows her temperament of not interacting with outsiders.It's just that no matter how many guests come to visit, she always has to show up.

But now he didn't even see the eldest princess in person. I guess she was angry with him for being so rash.

"The eldest princess..."

"It's dead."

Feng Wuming's words were concise and concise, explaining why Princess Changning, as the master, did not appear here.

When Ye Zhiyu heard what Yun Qi had just said that he was here to look for him, he knew that he had guessed very well.

I'm afraid something really happened.

Yun Qi was very surprised, and his hands suddenly clenched into fists when he placed them on the table, "How could this be?"

Feng Wuming waved his hand, "This matter is a long story. I will report it to Your Majesty tomorrow morning. General Yun still said that you risked the disgrace to come to the Princess Mansion, but what happened in the capital?"

Yun Qi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you are a wise man. A disease has recently appeared in the capital. Those who are sick will cough uncontrollably at first, followed by a high fever that won't go away for days, and will die within ten days."

"And this epidemic is extremely contagious. It has only been half a month since it was discovered, but already more than ten thousand people have been infected. Thousands of people have died..." Yun Qi couldn't bear it when he said this.

He was a strong-willed man, and there were tears in his eyes at this moment.

Ye Zhiyu thought that he, like himself, had probably seen that tragic situation.

But he had seen it in his mind, while Yun Qi had experienced it in person, and the impact was much stronger than his own.

"I asked around in my humble position, and then I found out that the prince and the divine doctor Wang came to the princess's mansion as a guest. I was afraid that the matter would get out of control if it dragged on any longer, so I ignored the etiquette and came to bother me. I never wanted to encounter such a thing... …”

Yun Qi also felt very sorry for Princess Changning. Everyone felt that such a good person should not die like this.

However, Yun Qi could not dwell in his sorrow for too long. He wiped away his tears with two fingers, then stood up, lifted off his armor, knelt down on one knee, and raised his hand to salute Ye Zhiyu.

"Please also ask Miss Wang to save the lives of the people in the city."

Ye Zhiyu quickly stood up and helped him up.

"Don't worry, General Yun. I can't just sit idly by. If I don't serve justice for the world, I can't stay out of it even for my own little life." Ye Zhiyu didn't say anything big, but it made Yun Qi even more aware. Peace of mind.

Is there anything more important than the safety of yourself and your family and friends?

Of course there is no more.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't let the disease spread for his own sake, his two little dumplings, and his friends far away in Yaowang Valley.

"Since I'm humble, I would like to thank Divine Doctor Wang for his generosity on behalf of the sick people."

Ye Zhiyu helped Yun Qi up and asked how the sick people were accommodated.

"Are they housed separately to prevent infection?"

Yun Qi nodded.

There was a precedent for smallpox in the capital in the past. Although the disease was not as violent as this disease, it still claimed many lives.

Therefore, everyone knows that in the face of this disease, the first thing is to isolate the infected people from the non-infected people.Otherwise, it will get worse and get out of control.

The number of people saved was not as many as those who got sick.

"Miss Wang, does she know how to cure this?" Yun Qi stared at Ye Zhiyu hopefully.

Ye Zhiyu shook his head realistically.

"I dare not make any conclusions until I see the symptoms with my own eyes. I have to see it myself before I can say anything."

"But General Yun, you can rest assured. If it is a symptom that I have seen before, it is not a problem. If it is something that I have never seen, it is not unsolvable."

"I can develop an antidote and prescribe the right medicine. It just takes time."

"That being the case, why don't you just take up your humble position as a miracle doctor?"

Ye Zhiyu nodded and turned to look at Feng Wuming and Fu Jingtong.

"I would like to ask you two to arrange the supply of all medicinal materials available in the city. I would like to thank you both on behalf of the people in the city."

Feng Wuming was still calm, and only stared at Ye Zhiyu with a pair of dark eyes.

Fu Jingtong couldn't sit still, so he stood up and said, "Why don't you let me accompany Miss Wang? Although I am not proficient in medicine, I can identify medicinal materials, and my body is strong and not easy to get sick. I can help Miss Wang to some extent. busy."

Ye Zhiyu didn't say anything, but looked at Feng Wuming.

Feng Wuming said: "I will also accompany you."

The tone was so irresistible.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhiyu really needed help from someone who could identify medicinal materials, so he agreed to Fu Jingtong's request.

As for Feng Wuming... Ye Zhiyu said: "The prince may have forgotten that the funeral of Princess Changning needs to be arranged tomorrow. As for the epidemic, you can rest assured and leave it to me."

"But the two little dumplings have to leave it to the prince."

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but feel a little funny when he thought that he always asked the regent of the dynasty, a person who was less than one person and more than ten thousand people, to look after his children and act as a wet nurse.

His face is so big.

Seeing that Ye Zhiyu was still laughing, Feng Wuming didn't know whether to call her big-hearted or stupid for a moment.

Seeing Feng Wuming not speaking, Ye Zhiyu was not sure what he meant.I don’t know if he agreed or not.

He could only say tentatively, "If it is really uncontrollable, the prince will need to sit in and make a decision."

Make up your mind, what idea?
If the epidemic is out of control, then all those infected will be killed as outcasts and ensure that the disease does not break out on a large scale.

I am afraid that Ye Zhiyu will not be able to escape misfortune by then.

Do you want him to order her to be killed?
(End of this chapter)

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