Showdown, I am the koi of the world of immortality

Chapter 77 Before right or wrong, let’s discuss current affairs

"Keep your voice down!"

Song Chengming covered his face with his hood and turned his head. Quan seemed unfamiliar with her, but Tu Nian turned a blind eye and was immersed in his own pain.

Listening to you now is better than ten years of reading.This thing is common in the original novel, why didn't she think of it at all?

She had worked so hard to draw so many talismans, but if she put two of them on the market, she could sell them for more than a dozen spiritual stones at the most. Even if they were wholesale, she would be rich now.

But what is she doing?Dig the grass!Pick up rags!

Tu Nian's current mood can be described in eight words: he suddenly wakes up and regrets his mistakes.

"I think," realizing how wasteful she was, she quickly turned her head and said sternly to Song Chengming, "let's not go shopping anymore and find a place to set up a stall."

Song Chengming almost laughed out loud, "No, my good sister, where do you think we are now? The world of the competition! Do you know how many talented talisman cultivators set up stalls here and what level of talismans they use? What price did it sell for?"

"With all due respect, although your golden elixir cultivation level of less than sixteen years old is very valuable, and my peak foundation building level of over seventeen years old is not bad, it is a joke to break the sky with your and my talismans here."

"Look at your worthless look."

Faced with his dismissive attitude, Tu Nian took out a talisman from the mustard seeds and patted it in his hand, "Num, let's see if it's level enough."


Song Chengming glanced at her suspiciously and unfolded the talisman paper casually. After looking at it for a while, the disdain on his face gradually turned into surprise.

Looking around, Song Chengming quickly folded up the talisman, handed it back to Tu Nian's hand vigilantly, and said in a low voice: "How come you have Tu Shan's talisman!?"

Tu Nian raised his eyebrows and asked instead, "Is Tushan's talisman rare?"

"Sister, please don't test me."

Song Chengming knew that his vision was short-sighted, so he came to her side dumbfounded, "Who among these talisman cultivators doesn't know that Tushan is the first talisman cultivator. The talismans they produce are all of the highest quality and are hard to find. If you can get one, , let alone use it, it’s very cost-effective to buy it back for use.”

"It turned out to be like this..."

After listening to his explanation, Tu Nian pinched his chin and fell into thought.

"I advise you not to think about selling the Tushan Talisman." Boqiu said, gently waving it by her waist.

"I know."

Tu Nian quickly sent the message back, and Bo Qiu was a little surprised by his calm tone.

Talismans can be sold, but not from Tushan.After listening to Song Chengming's explanation, she realized this.

The idea of ​​​​taking Tushan Talisman before was because she knew that this thing was very good, but she did not expect that it could become the leader in the industry.

Regardless of whether her ability to sell top-quality talismans in front of those powerful men was seeking skin from a tiger, her bloodline alone was not something that could be disclosed to the public.You know, the original owner's parents didn't die out of nowhere, they were killed by a vendetta.

If she makes a fortune by selling Tushan talismans, and someone innocently comes to her door and asks her where she got the talismans, she will definitely keep silent.

And judging from Song Chengming's reaction, Fu Xiu's knowledge of the Tushan Talisman is really high, so not only can she not sell the Tushan Talisman, she can't even use it often on weekdays.

He had a talent but had to hide it, and he had to let go of the money he could make.

When Tu Nian thought of this, he felt a little aggrieved. When he raised his head again, there was a trace of determination in his eyes.

Based on this, she will have to make a name for herself no matter what she does in the future, otherwise she will be sorry for the hardships she endures now. "Tu Nian, Tu Nian!"

The aspirational thoughts in his mind were interrupted by a call. Tu Nian's eyes turned to the side, and Song Chengming was looking at the crowd with a frown on his face.


She said, following his gaze, and saw Luo Zhan and Qin An surrounded by a group of female cultivators wearing privet zodiac uniforms. The atmosphere between the two sides was tense, as if they were in conflict.

Song Chengming commented, “It doesn’t feel good.”

"It's up to you to say it."

Tu Nian frowned, raised his feet and walked over there.

Conflicts between sects are the most common in the competition arena, and people who love to watch are flocking to it. At this time, the place where the incident occurred has been completely surrounded. Song Chengming followed Tu Nian closely and pushed aside the crowd along the way for her.

"I don't want to attack women, you'd better not force me!"

When he was still far away, Tu Nian heard Luo Zhan's unkind voice and thought something bad in his heart. He immediately lowered his head and squeezed into the wall of people without caring about his image.

She was walking in a hurry, and because she was short, Song Chengming didn't pay attention and almost lost her, so he hurriedly took two steps to catch up.

"Excuse me."

"Sorry, I borrowed it."

After walking in the footsteps of countless others and arriving at the scene of the incident, Tu Nian's first reaction was to go find Luo Zhan.

This job is not difficult at all. Among the group of pretty female nuns, there is only one tall and tall person standing there. I caught sight of him immediately.

"As an alchemist, you can't fight as hard as your little lover. How can you say you don't hit women? What a joke!"

Tu Nian was still thinking about what happened to these people, but when he heard the female cultivator opposite say this in a high voice, he understood at that time that these sisters were here to cause trouble.

Just hearing this insinuation and ridicule made her feel sick, let alone Luo Zhan, a grown man. At that time, he took out the magic weapon in anger and prepared his spiritual power to attack.


Seeing the situation, Tu Nian quickly picked up a talisman in his hand, but Song Chengming moved faster. When she was taking the talisman, he had already rushed towards her with the Qingfeng Jue. The moment he got close to her, he broke Luo Zhan's posture, and immediately looked angry. He squeezed the other person's arm with pleasure.

"You're crazy! You actually want to fight against Baihua's people. Are you trying to make the entire sect's efforts go to waste?"

Luo Zhan was so angry that he couldn't listen to his words at all. He threw his arms and rushed towards the female cultivator with a look of contempt on his face.

"Don't stop me, she dares to be so arrogant and provocative, I will make her look good!"


"Brother Zhan!"

A crisp sound was heard together with Qin An's exclamation, and the atmosphere in the whole place was frozen by this slap.

After a moment of silence, the onlookers began to discuss. Luo Zhan covered half of his face in confusion, while Song Chengming looked at the instigator with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

After slapping, Tu Nian calmly rubbed his wrist, and faced Luo Zhan, who was half red, with a calm face, and said: "Senior Brother Luo, if you want to vent your personal anger, when the competition is over, you can fight with whomever you want. I won't care if you do it. But before the competition is over, please restrain your behavior."

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