Showdown, I am the koi of the world of immortality

Chapter 68 Anyone who gasps for breath should die!

The entrance to the dungeon is like an upside-down Christmas hat. The further you go along the corridor, the larger the space becomes.

Until she saw a few clusters of blue firelight dancing at the end of her field of vision, Tu Nian knew that this meant that she was about to officially arrive inside the dungeon.

In order to imprison the most evil people, the interior of the dungeon, like the Endless Tower, is made of forbidden spirit stones, and a unique method is used to weaken the concentration of elements here. Without the protection of Yuqing's sect master, entering this place After the treatment, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Because of the lack of fire element, the blue flames used for lighting are all underworld fires that rely on yin wood. The flame temperature is low and accompanied by the yin aura. Because of this, the air in the dungeon is filled with yin. A distinct musty smell.

Until the light of the underworld fire was enough to illuminate the surroundings, Tu Nian carefully put away the fireweed. For a moment, only the clusters of underworld fire swayed in the dark stone chamber, illuminating the stone walls and the ground in a strange blue.

Each cluster of hellfire represents an occupied cell.

Looking around, the blue flame seemed to have no edge, extending far to the invisible end. As Tu Nian looked at it, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable horror in his heart.

One can imagine how many so-called 'villains' from the Yuqing Sect are imprisoned here.

Walking along the blue corridor, Tu Nian looked at cells one after another, only to find that the people in these cells had all died tragically.

There was no sound in the cell, and the situation could not be seen clearly. Only the lifeless bodies could be distinguished, dark and integrated with the stone slabs.

And as there were more and more cells like this, Tu Nian's originally calm heart suddenly felt uneasy.

Are these people placed outside the dungeon, or do everyone who enters the dungeon end up like this?
Just as she continued to check the cell with such uneasiness, suddenly, some small moans entered her ears.

She was startled, then confirmed that she heard it correctly, and hurriedly followed the direction of the voice. Sure enough, she saw a slowly moving black shadow in the cell not far away.

She was overjoyed and immediately grabbed the railing outside the cell, "Brother, has anyone been brought here recently?"

"Uh, uh..."

"That man is about seventeen or eighteen, short, and wearing a turquoise-colored linen shirt!"

"Uh, uh..."

Tu Nian's urgent voice echoed between the stone walls, but the only response she received was a weak, hoarse moan.

"He seems speechless." Boqiu said.

"Is he mute?"

Tu Nian was reminded of this and immediately thought of this possibility.

She quickly took out the fluorescent grass from the mustard seeds, thinking of using the light to communicate with the man through gestures, but unexpectedly, after seeing the situation in the cell clearly, her expression suddenly changed.


Barely restraining the urge to scream, she staggered back under the first cluster of hellfire. Then, regardless of whether the stone wall of the dungeon was dirty, she retched while holding on to it.

Bo Qiu, who was hanging on her waist, had the opportunity to take a look and could completely understand her reaction at this time.

The people in that cell can no longer be called human beings at all.

It was imprisoned by an iron chain as thick as a forearm, and its whole body was purple and green, covered with twisted veins.

It was like a piece of rotten meat, covered with filthy blood foam, lying limply on the chopping board covered with blood stains and moss. Hoarse moans continued to come from nowhere.

It just looked scary, but after Tu Nian took that look, his whole body seemed to have suddenly fallen into a pool of cold, slippery mucus.

The nausea and sinking feeling that penetrated deep into the bone marrow drained all her strength in an instant, making the retching action extremely painful. After several times, she almost suffocated.

Bo Qiu saw that she was not getting better after vomiting for a long time, and even her face began to turn pale. He immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately jumped down from her waist and bounced into her palm.

"Run spiritual power into the blood seal."

As his words fell, his entire sword immediately lit up with a weak, but very pure red light.

Tu Nian endured the discomfort and clenched the hilt of the sword, and poured spiritual power into the blood seal as he said. A warmth soon emerged from her tailbone, spreading along her meridians to her limbs, removing the terrible discomfort caused by that glance. gradually dispersed.

Holding her sword on the ground, it took her a long time to calm down. She recalled the look just now, but she still felt frightened.

"What's going on with that thing? I just glanced at it and it's so powerful?" Tu Nian asked, his voice trembling uncontrollably. "It's because of the underworld fire."

As the sword light slowly dissipated, Bo Qiu said in a deep voice: "The underworld fire is placed here not only for lighting, but also to suppress the Yang Qi. People who stay in this place for many years will be invaded by the Yin Qi and eventually die. It’s going to look like that.”

"Now that man's body has been filled with Yin Qi, and the Yin Qi that has nowhere to rely on has accumulated and turned into filthy things. As soon as you pass by, those filthy things sense the essence of living creatures and naturally attach themselves to them."

"No, we absolutely cannot delay it like this."

Tu Nian murmured something, struggled to straighten his body, and stared at Boqiu, "Brother Jian, can you help me?"

She really couldn't imagine what a terrifying scene it would be if Xu Ziqiao appeared in front of her with such an inhuman appearance.

Bo Qiu didn't know how he could help her, so he asked doubtfully: "What do you want me to do?"

Tu Nian pursed his lips, "Third senior brother has the purest fire spirit root."


Boqiu's voice rose.He did not expect that a pure fire spirit root would emerge from the dignified disciples of Snow Valley.

Tu Nian continued: "He came to the dungeon not long ago, and the consumption will not be too great. Therefore, the fire element will be more abundant where he is than elsewhere."

Following her words, Bo Qiu slowly spoke: "So you want me to use my original power to find the place where the fire element is most abundant in this dungeon."

"Exactly." Tu Nian replied firmly.

This was the most likely way she could think of.

"It's a good idea."

Facing her eager eyes, Bo Qiu affirmed her efforts, but he replied calmly: "But I can't."

Tu Nianru was struck by lightning, "Why!"

Boqiu said: "Because there is a barrier here."

Tu Nian was startled, "Boundary?"

Bo Qiu said "hmm" and said lightly: "Just like the forbidden spirit stone cannot isolate the elements, it cannot completely inhibit the effect of the talisman. Your talisman cannot work because of this barrier. If it is replaced by my original Strength is also the same principle."

"But just now you clearly..." Tu Nian trailed off and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"That's only temporary."

Tu Nian didn't know if it was an illusion, but Tu Nian felt that Bo Qiu's tone seemed to be getting lighter and lighter, but before she could think about it, Bo Qiu continued: "Before my cultivation has fully recovered, my original power is unstable. Under certain circumstances, this barrier can have a lasting impact on me."

"That is to say, the longer we stay here, the weaker my power will be. Even if I can still exorcise the Yin Qi for you now, it will be hard to tell if we go deeper into the dungeon."

The last glimmer of hope was extinguished. Listening to his clear and logical analysis, Tu Nian couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved.

"Why can you talk about such a depressing thing so lightly? In your eyes, am I just the introduction to a bowl of medicine, or some kind of blood pool, and whether I live or die, it has nothing to do with you?"

"You... just let me finish what I'm saying."

Bo Qiu was confused by her aggrieved outburst, and his attitude corrected at that time.

He originally wanted to pass it off, but he didn't expect that her thoughts spread so quickly. In just two sentences, he was already heartless. He immediately didn't dare to make any more trouble. You hide it from me, and said seriously: "You Although I can’t do this idea, there is indeed a way to achieve it.”

In such a serious situation, he still had the heart to breathe!

Her heart was frightened many times in one day, and it was really hard for Tu Nian not to be emotional. However, for the sake of the overall situation, she still endured her anger, sniffed, and looked at him steadily.

"What can be done?" she asked.

"Golden Crow Beast." Bo Qiu replied.

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