Showdown, I am the koi of the world of immortality

Chapter 60 Don’t be too confident

Putting the jade bottle on his body casually, Xue Shiqian glanced at him and said, "It's so neat. You taught her a lot. You even told her how to open the Endless Tower. She was almost cheating when she asked her just now."

"Don't blame me."

Nie Yanchen said teasingly with his eyes: "I know you are very fond of the Endless Tower, but I have never said anything about it. As for how she learned about it...isn't my disciple allowed to be well-informed?"

Xue Shiqian didn't believe what he said, but he didn't care. He turned around and said back to Tu Nian, "If you want to help her, wait for her to return to Snow Valley. Just take her to the back mountain to practice. It's still necessary." Came here in a hurry, and bribed me with snow pills to be so luxurious?"

Everyone in the world of cultivating immortals knows that the Snow Pill of Snow Valley can be used to concentrate the energy and save lives. However, only the masters of Snow Valley in the past know how to make it, and because it is not easy to make, it has always been a treasure that is hard to find.

After Nie Yanchen became the sect master, the output of Snow Pills became even tighter. The supply of Snow Pills circulating in the market exceeded the demand. Even a direct disciple like Jin Nanfeng could only get a few or five in a year.

Now, just to let Tu Nian enter the Endless Tower, Nie Yanchen gave a whole bottle of snow pills to Xue Shiqian. To say it was luxurious was putting it mildly.

You must know that what Xue Shiqian paid was only a high-quality treasure, but the number of snow pills given by Nie Yanchen was completely comparable to the same top-quality heavenly and earthly treasures.

"It's not extravagant. Looking at the three sects and seven sects, your Endless Tower is the best at training your spiritual consciousness. Once things are used, they will have the effect they should have."

Nie Yanchen didn't care much about this and reminded him with raised eyebrows: "It's just that the snow pill is not light. Brother Xue, don't pretend you don't understand what I mean."

Xue Shiqian naturally understood, and immediately promised: "Don't worry, I have collected so many snow pills from you, even if you as a disciple cause more trouble, you can still make it."

"That's fine."

As soon as Tu Nian was mentioned, Nie Yanchen couldn't hold back his lips. Xue Shiqian saw this and said with some humor: "You are quite considerate of your new disciple."

Nie Yanchen had a smile on his face and did not deny his love for Tu Nian at all. "My fourth child is very smart and talented. If it were you, you would be interested."

"She is talented and hardworking."

There is really nothing to say about this. Xue Shiqian was sure that it would pass, but he was confused, "But asking her to enter the Endless Tower at this time to experience, is it really not a trick?"

Nie Yanchen calmed down his expression and pursed his lips slightly, "I have thought about this issue, but Xiaosi is different from ordinary talisman cultivators."

Xue Shiqian's expression moved slightly, "How do you say this?"

"When ordinary monks improve their cultivation, their spiritual consciousness will increase accordingly, but Xiaosi does not."

Nie Yanchen said, condensing a hollow ice ball in the air, "When I was teaching her the talismans, I found that her spiritual consciousness was like being trapped in a circle. Although it can be used normally, it is only as strong as that circle at most. . Therefore, no matter how much her cultivation level is improved, her spiritual consciousness will not improve greatly."

"If left unchecked, her spiritual consciousness will not be able to support the improvement of her cultivation. At least it will affect her cultivation, and at worst, she will lose control and explode. In short, it will not be a good result. Therefore, she really wants to participate in the big competition. If you want to compete in martial arts, it is still very necessary to improve your spiritual awareness."

"It's really weird..."

Xue Shiqian knew what he meant, and sighed helplessly, "So from what you say, do you plan to stay here for a few days?"

Nie Yanchen shrugged, "I thought she was practicing in the sect and I could still take care of her. Who would have thought that she would run away from you? I can't defeat her. If I don't keep an eye on her, what else can I do?"

After sinking, Xue Shiqian said: "That's all, just stay here. It's just that Chief Wen has been walking around the sect a lot these days, so you should remember to avoid him."

At this point, he was still uneasy, and added earnestly, "After all, when I retire, this Bihaimen will be the head of Wen Chang, and you two will be together for a hundred years, so it's hard to cause disagreements between the two families. "

Nie Yanchen still looked unconcerned and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "I understand the truth. Besides, I am also the head of a sect now. I will not do anything frivolous with him in public or private affairs. Brother Xue, don't worry." that is."

Xue Shiqian sighed again.

He didn't know how many times he had heard this. The two of them always said it nicely, but when it came down to it, they still had a heated argument.Likewise, he was tired of talking, so this time he simply said, "As long as you know the answer," and left with his hands behind his back.

Nie Yanchen didn't quite adapt to his lack of nagging, so he asked casually, "Where are you going, Brother Xue?"

Xue Shiqian responded leisurely: "You still have to teach the outer sect. After all, you are familiar with this sect. Whether you want to hang out or wait for your apprentice, it's up to you."

"Sure, see you later."

Nie Yanchen responded to him, found a nearby tree and went up, leaning against the trunk and resting, waiting for Tu Nian to come out of the tower.

Just as the two men guessed, things were not going well for Tu Nian.

For those who practice Taoism, using spiritual power is as natural as breathing.

Most formation cultivators will subconsciously use spiritual power when leading the formation, rather than relying solely on the power of elements and yin and yang. Therefore, when entering the Endless Tower for the first time, the first thing Tu Nian had to overcome was the feeling of weakness due to limited spiritual power.

However, overcoming this is tantamount to overcoming instinct, which is easier said than done.

After a lot of hard work, she could only manage to complete one or two formations with Fangyuan's help, which was not enough to guarantee effectiveness, let alone suppress the spirits.

But she doesn't care about this. Regardless of success or failure, she will continue to set up a formation.

As he continued to draw formations one after another, Tu Nian didn't know how many times in a day his spiritual consciousness was exhausted and how many times he was awakened by Fang Yuan.

It wasn't until the last formation was interrupted by Fang Yuan, and she heard him say it was already evening, that she stopped working and passed out without caring.

Nie Yanchen actually waited for her outside the tower for a whole day.

When the light began to rise from the top of the endless tower, he climbed down from the tree, even taking calculated steps, and walked to the tower, just in time to catch up with Fang Yuan carrying Tu Nian on his back.

Seeing the person coming, Fangyuan couldn't help but said in surprise, "Sect Master Nie?"

Nie Yanchen interrupted his last words with a short "Hmm", and his eyes quickly turned around him and landed on Tu Nian, "Leave her to me."

"it is good."

Fangyuan's response was actually unnecessary.

Nie Yanchen didn't even intend to wait for a response. He was already helping himself up when he was halfway through speaking. By the time Fangyuan finished his response, Tu Nianren had already been picked up by him.

"What's the guest island number?"

Before Fangyuan could calm down, he heard Nie Yanchen ask him. He came to his senses and replied hastily: "The third one on the west side."

After he finished answering, the next moment he saw that Nie Yanchen completely ignored Bihaimen's sect rule of "no outsiders are allowed to wield swords", skillfully summoned the sword, wielded the sword and went to the guest island, leaving him alone like a stupid goose. Still staying in place.

Domineering exposed!

Fangyuan's brain shut down for a long while before he came up with this word.

Fortunately, he was still worried about Lingzhi Garden for Tu Nian, so the sect leader came here today to tell the truth.

This confidence is simply not enough.

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