"The dragon's breath plant in the north was uprooted."

Faced with Xue Shiqian's question, Fangyuan said straight.

Several old men were stunned when they heard such a plain answer.

In fact, Fangyuan also thought about saying something on the way here, but after all, the matter was not complicated, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with any soft words.

It's better to put it bluntly, die early and be born early.

After coming back to his senses, Xue Shiqian rubbed his ears, his gray eyebrows and hair trembled together, "Dragon's breath sunflower? Or the one in the north?"

Regardless of whether it is precious or not, this dragon's breath sunflower is of great use to Bihaimen. Now that it has been pulled out like a child's play, even as calm as Xue Shiqian, he cannot accept this fact as calmly as a mountain.


Really couldn't bear to repeat that too cruel fact, Fangyuan struggled for a while and tried to find remedies elsewhere, "Actually, I've seen the dragon's breath sunflower. The root system is intact. If it grows well, it may be able to support the magic weapon. Born..."


Before Fangyuan finished speaking, an old man with a swollen face on the seat stood up and slapped the table, "The formation of the magic weapon can only be activated by fresh dragon breath juice. As the eldest disciple of the sect, can you even do this?" Do you need someone to remind you if you have some common sense?"

"Okay, long article." Xue Shiqian said.


Jie Wen looked at him with a look of indifference, "That Longxikui was something you and I worked on day and night to recuperate. Could it be destroyed so easily?"

Xue Shiqian still looked calm, "I know you are angry, but this matter is not Fangyuan's responsibility after all. No matter how angry you are with him, it will not help."

"Besides, even if Longxikui is gone, we still have a way out. Have you forgotten the things hidden in the Fushan Secret Realm?"

"Yes, brother Wen, we can't rebel when things happen."

"No. Xiao Yuan'er is an honest kid, but he just says what he wants. Chief Wen, aren't you hurting his heart by doing this?"

Several elders present also knew Chang Wen's temper and all agreed with him.

Although Jie Wenchang was irritable, he was not an unreasonable person. After hearing this, he slapped the table and pointed at Fangyuan, "Okay! Fangyuan, you can bring the person who ruined Long Xikui here now. I am here today." We want to see who is so bold and dares to disturb my Bihai Gate!"

Fangyuan had expected that things would develop to this point and was already prepared. But when Chang Jie said these words to him, he still felt extremely headache.

Taking a deep breath, he lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Master Jie, please calm down. I'm afraid this matter won't be successful."

"Why not!"

Hearing this, not only Jie Wenchang was puzzled, but even Xue Shiqian frowned, "Is there anything wrong with this person?"

Fangyuan explained: "The ones who pulled out the Dragon Breath Sunflower are the second and fourth disciples of the Snow Valley Master. They have rested on the guest island at this moment. If they were called in overnight for questioning, I'm afraid it would be a disservice to the two sects. Relationships have an impact.”

"It's Nie Yanchen, that idiot again. He's tired of himself, and he wants to ask his disciples to bother him again! What the hell!"

Jie Wenzhang was so angry that his beard flew off, and he paced back and forth with his waist pierced. Just as he was about to curse again, he heard Fangyuan speak again, "But that's not the most important thing."

Xue Shiqian knows his disciples best. When he heard his heavy breathing, he knew that with so much foreshadowing ahead, this sentence was probably not useful, so he immediately raised his hand, indicating to Chief Xie Wen to stop first, and then asked Fangyuan: " what else?"

Fangyuan said: "After the disciples guarding the lake in the sect caught someone, the leader destroyed their palace cards and set up a killing array."

"Isn't this nonsense?"

Xue Shiqian scolded in a deep voice after hearing this. At the same time, other elders also showed expressions of disapproval on their faces.

Not to mention that the palace card is of great significance to a monk. This killing array can be used to destroy demons and retreat to fend off enemies, but it can never be used to persecute fellow Taoists from other sects.After a moment of silence, Xue Shiqian asked: "Who is the leader?"

Glancing at Xie Wenchang with a slightly embarrassed look, Fangyuan replied: "Sheng Gaoyang."

Everyone present fell silent.

Who is Sheng Gaoyang, the personal biography of Jie Wenchang!
Doing such a mindless thing would definitely make his master ashamed.

Sure enough, when Jie Wenzhang heard this, his old face turned red. Even though no one was looking at him, he held it in for a long time, and finally said with a pinched neck: "I don't care about this matter, as you like."

After saying that, he quickly left with his hands behind his back.

No matter how much he said, Fangyuan was still a junior. He felt a little guilty for refuting his uncle's reputation in front of everyone. Looking at his back angrily leaving, he couldn't help but said worriedly: "Uncle, he..."

"You don't have to worry. Your uncle is a good person and he will be fine in two days."

After two words to dispel Fangyuan's concerns, Xue Shiqian saw that he was still kneeling there, raised his hand to signal him to get up, and said seriously: "You did a good job in the Snow Valley. Entertain people well tonight, and wait until tomorrow. Just bring them two to see me."

"Yes, Master."

Fangyuan was ordered to stand up, and after bowing respectfully to everyone, he left the tower and headed towards Kedao to entertain the two from Jiuxue Valley.

That night, good wine, good food, and a good place to stay gave Tu Nian a good night's sleep. The next morning, the door was knocked many times before she woke up.

Outside the door, Chu Qiurong and Fangyuan were dressed neatly and had been waiting for a while.

Seeing that Tu Nian didn't respond, Fangyuan looked at Chu Qiurong questioningly.

Chu Qiurong received his gaze, gave him a reassuring gesture, and then said loudly to the door: "Little junior sister, if you don't come out, I will go in!"

"Stand there!"

These words were like a panacea. Tu Nian's voice immediately sounded, followed by a burst of kicking and banging in the room. Not long after, the door was pushed open.

Fangyuan couldn't help but give Chu Qiurong a thumbs up, but of course, he didn't let Tu Nian see it.

Stretching out, Tu Nian moved towards the two of them sleepily, "Is this a reminder so early in the morning? Over and over again, not even getting any sleep."

She felt so miserable when she thought of sacrificing a good night's sleep just to worship an old man.

Chu Qiurong followed her pace and rubbed her head in a funny way, "Who told you that you can't drink? You have to show off. Compared with last time, it's better to only sleep for these hours."

After being drunk twice, Tu Nian realized that she probably had no chance of such happiness. She was already very depressed, but Chu Qiurong had to remind her.

Slightly annoyed, Tu Nian slapped his hand away and said, "You still have the nerve to say that. As a grown man, if you don't drink with me, you just drink some flower dew and fruit drinks. I'm so petty, so I might as well just be a woman."

After saying that, he realized something was wrong. He stuck his head and added to Fangyuan, "I was talking about Senior Brother Chu, but I wasn't talking about you, Brother Fang."

Fangyuan was mentioned for no reason. He just turned his head to respond, but found that Tu Nian had already shrunk back. It was awkward to say anything at the moment, so he just got down to business and said, "I have to tell you something."

Hearing this, Tu Nian and Chu Qiurong looked at him together. Fangyuan looked back at the two of them and said seriously: "All the elders in the sect already know about Long Xikui's matter. Although there is something about Junior Brother Sheng, It’s not easy for you elders to pursue it, but if you go to see Master today, you will probably have to deal with it.”

Tu Nian was a little confused, "Cope with it?"

Seeing that she had misunderstood what he meant, Fang Yuan said in a different way: "Just tell the truth."

I’m very grateful to someone who gave me the monthly pass (it’s my first time receiving it, I don’t know who gave it to me).

I will work hard and live up to the judge's ticket!

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