Showdown, I am the koi of the world of immortality

Chapter 40 My junior sister must be the best

Chapter 40 My junior sister must be the best
Tu Nian used to think that those who had a good time that night and left without saying a word the next day were ridiculous, but now it seems that art comes from life, which makes some sense.

After what happened last night, she was too embarrassed to see Fan Chi anyway. Despite Chu Qiurong's teasing, she didn't dare to leave the door, so she climbed through the window and became a scumbag.

But in fact, the psychological torture was not that fatal. The most desperate thing was that when she checked the contents of the mustard seeds later, she saw that Zhang Qianli's transmission talisman was missing from the mustard seeds. She found that even the bag of spiritual stones that Nie Yanchen stuffed into her before leaving was missing.

Tu Nian was completely confused and went to ask Chu Qiurong. The other party didn't know anything about it. After several searches to no avail, he finally learned from Bo Qiu that he not only drank and had sex last night, but also ruined his family. .

At this time, she was already halfway to Bihaimen. If she went back now, she would be delayed for another day.

If a total of half a month is delayed for two days on the road, when you get to the sect, you can just eat a few bites and go home, and what skills will you learn?

There was no other way, so Tu Nian could only keep walking forward. The pain along the way made her heart throb, and she sighed behind Chu Qiurong.

Chu Qiurong was a bad-hearted person and couldn't help but laugh at her, "Spend a lot of money for beauty. Tsk tsk, my little junior sister must be the best."

Tu was quick to read, and the hand on his waist was as strong as revenge, "You still have the nerve to say it! Who was stuck in the crowd of women last night and couldn't come out? If you could have looked at me, could this have happened? ? That’s half of our sect’s savings, just throw it away like this!”

The more she spoke, the more distressed she became, and she almost burst into tears.

Those spiritual stones are enough for their sect to renovate quite a few places.

Chu Qiurong, however, was very generous. Yun Danfeng smiled softly, "Just let it go. After all, you still have a good life for a month and a half. When you go back, coax the master the same way you coax the girl. He pointed out Maybe I can let you spread the other half of my savings."

Having said this, he turned his head half way and teased her with a crooked look, "It's a pity that you are one of my own. Otherwise, if Master knew what happened last night, he would definitely be beaming with joy and wouldn't have to worry about talking about it for half a year."

The female cultivator's daughter hooked up with the girl. This matter was ranked in the top ten in Nie Yanchen's gossip book.

"You don't allow it!"

As expected, Tu Nian was annoyed by him. She tugged on his clothes and said, "You know what happened last night and I know it. If a third person finds out, I won't take care of you!"

Just kidding, that's Nie Yanchen. Once he knows about this, wouldn't it mean that the entire immortal world knows about it?
Hearing how excited she was, Chu Qiurong smiled broadly and said, "There's no use in letting light go. You'd better think about it first, how to explain it to Master when you go back."

"You still need to say..."

Tu Nian drooped his head depressedly, and was about to complain, when suddenly an idea came to his mind.


Catching the spiritual light, she excitedly threw herself on Chu Qiurong's shoulders, "Speaking of which, since we are going to Bihaimen, do we have to pass by Qianji Lake?"

Chu Qiurong nodded, "This is natural, and the rules of Bihaimen do not allow outsiders to cross Qianji Lake with swords. We have to walk through the nearby forest on foot, and then cross the bridge to reach the island in the middle of the lake."


Tu Nian said happily: "So we can catch some precious spiritual plants and refining stones along the Qianji Lake, and then bring them to the market to sell on the way back to the sect. In this way, we can make up for what Master has given us." Those spiritual stones?"

Just like the Lost Forest and the Far North Territory, Qianji Lake has beautiful bells and strong spiritual power. It is a place close to Bihaimen. Although there are many monsters, it is the easiest place to produce some precious herbs and tools.

If you can find good ones, not to mention a lot of spiritual stones, even if you can exchange them for some commodities and high-quality heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it is very possible.

Thinking about what she said, Chu Qiurong took a breath slowly and said: "The method you said is good, but although this Qianji Lake is clear and clear, it is vast and boundless, and you cannot reach the bottom even at the edge. I’m afraid it will take a lot of effort to get something that’s worth a good price.”

Speaking of this, he touched Tu Nian's head helplessly, "We are bound to get Bihaimen before tonight's evening, otherwise it will be delayed until tomorrow when the sect thanks the guests."

Tu Nian grinned, "How can I not know this? But, the mountain man has his own clever plan." "What?"

Hearing her inscrutable tone, Chu Qiurong couldn't help but look back at her curiously. After a while, she took out a black bead from the mustard seed.

At first, Chu Qiurong thought she was trying to be clever again, but when she saw the bead clearly, she lost her composure.

He opened his eyes wide and said with surprise: "Wudingzhu?"

"That's right." Tu Nianle grinned almost to his ears.

She asked Nie Yanchen for this before going out. She wanted to make some extra money while going out, but she didn't want to put it to great use.

Tu Nian still remembered that when she took out the Wuding Bead from the Qiankun Bag in front of Nie Yanchen, his expression was even more exaggerated than Chu Qiurong's now.

After all, he just kept the Qiankun Bag and had never seen it before. He really didn't expect that the top-quality treasure Tu Nian got from Yuzhe's pit would be this Wuding Pearl.

Similarly, after being shocked, Chu Qiurong couldn't help but give her a thumbs up, "Sure enough, my junior sister must be the best."

Tu Nian was not modest and nodded with deep understanding.

Now that we have the weapons in hand, the atmosphere has reached this point. If we don't make money, it won't make sense.

Chu Qiurong was also very supportive. When he saw this situation, he immediately tried his best to come quickly. The journey that originally took two or three hours was shortened to one and a half hours.

The original book once said that the beauty of Qianji Lake is unique in the world. Tu Nian didn't realize it when he read it, but now that he has actually seen it, he understands that its name of "unique in the world" is indeed true.

Although Qianji Lake is called a lake, it is actually vast and vast, as vast as the sea. Viewed from the air, it is clear and sparkling blue water. When you land on the ground and look at its vastness, you will have an awe-inspiring beauty. .

There are many ancient trees on the only road leading to the island in the middle of the lake. Their branches are lush and leafy, and they are swaying. As Tu Nian and Chu Qiurong stroll among them, they can often smell a refreshing and refreshing breath.

The two came to the lake and used the Wuding Pearl to fish for spiritual grass in the water. Occasionally they could see some aquatic monsters passing by. Their appearance was also smart and beautiful, which was very interesting.

While Tu Nian was busy by the lake, he looked at Bihaimen, a land with lush trees and charming scenery, and then thought about his sect's thousands of miles of frozen and uninhabited snow, and he couldn't help but sigh: "This is really Zong Bi Zong, Bi Death Zong."

After all, Chu Qiurong had been here with Nie Yanchen a few times. Although she was happy both physically and mentally when seeing the beautiful scenery, it was never to her level.

Putting the collected spiritual herbs into her small boxes, Chu Qiurong put his arms around her shoulders, "So, little junior sister, as the only Tushan person in the sect, you have to shine brightly and contribute to our sect." Earn spiritual stones a lot."

"When the day comes when our sect's family wealth can be as good as that of the Bihaimen, we will carefully renovate the Far North Region and rank it as 'the second most beautiful in the world of immortality'. Master, he will die in peace."

Indeed, regardless of whether it is beautiful or not, only by making the sect bigger and stronger can we beat those fools in the Yuqing Sect.

Tu Nianru thought and nodded firmly.

"That's right, my junior sister must be the best."

After Chu Qiurong complimented her with a frown, she went back to work. Tu Nian was stunned for a while and clicked his tongue.

how to say.

This sounds nice, but if you think about it carefully, why does it always feel like you are brainwashing her?
(End of this chapter)

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