Although everyone was puzzled, time was running out and they had to race against time.

So Bo Qiu left alone, and the others performed their duties. A quarter of an hour later, Tu Nian and four other people each wore a set of demon armor and gathered on time near a bush near the south of the city wall.


A faint horn sound came from the Demon King's Palace. The guards at the foot of the city wall ended their long patrols and moved their hands and feet to line up.

"It's now!"

Seeing that the guards south of the city wall also started to move in the direction of the formation, Tu Nian found their blind spot and quickly jumped out of the bushes. After approaching the guard team, he casually blended into their queue.

Jin Nanfeng and others followed suit and entered the rotation team one by one.

After a group of guards lined up at the south gate, the iron gate opened with a bang, and a group of guards in the same dress walked out. The leader's armor was particularly bright, as if it had been waxed, but in fact the light was inlaid with a demon. The effect behind the crystal is specially used to distinguish the identity of this person's leader.

Under the command of this person, the two teams quickly exchanged patrol badges and then alternated shifts.

From this point, we can also see that Tu Nian's plan is more forward-looking. If the illusion is shoddy, the number of people at this step alone will not be enough.

The four rightful masters are now sleeping soundly in the bushes not far away. Jin Nanfeng and Luo Qinghe acted in unison. Unless the matter is exposed, when the four unlucky ones wake up, Tu Nian and the others will , probably fled long ago.

Passing through the south gate in fear, several people successfully passed under the leader's nose and followed the guard team into the Demon King's Palace.

As expected, the Demon Emperor's Palace is magnificent, with the most ordinary walls and floors decorated with gold and stone. There are no windows in the palace, so there is an immortal shark lamp every five steps, illuminating the entire palace as bright as day.

The rest of the decoration and design in the palace can be roughly compared to those classic castles in Europe from the last century. It can only be said to be even better than the most magnificent Bihaimen Tu Nian has ever seen.

The guards in the outer hall that Tu Nian and his group followed were the lowest level among the demon guards. They could not move freely in the Demon King's Palace without a warrant, so after changing shifts, they usually went directly to the lounge or dormitory.

Just when Tu Nian was racking her brains to think of how to escape from the team, Bo Qiu's voice sounded in her head.

"Come this way."

Tu Nian looked up in surprise, and saw Bo Qiu, half leaning on the handrail of the staircase, looking at her at the entrance of the spiral staircase that he had just passed.

Immediately, Tu Nian gestured to Jin Nanfeng and others, and whispered: "Follow me."

Bo Qiu's voice came, and naturally no one among the four heard it except Tu Nian, but looking at Tu Nian's appearance, they could guess that she had found a way to escape, so they quickly followed her without asking for details. It wasn't until we returned to the intersection of the spiral staircase that we realized that Tu Nian was coming for Bo Qiu.

"How did you get in?"

As soon as he saw him, Su Youzhi couldn't wait to ask, but he pushed back Tu Nian who had just opened his mouth.

He raised his lips slightly and said, "A little trick."

He answered Su Youzhi, but he looked at Tu Nian. The former looked admiring and kept asking questions while the latter thought he was too peacock and shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

To be honest, when Tu Nian first heard him say that he could enter and leave the Demon Emperor's Palace at will, he thought he was exaggerating, but after thinking about it, he thought it was reasonable.

From the moment he entered the Cave Realm, Bo Qiu's understanding of the demon clan was as good as his knowledge of any place in the world of immortality. No matter what he was doing, he would just come to it with a leisurely stroll. It's like entering your own backyard.

She even seriously doubted whether this old fox was originally from the demon clan. After all, the three noble bloodlines in Warcraft were the giant python, the red fox and the bat. However, Bo Qiu was very strict. No matter how he tried to test her, he would just smile and say nothing. At most, he would say that he wanted to leave her in suspense and give her some surprises.

The most annoying thing for Tu Nian is to guess people's thoughts, so he simply ignores it. Otherwise, just imagine, if you want to dig out the secrets of an old antique that has lived for more than three thousand years, what will it take? Anyway, her brain can't hold it.

At this time, Su Youzhi, who had almost finished tricking Bo Qiu, changed the topic and said, "It's so easy for us to sneak in. It seems that the Demon Emperor's Palace is not as scary as the legend."

"Okay, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known you were here for sightseeing. In that case, you can continue watching. We'll excuse you now."

After casually teasing this girl's innocence, Tu Nian turned his gaze back and raised his chin towards Boqiu, "Do you know where the prison is in the west of the palace?"

Boqiu responded to her request, crossed his arms and raised his chin towards her, "Follow me."


Seeing that Ji Xue and the others were about to leave without him and his senior brother, Su Youzhi called out hastily, then walked around and poked Bo Qiu in front of him, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Didn't the young master agree to help us find Fengli?" ?”

"Youzhi, stop making trouble, the snow has their own business."

Luo Qinghe, who had been following her this time, did not remain silent. He stepped forward and pulled her aside, and said to Tu Nian and the others, "You can go ahead. We will handle the rest ourselves."

"Senior brother!" Su Youzhi's face showed a hint of unwillingness.

Seeing these two people making trouble, Tu Nian raised his eyebrows.

Don't mention it, although Luo Qinghe is a stinky person and has no brains to protect his shortcomings, but apart from these, this person still has merits. At least he is polite, and his face is not as thick as other licking dogs. These two points are enough. Xiao Yunxiang was so big before he was dumped.

But at this stage, the relationship between Luo Qinghe and Su Youzhi seems to be still developing?

Then once her beauty trick comes out, if she can really seduce Su Youzhi into stupidity, won't her emotional line collapse?

Thinking of this possibility, Tu Nian's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sister Su is so quick to put his hat on," she quickly took over Yu Qing's mess, trying her best to sound disdainful, "It's a matter of love to help you, but it's a duty not to help. Why are you ungrateful? Are you kicking your nose and getting angry?"

Keenly aware that Tu Nian's mood was not quite right, Bo Qiu lowered his eyes to look at her, trying to figure out what else she was planning, when a sudden voice made the corners of his eyes twitch.

"Quickly coax her!"

What the heck...

Bo Qiu guessed that she was going to play tricks on him again, but he didn't expect such a dramatic development.


He just thought that Tu Nian and Su Youzhi had quarreled again. They were afraid that the two aunts would bring trouble to the demon clan, so Luo Qinghe and Jin Nanfeng stopped one of them.

Coaxing people?

Chewing on this word, Boqiu raised his fox eyes and said, "If you say you want to help, I will help you, so A-Nian, don't worry about it."

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