Showdown, I am the koi of the world of immortality

Chapter 147 Law of Conservation of Luck

"Sprite and lion fur, bone-eating bird claws, blood silkworm's all there."

Jin Nanfeng gave an order, and Tu Nian's three senior brothers each went to work with their swords, and she was the only one left. She flipped through a stack of brown paper from beginning to end, and couldn't find a single name. She and Bo Qiuchu stared at each other on the street. Stare.

Although the entry-level bounty orders in the Bounty Pavilion rarely involve people, and most of them focus on spirits and monsters, it can't be such a coincidence that all the easy things fall into your own hands, right?

"Your senior brother really cares for you." Bo Qiu said with a smile.

"It's good sometimes and bad." Tu Nian leaned against him and closed his eyes.

The advantage is that she saves herself trouble, but the disadvantage is that she probably has to watch her senior brothers work, and her eyelids are really heavy.

"Why did you fall asleep? Are you tired?"

Over there, Chu Qiurong had just returned from killing a demon practicing Qi. Seeing her drowsy look, she called out.

Tu Nian stood up straight, blinked and cheered up, and saw that he was wrapping the ten white fingers of a certain demon in the brown paper of the reward order.

"You have to leave evidence like this to do this?" She yawned to express her shock.

Being protected like a hothouse flower, the matter of killing would probably not fall on her for a while, but even if she didn't have to do it, she still had to study to prepare for the future. After all, the price of a high-level bounty was still very high. She was heartbroken.

"Not really."

After wrapping up the man's severed finger, Chu Qiurong explained to her: "Generally, for a reward for life, you only need to use a shadow stone to prove it."

"But there are also bounties that require additional requirements because you are seeking revenge."

He said a trick to get rid of the smell of blood on his hands, and glanced at the newly wrapped brown paper, "This means he stole all the family's life-extending money, so he has to cut off his fingers."

"Is this okay?"

Tu Nian sighed first, then smacked his lips with regret on his face, "What a pity."

Chu Qiurong was confused, "What's the pity?"

Tu Nian said sincerely: "It would be nice if the Bounty Pavilion's business could be wider."

In this case, she can work hard to save money, and then offer a reward for the tongues of Yuzhe and Su Youzhi. It makes me happy just thinking about it.

Chu Qiurong smiled and agreed, "Who says it's not the case? It's a pity that the people in the Bounty Pavilion are all old-fashioned. Before the dynasty changed, this was probably not possible."

Tu Nian shrugged nonchalantly, thinking that the topic was over, but then Bo Qiu's voice unexpectedly came from her mind.

"If you really want to, I will help you with this matter after I recover a little bit."

The clouds are light and the wind is gentle, but very determined.

Raising her head to meet his eyes, Tu Nian's heart skipped a beat. When the message came back, he also joked, "Do you know what I want to do? Just praise Haikou like this."

"Bullying people." Bo Qiu thought for a while and asked, "Did you call Su Youzhi?"

Tu Nian pouted, "Just remember the beauty, right?"

Bo Qiu raised his eyebrows and said, "It turns out that I am still thinking about my master."

Tu Nian didn't say anything, thinking depressedly about why this man's mind was spinning so fast.

Seeing that she was silent, Bo Qiu smiled and hugged her shoulder, "Why do you dare to think about it, but are afraid to actually do it?"

Tu Nian could accept being criticized, but he would never accept being called a coward. He immediately retorted: "Am I a coward in this matter? When your cultivation level recovers, how long will it take? If I care about you. If so, do we still have to put it on the epitaph?"

"It's not that difficult," Bo Qiu teased her, "It can't be more difficult than taking care of a drunken female gangster." Who is the gangster?

After hearing this, Tu Nian pretended to glare angrily and ignored him, but he made a happy note in his heart.

Seriously. The ancestors are the big ones, so the treatment is not too good.

The demons like the clouds and come out a lot during the day and night. From the sudden appearance of Jiuxue and the others to their frequent visits to residential areas, they quickly attracted the attention of some wandering demons nearby. The three of them were waiting here. As time went by, the number of demons around him gradually increased.

"They seem to have noticed us." Tu Nian lowered his voice.

After secretly glancing at the demons around him, Chu Qiurong made a quick decision, "Let's wait somewhere else."

The other two were convinced.

After leaving the street at the beginning, Tu Nian and others finally decided to find a corner to wait for someone, so as not to wander around on the street and cause unnecessary trouble.

It is worth mentioning that, except for Tu Nian's roll of kraft paper, which was specially screened, the reward orders obtained by Jiuxue and the other three were indeed random.

Chu Qiurong was undoubtedly the luckiest one. The two missions in the slums were found not long after. Although Jin Nanfeng did not go so smoothly, he returned to the team before dawn, leaving only Xu Ziqiao. .

He was probably tripped up by something. A few hours passed, and Tu Nian even squinted for a nap, but now it was almost dawn and he didn't wait for others to come back.

"Is nothing going to happen?" She glanced at the two senior brothers hesitantly, "How about I use the Thousand Miles Telephone Note to ask?"

Chu Qiurong looked at Jin Nanfeng.

After thinking for a moment, Jin Nanfeng said, "Wait a little longer."

Tu Nian had no choice but to put back the talisman he had picked up.

Fortunately, hard work paid off. At dawn, everyone finally saw Xu Ziqiao's flying figure. However, at this moment, they also discovered that they seemed to be waiting for more than just Xu Ziqiao.

The first one bounced off the ground. Tu Nian nervously pointed in the direction in which Xu Ziqiao was running, "Third senior brother, what's behind that?"

Chu Qiurong turned his eyes and stood up with a solemn expression, "There are many, many people. And by visual inspection, they are all members of the demon clan."

Swallowing his saliva, Tu Nian said: "Do you think they will come to take care of us?"


Chu Qiurong was silent, thinking, but before she could speak, Xu Ziqiao, who was running over there and was about to join a few people, shouted loudly.


While running desperately, Xu Ziqiao's shout was the limit. You must know that the person chasing him was not an ordinary demon, but a demon guard with noble blood!

Tu Nian didn't even think about it, and ran out with his legs that were ready to go.

With her taking the lead, the other three immediately followed. Xu Ziqiao, who was falling far away, gritted his teeth and increased his speed, finally meeting them near the intersection.

"Why are you causing trouble again!"

While running wildly, Chu Qiurong was holding up her breath and yelling at Xu Ziqiao who was just catching up with the team.

"It was her mother's fault that the reward was announced! The person living in that house was not a bloodthirsty fallen demon at all, but her mother's leader of the guards!"

Xu Ziqiao ran and cursed, his whole spirit falling into a state of madness, "I don't understand why her mother's leader of the bodyguards wants to live in such a ghost place, why it's my mother's turn. There’s a reward for getting this shit!”

The speed did not slow down, and the curse became louder than the last one.

Although Tu Nian ran very hard, she could still tell that her third senior brother, who was lacking any strength, was really broken.

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