Bo Qiu traveled quickly. It only took him a little over two hours to get from the Far North to Wozhou. After wandering around Wozhou, Tu Nian took a look and chose a deserted alley to stay. .

As soon as he landed, Tu Nian didn't worry about anything else. He took the lead in making a gesture and transformed into a man. After the transformation, he took out the bronze mirror and took a look at it. When he was satisfied, he hung Boqiu around his waist. He took out the wooden box containing the talismans, put his hands behind his back, kicked Waiba and walked out of the alley in a swagger.

Seeing her acting like a grown-up, Bo Qiu couldn't help laughing, "How did she get into such a horrible state?"

Tu Nian didn't take it seriously, "You're out to make money, so you have to keep a low profile."

Bo Qiu said sincerely: "What a different kind of low-key. To a certain extent, this has surpassed the high-profile."

He's really not exaggerating. Just like what happened with Song Chi last time, in order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, Tu Nian deliberately changed his face this time and packed himself matching clothes from beginning to end.

He was unshaven, half-bald, with a half-open collar on his upper body, revealing a section of oily lining. He wore ill-fitting floor-length trousers on his lower body, and a pair of cloth shoes that were only half-lifted. He was still holding a pipa, half-hiding At the bottom of the trousers.

Facts have proved that as a professional designer, as good as he is at avoiding lightning points, he is as good at giving them away from lightning points. When she wears this outfit, she doesn't believe that she can make an own mistake.

In order to hide from others, Tu Nianxuan's destination was some distance away from Wauzhou. Now that he was out of an alley, he had to cross two paths to get there.

After walking for about a cup of tea, Tu Nian saw the main entrance of Wozhou. In fact, to be more precise, it was a hole vacated between the rocks. It had nothing to do with luxury and splendor, but it could easily capture people. Eyeball, because the hole is very regular, and people in a hurry will come in and out of the dark hole from time to time.

Before entering the hole, it is difficult for people to imagine what kind of world exists on the other side of the hole. But after they actually go there, they will know that that world is actually easy to describe.

Canton Vaud can be roughly understood as a business district.

Naturally, the world of cultivating immortals is so large that there cannot be only one business district in Vaud, but compared to other business districts, Vaud is richer and more inclusive.

Whether it's high-end beauty treasures, spiritual weapons and elixirs, or unsavory romantic places, or illegal goods, you can find everything you can think of here. It's like a lawless place.

After all, when practicing a stall, of course the market environment is more suitable for your temperament. This is what Tu Nian came here to see.

What's more important is that here, no one will trouble anyone for a small amount of money. To put it bluntly, everyone who comes here has the ability to be taken advantage of.

However, nothing has the best of both worlds. Corresponding to the absolute freedom of commerce and trade is the absolutely chaotic public security in Canton Vaud. In canton Vaud, no one will argue over money, but a brush or a verbal dispute may cause a dispute. riot.

This is also the reason why Bo Qiu is not happy to let Tu Nian come here. The money is easy to make, but it is also really dangerous.

Someone has roughly estimated the annual number of casualties in Vaud canton. It is no exaggeration to say that it can be described in four words: making ends meet.

Therefore, almost all the people who do business in Canton Vaud started from scratch. If an inexperienced novice comes here, he will either fall under the calculation of the veteran and lose his life and money; or he will have no desire and no desire. Please, just make some quick money.

Tu Nian is obviously the latter. Again, she is a contented person. Most people who regard wealth as their life cannot escape the fate of being eaten back by money, so she chooses to be a little rich and live a life with her tail between her legs. The process of walking through the cave entrance to Wozhou made Tu Nian involuntarily think of Spirited Away. Although she had read about it in the original novel and probably knew about the lavish life and glamor of this place, when she actually saw it with her own eyes, she was still attracted by it. His true appearance shocked him greatly.

The gold bricks and silver tiles here are just the most tacky decoration. Let’s just talk about the spiritual weapon shop in front of her. The doors and windows are filled with foxtail glass, the tiles are lined with Tiangang stones, and that one wall is made of bricks and stones made of black gold. The surface, the quality is only better than what I saw in Yuzhe Library that day.

The decoration alone is already so wealthy, one can imagine how precious materials are used in the spiritual tools produced by this shop, and how valuable they will be.

And this is just one of the many shops. The other talisman shops, elixir shops, sellers of all kinds of monster furs and organs, and elixirs and plants are even more exaggerated.

In addition, the Nascent Soul cultivators that can be seen everywhere are equally astonishing. They are either walking alone or following various wealthy children and business bosses. Their temperament is completely different from that of the decent disciples Tu Nian saw during the competition. Different, there is a vicious murderous look in their eyes.

There are also countless hook stalls, stalls, beauties and cowherds. Tu Nian has always liked prosperous pedestrian streets and commercial streets. The more overcrowded the area, the more she likes to go there. However, even though she has visited various business districts in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, she can't choose any place that can compare with Wo. compared to states.

Seeing her stunned, Bo Qiu thought she was frightened, so he said, "It's not too late to change your mind now. Beimang Mountain is not far from here. If we go now, we can still sell for a while before the sun sets..."

"It's so beautiful here." Tu Nian suddenly sighed.

"?" It turns out that this girl was thinking about this when she was stunned! ?

Bo Qiu felt that he was simply wasting his feelings.

"Then let's find a stall first." Tu Nian said to himself, and started walking around the street with the wooden box in his arms.

When God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you.

Tu Nian thought this was a good statement. She has been walking around with this image until now, and no bloody plot has appeared, so much so that she even has the urge to live with this image in the future. Of course, it's just impulsive. It's quite challenging for her to actually use this image.

After walking around and taking a look, Tu Nian finally decided to set up a stall near his brothel. The reason was very simple. There was a lot of water in this place, and there were also a lot of dandies. Maybe some beautiful girl would like her talisman, act like a coquettish girl, and attract young men. It's possible to spend a lot of money to make her happy.

"That's it."

After learning from a few stalls on the road, Tu muttered a formula and turned it into a table in front of him. She placed the wooden box at the far end, then arranged a group of ten talismans one by one on the table. Finally, she took up a pen and wrote a note and posted it in front of the wooden box, saying "A group of ten top-grade talismans".

After doing this, she sat by the table with satisfaction and waited for the opening. After a while, she felt something was wrong. She slapped her head, raised her hand and turned it into a small lounge chair, and lay down on it with her legs crossed. .

Okay, let’s work together! Now everything is ready, all it needs is to open.

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