"Sorry everyone, I'll take the first step."

Liu Yuzhi, who was proficient in movement skills, stepped on the treetops and chased out first. The remaining two girls in Yanyu also moved quickly and without any tricks. They flew around in circles and threw away the people in Mingdao Tower, and followed closely. She left.

"Let's go too!" Yan Xiao gave the order, and everyone in Ming Dao Tower immediately followed.

As his opponent ran away and his companions also slipped away, Duan Linsheng and his teammates hurriedly chased him. They happened to bump into the people from Mingdao Tower who were speeding up to catch up. They saw Yan Xiao teasing him with a funny look: "You are an alliance? It’s so unreliable.”

Duan Linsheng glanced at him, then looked back, his expression remained unchanged, but the speed of wielding the sword increased a lot.

Just like this, under the astonished gazes of the spectators outside the field, what was supposed to be a melee between masters and deadly moves suddenly and inexplicably turned into a funny scene of Tu Nian alone leading a large group of people behind him to drive a train.

Seeing those descendants who were revered as the proud sons of heaven by the cultivating world, gradually turned into little mad dogs by Tu Nian, Uncle Linglong on the terrace was already laughing so hard.

"Yanchen, your apprentice is really, really great!"

She giggled and patted Lou Tianhe beside her uncontrollably, not caring about the darkened faces of the sect leaders of those sects that had not yet been eliminated.

Although Baihua has also been eliminated, Lou Tianhe is still more restrained than Taishu Linglong. She coughed lightly and held down the opponent's hand. She reminded in a low voice: "Pay attention to your image."

But let alone Uncle Linglong, even Xue Shiqian couldn't help but rub his face when he saw the current scene.

There are people digging holes in front of this place, and people walking their dogs in the back...

"Little friend Tu, this is a bit too much."

The number of hands covering his face changed from one to two, and Nie Yanchen wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Looking at the red dust mirror again, Tu Nian, who is at the front, is leaning on Bo Qiu's sword in a strange posture at the moment, holding the sword hilt tightly with both hands, and moving forward at high speed like riding a broomstick.

"Jian, Brother Jian, you're so slow—ouch—"

Walking through the dense jungle, watching the scene flashing before his eyes as if his cell phone was turned on at triple speed, Tu Nian was really afraid that Boqiu wouldn't be able to react in time and would throw herself into the tree. You know, she was facing the tree now. Before, if you really start a fight, your appearance will be ruined!

"Still too slow? If you are too slow, you will be caught."

Boqiu responded to her lightly, then felt her body shaking, and added: "If you are afraid, just close your eyes."

It sounds very gentle, considerate and masculine, oh no, the male sword is charming, right?


"Are you kidding me? I closed my eyes. Do you know where to go?" Tu Nian howled into the wind.

If she could close her eyes, she would have closed them long ago, right?

She came here to serve as bait. She only woke up Bo Qiu on the way. Now that he doesn't rely on her to guide him, should he be allowed to wander around in the forest like a headless fly?

Bo Qiu analyzed calmly, "Normally speaking, they can't catch up with us before I run out of power."

Tu Nian was on the verge of crying, "I know you're going to be close, so watch the road carefully!"

In fact, Bo Qiu really couldn't slow down this speed.

Luo Qinghe was chasing after her. Although Tu Nian was dozens of meters ahead of her, both sides were moving very fast. It could be said that once Bo Qiu slowed down, the two sides would collide at the speed of light, and there would be no need to do so after that. After thinking about it, Tu Nian didn't want either token or teleportation bead. Following closely behind her, Luo Qinghe looked at her back, with many doubts rising in his heart.

In previous years, the tokens were mostly carried by the strongest person in the team. Su Youzhi was asked to bring the tokens with the intention of being unexpected, and it also meant to protect her and the tokens together. Let's look at their fight with Yinyue. Duan Linsheng knew the effectiveness of this method without attacking Su Youzhi from beginning to end, but why didn't it work when it came to Tu Nian?

And her current level of escape.

Is that speed really achievable by a foundation-building monk? Or, like Junior Sister Youzhi, she has already made a breakthrough...


Thinking of this, Luo Qinghe shook his head vigorously. He couldn't tell whether he thought it was really impossible, or whether he didn't dare to continue thinking about it. After all, the top priority was to get the token back from Tu Nian, otherwise if he really fell into trouble with a young baby today, In my hand, especially the doll covered with snow! They, Yuqing and others, are really about to become the laughing stock of the entire cultivating world.

Yan Xiao, who had been lagging behind at first, was gradually catching up. He used a flying talisman, which was not as fast as Yujian, but was lighter.

Adjusting his speed to stand side by side with Luo Qinghe, his temporary ally, he joked, "That little beauty of yours is really ruthless. In order not to expose the location of the token, she refused to move even when she was eliminated. It's a pity, you're not lucky, so come here The little girl who made the sneak attack has good eyesight."

There was obvious gloating in his tone. Luo Qinghe listened and glanced at him coldly, "Don't forget, we are a cooperative relationship now. If you have time to make sarcastic remarks, you might as well think about how to get the token back. Otherwise, wait for Yanyu Be the first to arrive, and you will have something to look at when the time comes."

"A cooperative relationship?"

In a longer tone, Yan Xiao said meaningfully: "It seems that I only promised the little beauty to cooperate. Now that the beauty is gone, I am left with a boring and stinky man..."

Luo Qinghe's eyes turned cold, "Do you want to regret it?"

A smile spread across Yan Xiao's face, "I'm just kidding, I still prefer to get along with you compared to the scourges of Misty Rain and the saints of Silver Moon Hall."

"Come on, I'll block her."

If a talisman cultivator with Jindan cultivation uses all his strength, it is even more terrifying than a sword cultivator. Yan Xiao casually took out a talisman made of gold and pressed it against his body. Within a few breaths, the distance between him and Tu Nian shortened visibly.

"I go!"

Hearing the approaching sound of piercing the air behind her, Tu Nian instinctively turned her head and glanced. When she saw Yan Xiao approaching her at an extremely fast speed, she couldn't help but shout out her native language.

Looking back, she quickly directed Bo Qiu to move closer to the trap, "Left side, left side! Quick, then go through the stone forest!"

For the rest of the journey, Tu Nian was giving instructions while turning back to confirm the opponent's position. When she was less than a kilometer away from the destination, her back was completely wet with cold sweat.

Just a little bit closer.

Gritting her teeth, Tu Nian closed her hand and grabbed the blade of the sword, opened her palm and fed the blood to Bo Qiu. This move was indeed effective. The red light on the sword flashed slightly and speeded up again. The time gained was enough for her to reach the trap. .

At this moment, everyone in the snow who had been waiting by the trap for two and a half hours finally caught a hint of movement.

"Listen, is there any sound over there?"

Chu Qiurong excitedly confirmed with everyone, and received equally excited responses from them.

"Yes, Junior Sister has brought you back!" Feeling the aura of the talisman painted there, Song Chengming's spirits rose.

"Everyone get ready!"

Following Chu Qiurong's order, Jiuxue and Liu Yuzhu affixed the Hidden God Talisman and hid breathlessly on the trees around the trap, waiting for their prey to enter the net.

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