Showdown, I am the koi of the world of immortality

Chapter 11 Commonalities Between Sound-Crazy and Sword-Crazy

Chapter 11 Commonalities Between Sound-Crazy and Sword-Crazy

Thinking that it would be better to plead guilty than to raise an army to accuse him, Tu Nian gritted his teeth and was about to give in when he suddenly heard Bo Qiu say: "You just said that you are the only one left in the Tushan clan. What did you mean?"

Tu Nian never expected that he would ask this. He was stunned for a moment, and then said after a moment of silence: "My clan has gradually declined since the battle with the Lang clan 200 years ago, and its vitality was severely damaged. The clan members were either arrested or killed. Being killed almost ended the inheritance.”

"My family was the last bloodline of the Tushan clan. Until three years ago, my father and mother were killed by their enemies. Now I am the only one left in the Tushan clan."

When she read this paragraph in the original book, she lamented that it only took a hundred years for such a large clan to decline.

After hearing this, Bo Qiu didn't speak again for a long time. It wasn't until Tu Nian called him carefully that he said, "Come here."

Although Tu Nian didn't know why, he didn't want to annoy him, so he responded.

When she reached the sword, Bo Qiu said again: "Put your palm on the blade."

Tu Nian did as he was told and raised his hand to touch the blade of the sword.

After a moment, she felt a heat in her palm, and a bright red color flowed from her palm to the sword body. At the same time, the heat in her palm flowed into her body along her meridians, and finally stopped at her tailbone.

The whole process didn't last long, but Tu Nian felt an inexplicable sense of comfort.

After it was over, Bo Qiu said: "Your tailbone is my mark. This sword will be yours from now on. If you call me in the future, you only need to focus your spiritual power on the mark."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Tu Nian to respond. He just said that he was a little tired and then fell silent.

Tu Nian was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, not only because of Bo Qiu's good temper, but also because of the profound meaning contained in his last sentence "I'm tired".

In short, it was inexplicable that this matter went nowhere.

At night, she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. When she closed her eyes, her mind was filled with Bo Qiu's tone when he said those words.

Tired and sad, helpless and regretful.

Her intuition told her that Boqiu and the Tushan family must have an unknown connection, but Boqiu deliberately concealed it, and it would be difficult for her to ask.

The moonlight filtered in through the window sill, dimly touching the blade of his sword, passing through its lines, and then hitting Tu Nian's eyes, rubbing against her face like a veil.

Unable to sleep anyway, she looked at him all night long under the moonlight.

In the next few days, Bo Qiu never spoke again.

Because he said he wanted to rest at that time, Tu Nian didn't bother him and went about his own business.

Now that he has his sword, it’s time to put practice on the agenda.

Tu Nian's original intention was to practice talisman cultivation first, but it would still be a few days before Nie Yanchen returned to the sect. Jin Nanfeng was busy with sect affairs, and there was no one else who was good at talisman cultivation in the sect at the moment. He had no choice but to practice sword.

I originally thought I would take advantage of the opportunity to avoid laziness and just practice with the outer disciples, but Chu Qiurong stepped forward and took over this important task.

It doesn't make sense for others to work so hard for me, but I don't appreciate it.

Although he was extremely reluctant, Tu Nian still allowed him to drag himself up to the main peak before dawn and began a day of hard training.

Bo Qiu was still resting in the Qiankun bag. When practicing, Tu Nian used the red sword practiced by the outer sect.

Chu Qiurong studied under Nie Yanchen and was very proficient in swordsmanship. With his personal demonstration and easy-to-understand explanations, Tu Nian understood it quickly and started practicing immediately.

But I don’t know if the original owner’s sword-mad gene was too strong. Tu Nian had a good idea, but his hands and feet looked like he was drunk. In addition, the red sword was heavier than an ordinary sword, and the bracket was crushed and chipped. Sweep, after making a set of basic sword postures, I was wrong by [-]%.

There is a saying that if no one mentions a tone-deaf person, they will not realize that they are tone-deaf.

Now it seems that Jian Chi is the same.

Every time Tu Nian practiced next, her mistakes were all weird and unique, especially with her concentrated face, people who didn't know it thought she was dancing.

Chu Qiurong was seen breaking out in cold sweat.

Finally, when Tu Nian was about to start training for an unknown number of times, Chu Qiurong stopped her and said, "Junior sister, please stop for a moment." She stopped her posture and Tu Nian looked at him in confusion.

Taking the wooden sword from her hand, Chu Qiurong said: "Little junior sister, it is good to be diligent, but swordsmanship cannot be practiced in a day. It must be done in a balanced manner between work and rest."

As he spoke, he gestured to Tu Nian to look up. The latter suddenly realized that after practicing several times, he was already three poles above the sun.

Wrinkling his nose and smiling at Chu Qiurong, Tu Nian said, "I'm sorry, Second Senior Brother. Before practice, I thought I couldn't delay your meal, but I didn't expect that it was too late in a flash."

Chu Qiurong said indifferently: "I hope that San'er will delay me once again. If he can work half as hard as you, he won't be stuck in the middle stage of Jindan for so long."

Tu Nian was curious, "Did Third Senior Brother also practice with you? Why didn't he see anyone else?"

Chu Qiurong hated that iron could not become steel, "God knows where that kid went crazy again, let me catch him instead of curing his laziness."

"It should be."

Tu Nian responded casually, but in his heart he felt that Xu Ziqiao's absence was probably because of her presence.

Just as I was thinking about it, my stomach suddenly growled twice. Just then, neither of them spoke, which sounded particularly lively.

Tilting her head disobediently, Chu Qiurong could hardly suppress the raised corners of her mouth.

He must not laugh. If he does, the junior sister will be embarrassed to death.

Tu Nian: Do you think I am blind?

Putting aside his poor acting skills, Tu Nian suggested before digging out an apartment with his toes: "Senior brother has been practicing with me for so long, why don't I treat him to a meal."

Although Chu Qiurong had already escaped from the valley, he still had to go down the slope, "It's very good."

Tu Nian said it was a treat, but in fact there was no place to spend money in the sect, especially the outer sect. The breakfast, lunch and dinner were all arranged, and at most they could only choose from a few fixed dishes. It’s just a lot of tricks.

Seeing that he was not invited to the meal, Tu Nian didn't worry. He simply stuffed two spiritual stones into Chu Qiurong and said, "Senior brother, don't be polite to me. I'll just give it as a discount."

Then she went to get food without looking back, leaving Chu Qiurong feeling sighing for a while as she looked at the two low-grade spiritual stones that were not enough to buy a meal.

If his money-losing master could manage the household half as well as his junior sister, their sect would probably have flourished long ago.

The only advantage of the sect's big pot meal is that there is no limit, so Tu Nian was a little more generous when he started.

When he took the two mountains from her hand, Chu Qiurong took a shallow breath and said, "Junior sister, you really can't tell a person's face."

"When it comes to eating, there's no reason not to be full."

After sitting down, Tu Nian lowered his voice and asked him: "By the way, senior brother, do you feel that everyone seems to be looking at us?"

She really wasn't narcissistic. She only saw others peeking at her more than three or five times while going back and forth to get food.

There were even some groups discussing something, and while talking, they glanced at her, which made her really unhappy.

Chu Qiurong was worrying about the unfinished meal. When he heard what she said, he suddenly understood: "The inner sect and the outer sect of our sect are completely separate, and the content of their training is also completely different. My senior brother and I I rarely come to the outer door."

"It's probably because the disciples from the outer sect looked at us two more times because they were surprised. You don't need to take it to heart."

"That's it."

With a low voice, Tu Nian tried to ignore the eager gazes, but when she was stared at like this while eating, she always felt like she had a stomachache.

So she finished the meal at an astonishing speed despite several surprised looks, then informed Chu Qiurong and walked out of the house with the dinner plate.

Enemies met on a narrow road, and they met Xu Ziqiao coming in with an empty plate. Sparks sparked as soon as the two met.

To be precise, it was Xu Ziqiao's unilateral Mars.

(End of this chapter)

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