Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 409: Which warehouse will the seeds be in?

Chapter 409: Which warehouse will the seeds be in?

The starlight was shallow, and the dead branches of the dense forest were outlined as a dark shadow, like dead black grass in turbid sewage.

The crow of jackdaws is particularly scary.

The wind that blows by from time to time makes a thin sound through the dry forest. The sound seems to be absent, but it makes the mountain forest even more secluded.

More than 700 soldiers held their breath, hiding in this darkness and silence. Only in front of Zhang Jin, there was a little light, as faint as a firefly in the huge forest.

"Seven secret warehouses, which secret warehouse will the seeds be hidden in? The guards outside the secret warehouse are all the same. There is no distinction between one and the other. Now we can only use the terrain conditions as a breakthrough."

Zhou Yi lit a fire certificate for him, and he carefully looked at the map in his hand.

Zhou Yi told him: "These secret warehouses are all set up in natural caves. The seeds are afraid of moisture, so they must be piled in higher and dry caves, otherwise the seeds will be spoiled."

"In addition, this mountain range is also divided into sunny and shady areas. When people store seeds, they must face the sun. In this way, these two can be eliminated, and there are five more."

Zhang Jin rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Not all of these caves are equally big. Some are piled more, and some are piled less. Even if two are excluded, we have no way to tell which one the seeds are in. "

"Plus they are so cautious, maybe not every one of these five caves has something inside. Some of them may just be a cover-up, but in fact there is nothing inside."

Zhou Yi agreed very much: "There are about 150 people guarding these caves, but there are no camps. Where do they live on weekdays?"

Zhang Jin replied: "These people should not show up on weekdays, otherwise it would be too obvious for them to be so guarded. They should only show up tonight."

"But the warehouse is so important. They can't be too far away. Since there is no camp nearby, I suspect they live in caves."

"Before the things are moved away, they will live in the cave and guard the things. When the things are moved away, they are the people who can ensure that the things can be moved out quickly."

Zhou Yi pointed to two of the caves: "Our spies came to report that the road in front of these two caves seems to be often stepped on. Do they live in these two caves?"

Zhang Jin nodded: "It is very possible that one of the two caves you mentioned was the one we just ruled out, so now we can basically rule out three caves."

Zhou Yi added: "In the beginning, they were mainly concentrated near these two caves, but suddenly these people were evenly separated and guarded in front of different caves..."

Zhang Jin sighed: "I also think the things are in these two caves, but I cannot rule out a very difficult situation."

Zhou Yi asked: "Vice General Zhang, which one are you referring to?"

Zhang Jin said: "That is, the embezzled military rations have not been transported away. Each of these qualified caves has both seeds and grain."

Zhou Yi looked worried: "If that's the case, it would be terrible. We can divide the manpower into several teams and go to different caves."

"But if we can't get the seeds and install them in a short time, then when the nearby garrison comes to support us, we will inevitably have to fight a tough battle."

"That's not the worst part. There are several caves scattered throughout the mountain. The closest distance is two or three miles. If one of the teams has a problem, we can't support each other!"

Zhang Jin rubbed his brows: "It would be great if Miss Bai was here. She would be able to make a quick judgment. It's almost the fourth day and there's not much time. What should we do?"

Zhou Yi gave him an idea: "Vice General Zhang, Mr. Jiang is less than a quarter of an hour away from us. Maybe we can wait for Mr. Jiang to come over and ask his opinion."

Zhang Jin made a decision immediately: "We don't have much time to wait. You and the brothers continue to wait here while I go to meet him. It will save a little time."


on the other hand.

Bai Mingwei had already led a thousand pursuing soldiers more than ten miles away.At this time, she came to a suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge connects two cliffs and is about tens of feet long. At the bottom is a bottomless abyss of thousands of feet. The bottom is invisible in the distance. From the deepest place, the sound of river water lapping against the cliff can be heard.

This is a section of the river upstream of the dock. After the water gathered from all directions passes through this section of the canyon, the water changes from rapid to gentle.

It is precisely because of this that a small dock can be built below. However, although the dock is small, it is an important station for the northern waterway to land.

Before the wharf was built, traffic in the area mainly depended on land. Even on such a towering cliff, someone built this suspension bridge to save some distance.

If the suspension bridge is destroyed, it will take at least five hours to circle back from the other side.

Bai Mingwei took a fancy to this and led his pursuers here.

Because not every pursuer has a horse, this also gives Zubai Mingwei enough time to prepare.

She first led Captain Jiao to the opposite side, tied the horse to a tree trunk, then came back with a large coil of rope and tied the rope to a big tree. Then she pulled the other end of the rope and walked to the opposite side. .

In this way, a rope also connects the two cliffs.

This rope was the one she used before. After setting the boat on fire, she went to get it back before going to rob Captain Jiao.

After doing all this, Bai Mingwei walked up to Captain Jiao. Under Captain Jiao's horrified eyes, she cut off Captain Jiao's hand tendons and hamstrings without hesitation, even his tongue/head was cut off by her. Next section.

Lieutenant Jiao kept rolling over in pain. Even if he tried his best, he could only make a "wow" sound.

The heartbreaking pain, the unbearable pain, was clearly shown in Jiao Xiaowei's behavior.

Bai Mingwei looked at Lieutenant Jiao, the cold light in his eyes was also hidden under the black robe: "You can forgive the sins committed by God, but you can't live with the sins committed by yourself. As a soldier, you cut off the flesh of your comrades to increase your fatness. It's simply The sin is unpardonable!”

"I won't kill you tonight, but I won't let you become a human either! Your heart is not worthy of your body as a man. For the rest of your life, just lie in bed and confess your sins!"

Although this sword is not the sword she usually uses, until this moment, she still has not revealed any flaws that can reveal her identity.

But she was still very vigilant, and she disabled Jiao Xiaowei's limbs and took away his ability to speak and write.

In addition to speaking out for the brothers, it also cut off Captain Jiao's chance to tell others anything about her.

After doing all this, Bai Mingwei untied the reins, picked up the bloody Captain Jiao, and placed him across the horse's back. She also got on the horse.

At this moment, several horses neighed.

Bai Mingwei immediately made an escape move, but her horse didn't move very fast. It looked like it was injured and couldn't escape at all.

However, before she had gone far, she immediately dismounted and struck the horse's buttocks hard with the whip.

The horse continued to gallop carrying Captain Jiao, who was worse than dead, while she quickly turned back and found the rope she had just arranged when the pursuers crossed the bridge.

The suspension bridge swayed from side to side, as if it might collapse at any moment. The pursuers were focused on crossing the bridge, and did not even notice her lying in the grass so close at hand.

She tied the rope around her waist, took advantage of the darkness and sneaked under the suspension bridge, and hung on the suspension bridge like a bat.

(End of this chapter)

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