Chapter 99
The feast was over as soon as it had begun.

The ghost tribe was caught off guard when they launched an attack, and Luo Jiuqiu and others were all attacked.

"God damn the ghost clan! They are so out of line with common sense!"

Some people cursed loudly, but their spiritual energy was stagnant and they could not use any cultivation skills.

The ghosts raised their weapons and approached the crowd step by step.

At this time, the manager of the ghost clan spoke again and said: "One of the people who was sealed at the exit of the ghost domain that day has a breath similar to the one who sealed our clan tens of millions of years ago!"

The whole place fell silent, a little in disbelief.

There was even a louder discussion.

"Shangshen? Are they the Four Gods?"

"But the ghost clan is not sealed by the four gods, right?"

"It is said that the ghost clan was sealed by the last god in the world."

"Could he be a descendant of God?"

The unknown high priest turned his attention to Bai He and Hong Ling.

But many people knew that Bai He and Hong Ling did not take action that day, and there was no way to hide who was responsible for setting down the seal that day.

But who knows whether what the ghosts say is true or false?

The ghost tribe is close at hand with a butcher knife.

Luo Jiuqiu slowly raised his head.

Behind him, Lingchen suddenly appeared.

Countless flowers and trees grow from the ground, rising in the wind and emitting a faint floral fragrance.

Lingchen held a jade vase in both hands and bowed to greet: "Master, long time no see."

Luo Jiuqiu nodded, took the jade bottle, opened it, swallowed a spiritual elixir, and said with a flash of light, "Long time no see."

Immediately, he spun and flew up to the branches of flowers and trees, overlooking the stunned ghost clan.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Don't think that your crude tricks can scheme against everyone. If the spiritual energy is stagnant and poisoned, you can take medicine. You are still too naive."

The ghost clan gnashed their teeth, and the other monks were excited.

Someone shouted: "Sect Master Luo, save me!"

Because Luo Jiuqiu practices the Wuji Secret Technique, he usually consumes ghost energy, monster energy, and demonic energy. In order to avoid going crazy, he naturally studies elixirs.

As a true spirit in the secret realm, Lingchen controls the flowers and trees in the secret realm. He is naturally friendly to wood spirits and is good at refining alchemy.

Lingchen happened to have studied colorless poisons like the Ghost Clan's Blood Luo Wine, and he immediately solved Luo Jiuqiu's crisis.

Luo Jiuqiu stood on the flowers and trees, overlooking all living beings, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Naturally, she won't fight alone.

Luo Jiuqiu raised the jade bottle in his hand and said to the monks below who were looking forward to it: "What a coincidence. I have an antidote. Do you want it?"

"Yes! To! To!"

Immediately, someone shouted anxiously and stretched out his hands to kick his legs, fearing that Luo Jiuqiu would regret it.

Some of them were a little more reserved, with expectant eyes, staring intently at the jade bottle in Luo Jiuqiu's hand.

Luo Jiuqiu swung away the approaching ghost clan with a knife, then threw down the jade bottle in his hand.

The jade bottle was shattered in the air by the branches of flowers and trees, and in an instant it turned into golden raindrops and fell.

This raindrop is very magical. When it encounters ghosts, it will cause erosion and pain, but when it encounters other races, it is like a sweet rain, soothing and restoring spiritual energy.

"Thank you, Master Luo!"

The monks who were caught by the rain were all so excited that they turned around to face the enemy to save their lives, regardless of meditating to recover.

There is an endless stream of ghosts, all of them ferocious.

Luo Jiuqiu joined the battlefield with a two-meter-long sword and shouted at the same time: "It's now time, you don't have to hide your clumsiness anymore, right?" Almost at the moment Luo Jiuqiu finished speaking, the unknown high priest, Bai Ze and Qin Pianpian and others suddenly jumped up, as if they were not poisoned, and started to fight against the ghost clan.

The nine ghost kings could no longer sit still and took action one after another.

Suddenly, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, there were shouts of killing, and countless thick black ghosts covered the sky.

"Puff puff."

Countless blue flames burned in mid-air, but it was freezing cold.

"Today, you will all die here!"

The Candle Ghost King shouted loudly, his body size skyrocketed, his pupils were raised red, he opened his eyes and returned to his true form.

The other eight ghost kings also drank coldly and stood up, each showing their magical powers.

In an instant, there were many ghosts and shadows, and countless monks were killed and injured.

Each ghost king has someone who has cultivated the spirit emperor's cultivation. There are nine ghost kings in the ghost clan, but Luo Jiuqiu and the others only have three spirit emperors, Yunfu, Wuming High Priest and Bai Ze.

Others don't know that Bai Ze has colluded with the ghost clan for a long time and will definitely not use all his strength.

Luo Jiuqiu turned around and tilted his head, narrowly avoiding the sneak attack from King Chen Gui.

Luo Jiuqiu cut off King Chen Gui's nails with a knife, kicked him away, and said with a curled lips: "Beauty, it's a waste of time for us to get to know each other. I didn't expect you to be so cruel to me?"

After saying that, Luo Jiuqiu grabbed and pulled with his left hand, and immediately pulled out a lot of the pure ghost power from Chen Ghost King.


King Chen Gui screamed in pain.

At this time, a shadow came over his head, and Luo Jiuqiu ducked in time to avoid it.

The next second, where she was standing, the huge tail flashed past, smoke filled the air, and the floor cracked.

A mighty and huge body descended from the sky, it was the Zhugui King.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled: "Oh, it's the former Lord, hello."

"Former Lord!" The Zhugui King roared in excitement, and with a flash of his body, he flew towards Luo Jiuqiu at high speed, carrying a blue light of thunder and fire.

Luo Jiuqiu was not afraid at all, and just shouted softly: "Sword Master."

The next second, frost hit, rustling ice and snow drifted by, and a figure in white appeared in front of Luo Jiuqiu.

It is Yunfu.

Yun Fu raised his hand casually, and the Zhu Ghost King, as if encountering an invisible barrier, was stagnant at a position three feet away from Luo Jiuqiu, powerless and furious, unable to move forward even half a step.

Luo Jiuqiu said to Yunfu: "Sword Lord, this Zhu Ghost King escaped from you last time, you must kill him this time, but when you kill him, remember to help me collect some pure Ghost King power. "

Having said that, Luo Jiuqiu didn't care whether Yun Fu answered or not, and passed by Yun Fu in a flash.

Luo Jiuqiu directly faced King Chen Gui.

Luo Jiuqiu shook his head regretfully and said: "I have always been tolerant and patient with beauties. But since you want to kill me, you can't keep her."

Chen Gui Wang was so angry that his chest heaved violently. She was originally happy and comfortable, with countless beautiful men, but since she met this Luo Jiuqiu last time, she has been unlucky all the way. Even the beautiful man she wanted most was obedient to Luo Jiuqiu. from.

"go to hell!"

Chen Guiwang roared and attacked Luo Jiuqiu at high speed with his newly grown nails.

Luo Jiuqiu noticed where Chen Guiwang was looking before, opened his eyes wide, and said: "You actually like Yunfu? You are so naive, he is much crueler than me, be careful not to leave the whole body intact."

Only then did King Chen Gui realize that the handsome man in white he was attracted to was named "Yun Fu".

Luo Jiuqiu looked at Chen Guiwang with pity in his eyes, as if looking at a fool who was looking for death without realizing it.

Chen Guiwang was angered again and shouted: "Seeking death!"

One person and one ghost quickly fought together, claws, shadows, swords and lights flew together, and all kinds of skills and moves flashed all over the sky.

Luo Jiuqiu was the nemesis of the ghost clan and was very good at leapfrog fighting. For a moment, he was inseparable from the ghost king Chen and was not losing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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