Chapter 3 The Madman

Ling Shuangshuang touched her neck and swallowed, then took a deep breath in fear, turned around and clasped her fists at her senior brother, and said in a sincere voice: "Senior brother is wise, little sister, thank you for saving my life!"

If her senior brother hadn't stopped her, her head might have fallen to the ground and turned into ashes and scattered in the wind.

Zhang Zhi looked funny but couldn't laugh. The shocking changes in front of him were cruel and sudden.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand and made a move, and the four purple-clothed monks who had been previously controlled by the puppet silk appeared out of thin air. Like their swords and weapons, they jumped into the battlefield of the living dead and killed everyone.

The black mist condensed into a huge and ferocious beast. It held a torch with a glowing black light and followed behind the four brothers in purple. It kept setting fire to clean up the aftermath, and soon killed many living dead.

Zhang Zhi and others, who were fighting hard and covered in blood next to them, were stunned.


Luo Jiuqiu chuckled,
Being in the hell of the living dead is like taking a walk in the forest, leisurely walking with an umbrella in the air.

The rain was pouring down, and from time to time, missing living dead or people running for their lives bumped into Luo Jiuqiu's feet. If it was the former, she would twist their necks and burn them to ashes without exception. If it was the latter, she would kick them away. Fly far away.

Not long after, several mortals who were running for their lives and howling were kicked to the eaves and roofs by Luo Jiuqiu. Their clothes hung on the corners of the eaves like broken kites, swaying in the wind, and howled, but they managed to save their lives.

At this moment, Baiyun City changed drastically again.

A formation of white light erupted at the city gate, and there was a loud explosion.

The rain subsided and the wind stopped, things changed and the stars moved, and the night turned directly into day in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the scorching sun was high, the heat was scorching, and the water vapor was dried. Mortals howled and screamed, running for their lives. The living dead were everywhere, and blood and limbs were scattered everywhere.

There were more than ten monks in total. Whether they were well-intentioned, indifferent, or just drifting, none of them could get out of the city. They were completely trapped and died here, surrounded by the living dead, and it was difficult to think of a way to do something.

Zhang Zhi and Ling Shuangshuang saved many mortals, but they were also bitten several times by the living dead. Their bodies were injured. Long swords and short arrows were slashed rapidly, and paper talisman formations were flying. After fighting for a day and night, they were still a little tired.

Fortunately, although the living dead cannot be beaten to death, they can be frozen to slag or burned to ashes, so that they can die completely.

Seeing that the number of living dead in Baiyun City was getting smaller and smaller, something was wrong with the monks again.

Some monks suddenly found that their movements became stiffer and stiffer, their minds began to gradually become faint, and their spiritual power became unstable, as if they were about to lose control of their bodies.

Finally, some of the monks who were killing and killing suddenly stopped moving. The living dead who were about to bite them actually skipped these monks and pounced on the other living people.

The monk who suddenly didn't move, was stiff for a long time, suddenly slowly raised his sword, looked up with an evil smile, salivation at the mouth, red eyes, roared and joined the ranks of the crazy living dead.

The sudden change suddenly led to an escalation of chaos, and even some monks were chased and screamed.

Luo Jiuqiu kicked away the monk who suddenly went crazy, but did not directly break the monk's neck.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fireworks exploded in the sky, brilliant and dazzling, as if celebrating.

The ground was a mess, with blood flowing like rivers.

There were more and more living dead and crazy monks in Baiyun City, and more mortals ran out from every corner of the city.

Soon, the streets were filled with people, mortals, monks, and the living dead.

Debris from fireworks fell, and the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke was everywhere.

The ground suddenly began to tremble, cracks appeared, and many people fell in before they could react.There were even raging fires falling from the void like meteors for no reason, the flames soaring into the sky, and the flames instantly spread throughout Baiyun City.

Those who were lucky enough not to fall into the crack were either chased and bitten by the living dead or burned by the sudden fire.

Purgatory on earth is nothing more than this.

A trace of boredom flashed in Luo Jiuqiu's eyes, and a trace of black smoke swirled and overflowed between his fingers.

But at this moment, a cold and nervous voice suddenly sounded.

"Haha, welcome to this hell on earth. Did you have a good time?"

The sudden sound seemed to have the ability to pause time. The chaos in Baiyun City stopped instantly, the cracks paused, the flames subsided, the living dead and the crazy monks suddenly stood still, and the fleeing and screaming people were stunned on the spot with tears in their eyes.

As the voice fell, a figure in black descended from the void, spreading his arms as hard as he could to control everyone present from the air.

The man in black had a stern expression and an evil smile, and his eyes swept over everyone present. He was very arrogant, but when he glanced at Luo Jiuqiu, a hint of fear inevitably flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously, this person has been hiding in the dark for a long time, observing everything, and naturally knows who is not easy to mess with in Baiyun City.

But after the fear, there was even more unstoppable madness.


The man in black laughed wildly three times, raised his arms and shouted: "This rain is a screening! Those with bad luck turn into living corpses, while those with good luck are hunted down. And this Baiyun City has been buried by me for a long time. There are 49 formations, only entry is allowed but no exit is allowed! So friends, please enjoy the feast that follows!"

Ling Shuangshuang's mouth twitched, she bumped her senior brother Zhang Zhi with her bloody arm, and said, "Isn't this man a lunatic?"

Zhang Zhi looked solemn and nodded in agreement. At the same time, he pulled his junior sister and silently moved closer to Luo Jiuqiu.

The lunatic continued to introduce himself: "I, my dear, my dear, my dear, my dear, I have been smart and eager to learn since I was a child. I once picked up a strange book by chance. Since then, I have taught myself to cultivate immortality and have achieved quite a lot. It is a pity that I have been living in this ordinary life. I have met a few foreign monks on the way to Baiyun City in the mortal world, but they have different paths and do not seek each other. I think your good luck path is not too weak, maybe you are not the same path as me? I think you will be willing to work with me to clean up the world. Mortal ants, only monks are left alive in the world, right? In this way, the impurities will be removed, the spiritual energy will be more abundant, and the ascension of talented monks like you and me will be just around the corner!"

Luo Jiuqiu slowly raised his eyes and looked squarely at this bold man who dared to instruct others to dig her grave.

Zhang Zhi and Ling Shuangshuang also raised their heads to look at the proud and smug Gao Zun, and exclaimed that this was the person that the killing god in white was looking for, so chic, so...crazy.

There is no shortage of self-righteous people in the world, but it is quite rare to be so arrogant.

Ling Shuangshuang couldn't help complaining to her senior brother again: "In addition to being a madman, this person is also a fool, right? He actually wants to ascend. Does he think he is the reincarnation of the Four Gods?"

Thousands of years ago, the four ancient gods fought fiercely, the pillars of heaven collapsed, the gates of heaven were closed, the immortals and gods retired from the world, and the path to ascension for immortal cultivators was cut off.

And the last four gods in the human world have also died one after another. Although there are various rumors and legends about the four gods, one thing is known among the monks, that is, there is no hope of ascending. Don't say that you are a cultivator, you will not be able to cultivate it anyway. Fairy.

The seriousness on Zhang Zhi's face faded slightly, and he felt it was ridiculous.

The sober monks around him also laughed and commented.

"Is this person probably picking up a crooked book from the Four Gods Society? He has become obsessed with practicing the crooked book."

"Maybe I'm out of my mind."

"It seems that the 49 formations it has set up are not terrible. If you attack it dozens of times, it should be broken."

Listening to the disrespectful comments around him, Gao Zun was furious, his face turned red, his breath came out from his nostrils, and he bared his teeth and waved his hand.The motionless living dead beside him suddenly howled and ran and bit open.The frantic monk's eyes were red and dripping with blood, and he was brandishing his sword or talisman array. He was about to become an afterimage and entered the battlefield again.

(End of this chapter)

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