Chapter 284 Reluctant

Regardless of whether Ni Shen sincerely sent Luo Jiuqiu Zhu, the fact is that he got a Tianzhu.

However, now, the people present did not care about Tianzhu.

Looking along Luo Jiuqiu's line of sight, he happened to catch a glimpse of the clouds that were gradually coming out of the falling ice and snow in the sky, filled with evil spirits, and the bodies of Wuming and Yonghuai were trembling inexplicably.

Luo Jiuqiu waved his hand and said compassionately: "Okay, let's all withdraw. Our Yun Jianzun probably needs a rest."

At the moment, Yunfu is obviously filled with evil aura and overflowing with murderous intent. This man is known to have been obsessed with madness for hundreds of years.

After looking at the black-haired Yunfu and the white-haired Yunfu, Wuming and Yonghuai were very wise and quickly retreated.

Yong Huai also wanted to pull Luo Jiuqiu to retreat together, but as soon as he reached out his hand, he was slapped away again by the black-haired Yun Fu who couldn't help it.

Nowadays, Wuming is still somewhat loved by his classmates, so he immediately chases after him, grabs Yong Huai's back collar, and retreats together.

As for Luo Jiuqiu, she was still standing where she was, and Wuming had no need to worry about her safety. After all, she is the source of Yunfu's madness, and everyone knows that Yunfu loves her deeply and will not hurt anyone who hurts her.

Only the stupid Yong Huai occasionally gets distracted.

At this moment, there was no one else waiting at the scene.

Yunfu walked out of the flying snow and broken ice and walked step by step in front of Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu looked at Yun Fu, pursed her lips for a moment, shook off the awkwardness in her heart, and said, "Are you okay?"

Yun Fu's figure stiffened for a moment, and then he looked up, with a flash of doubt and a little bit of happiness in his eyes.

Luo Jiuqiu felt that the murderous Yunfu was actually quite stupid. Of course she knew what he was wondering about, and she also knew what he was happy about.

If it happened in the past, Luo Jiuqiu wished that he would be defeated and die. But now, Luo Jiuqiu suddenly became concerned about him.

Luo Jiuqiu has always been bold and bold. Now that he has discovered what he has in mind, he has no intention of hiding it.

There is nothing shameful about falling in love with someone, not to mention that the other person is a beauty who matches your own aesthetics in every aspect.

And this great beauty also happens to like herself.

Luo Jiuqiu did not doubt that Yun Fu liked him.

The revenge of being killed by the opponent's sword seven hundred years ago can be regarded as avenged.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Seven hundred years ago, I played with your feelings and deliberately approached you, but you killed me because of a misunderstanding. After I was reborn, you forced me to do things I didn't like, and I stabbed you with daggers all over your body. After all, the feud between you and me has been evened out."

Yunfu didn't quite understand what Luo Jiuqiu meant at first, but then he seemed to understand.

Yunfu raised his hand and took the unwilling black-haired clone back into his body, and then said to Luo Jiuqiu: "It's not that you are playing with my feelings, but that you like me."

When he said this, Yunfu came over, put his arms around Luo Jiuqiu's waist, lowered his head and slowly approached, and then stared directly into Luo Jiuqiu's eyes.

Yun Fu's eyes were cold and deep, as beautiful and mysterious as the abyss of an icy lake, revealing an unattainable attraction. With just one glance, Luo Jiuqiu almost got stuck in them and couldn't pull them out.

"Ha." A chuckle escaped from Yun Fu's thin lips.

Luo Jiuqiu followed the voice and looked at Yunfu's perfectly shaped thin lips, then at Yunfu's beautiful eyes and perfect face.

The beauty crit at close range was perfect everywhere. For a moment, Luo Jiuqiu didn't know where to look, as if his eyes couldn't see it at all.

Luo Jiuqiu's eyes indulged in admiring the close beauty, but the corners of his mouth curled up coldly, and he said: "I seem to have told you that seven hundred years ago, I just pretended to like you. At that time, I was just bored. It’s bad, I want to pick a high mountain flower, I just enjoy the process of picking.”

Luo Jiuqiu described himself as very cold and ruthless, as if he was a scumbag who played with people's emotions at will.

Yunfu's expression did not change and he said: "But you only played with me, and I had no feelings for you at the time, so you just played with my body." Yunfu's harsh words almost made Luo Jiuqiu be raped. I choked on my own saliva.

She can't compare to Yun Fu as a pervert.

Yun Fu said again: "You do whatever you want and play with me because you are bored. I will kill you casually because it is convenient."

"Ha." Luo Jiuqiu couldn't help laughing, and the ruthlessness on his face disappeared instantly.

Luo Jiuqiu put her arms around Yunfu's neck, kissed the tip of his cold nose, and said close to him: "So, you and I are both scum, and we are both bad, so we are indeed a perfect match."

Yunfu: "Yeah."

Yunfu tilted his head slightly and approached Luo Jiuqiu's lips. Luo Jiuqiu turned his head to avoid it and sneered.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "But, I'm still a little unhappy."

Yunfu still moved forward forcefully and licked the corner of Luo Jiuqiu's mouth.

The cold touch was almost like being licked by a poisonous snake.

But Luo Jiuqiu is not a normal person, and she likes this.

Yunfu raised his hand and waved, and instantly, countless rays of light formed a formation, emerged from the ground, and spread all over the ruins in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, all the destroyed trees, flowers, plants and buildings grew again. In less than a moment, the destroyed courtyard slowly returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's not what I'm unhappy about."

Yunfu handed his sword to Luo Jiuqiu and said, "You can kill me once."

Luo Jiuqiu reached out and held Yunfu's sword.

The spirit sword has spirit, but Yun Fu's sword did not reject Luo Jiuqiu at all. Even though Luo Jiuqiu slowly moved the sword towards Yun Fu's heart, there was no resistance in the spirit sword.

Luo Jiuqiu slowly backed away some distance, and the tip of the sword touched Luo Jiuqiu's heart. With a little force, it pierced Yun Fu's heart.

A trace of blood came out from Yun Fu's heart.

Yunfu didn't resist even his sword.

Luo Jiuqiu once stabbed Yunfu's heart without hesitation, and even crushed Yunfu's heart.

But now, Luo Jiuqiu found that she could only pierce a little of Yunfu's skin, but she would be reluctant to go deeper.

Luo Jiuqiu is not that kind of fool who wants to save face and suffer.

Luo Jiuqiu threw away the sword, grabbed Yun Fu's lapel and pulled it over, and stabbed Yun Fu's bleeding chest with one finger.

Luo Jiuqiu said fiercely: "If you kill me again, I will cut you into pieces and leave your soul to pieces!"

Yunfu's fingers slowly held Luo Jiuqiu's face, lowered his head and kissed it.

Luo Jiuqiu heard Yun Fu saying in her ear: "If there is a next time, when I kill you, I will die without you doing it. We live and die together."

Only then did Luo Jiuqiu remember the crazy symbiosis blood curse.

Luo Jiuqiu's finger stabbed Yun Fu's bleeding heart again and said, "Sword Master, you still have a lot of dark history."

(End of this chapter)

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