Luo Jiuqiu and Murong Xun squatted on the ground again, studying around the black tree and the puppet in the frozen seal for a while, and finally came to the same conclusion.

The Celestial Clan may not need parents. The cycle of life depends entirely on the weird red silk spider web and milky white stones in their bodies. The spider webs and stones are the core of the Celestial Clan's survival, which is probably their soul and spiritual veins.

It's just that the souls and spiritual veins of the Celestial Clan are somewhat special. If they are placed on any inanimate body, they can create things out of thin air and create a new Celestial Clan.

The old Celestial Clan transformed into a black tree and became the cradle for the growth of the new Celestial Clan. They look similar and their cultivation seems to be inherited.

In a sense, the Celestial Clan is immortal.

Of course, this assumes that their cobwebs and stones are not destroyed. When the cobwebs and stones are damaged, their bodies will fall apart in an instant, and the Sky Clan will die completely. Black trees will not be formed, and new Celestial Clan babies will not be born.

If the Celestial Clan can only rely on cobwebs and stones to pass on and "breed" future generations, and cannot breed life naturally, assuming that the number of cobwebs and stones is fixed, then destroying a set of cobwebs and stones will permanently perish one of the Celestial Clan.

In other words, the number of Heavenly Clan is fixed. At most, they will keep the original number unchanged, and they will never add a new Heavenly Clan out of thin air.

Luo Jiuqiu intuitively guessed that he was right.

Looking back, Luo Jiuqiu had never seen any women in the Celestial Clan, and all he had seen in the Celestial Clan were men.

It is impossible for a man to have a child with a man, and with the virtues of the Celestial Clan, it is absolutely impossible to arbitrarily marry other people. A hybrid existence like Ghost Emperor Su Mo, who may be a hybrid between the Heavenly Clan and the Ghost Clan, is just a sacrifice made by the Heavenly Clan for the smooth progress of its conspiracy.

Under normal circumstances, the Celestial Clan still relies on strange spider webs and stones to maintain its inheritance, and relies on black trees to breed life.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "It seems that this is the biggest weakness of this group of arrogant Celestial Clan."

It is not easy to directly destroy the cobwebs and stones in the Celestial Clan's body, but there is always a way. If the cobwebs and stones in the Celestial Clan's body can be destroyed from a distance without touching the Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clan will really cry and don't know where to cry. .

Murong Xun's mind was spinning very fast. He and Luo Jiuqiu were indeed close friends and they both wanted to go together.

Murong Xun said: "As long as enough cobwebs and stones are destroyed, the Celestial Clan's vitality will be severely damaged. Assuming that regardless of cultivation level, it is still very easy to kill many Celestial Clan, just kill one and destroy each cobweb and stone. In this way, The Celestial Clan will always be exterminated.”

Murong Xun thought perfectly, Luo Jiuqiu poured cold water on him and said: "Although this is most likely the biggest weakness of the Celestial Clan, there are many powerful people in the Celestial Clan. If the souls and spiritual veins in their bodies are passed down from generation to generation, Yes, then there is a high probability that they have the same memory. Celestial clans who have memories of past lives, previous lives, and even all past lives will not be too low in cultivation, so it will not be easy to kill them."

Murong Xun frowned.

Before Murong Xun could get frustrated, Luo Jiuqiu spoke again: "Looking at it from another perspective, the Celestial Clan is not as invincible and noble as they pretend to be. The same soul and memory have been passed down over and over again, and after a long period of time, The cultivation level is still uneven, and most of the Celestial Clan are fragile and vulnerable. It can only show that these Celestial Clan are very stupid at heart and have no talent at all."

Luo Jiuqiu damaged the Tian clan to nothing, and Murong Xun laughed out loud.

Murong Xun said: "I think you are right. Now, what should we do?"

Luo Jiuqiu said: "The Heavenly Clan is going to do something big recently. We can take a moment and wait for the opportunity before we take action. As for this fatal secret of the Heavenly Clan, we can tell He Qiuheng first and let him help us figure out a solution together. I believe that Alliance Leader He will be willing to serve all living beings on Jingxuan Continent."

Murong Xun nodded, and he did not ask what big thing the Celestial Clan was planning to do.

Although there is no way to kill it for the time being, preparations are necessary.

Luo Jiuqiu immediately wrote a letter from Feng Feihe and passed it to He Qiuheng, explaining Murong Xun's research findings and their various speculations. The Celestial Clan still doesn’t know that their big secret has been discovered. On the surface, they are still staying in the secret space deep in the demon world, unable to escape, but internally they are busy preparing for the sacrificial ceremony.

And as the sacrifices are about to begin, some of the secrets of the Celestial Clan will naturally be difficult to keep perfectly.

Soon, the Demon Clan spies came with the news that the Celestial Clan will hold a sacrifice on the fourteenth of next month.

Less than half a month before the fourteenth of the next month, Luo Jiuqiu sent another letter to He Qiuheng to discuss the next steps.

He Qiuheng and Luo Jiuqiu agreed. They both planned to stay put for the time being, pretending that nothing had been discovered, and waiting for the critical moment to deliver a head-on critical attack to the Celestial Clan.

The wait is always long.

In order to kill time, Luo Jiuqiu once again went to the secret place of the Tian Clan to find trouble, and by the way, he personally grabbed and researched the materials.

As long as there are enough materials, sooner or later the many weaknesses and secrets of the Celestial Clan can be discovered.

Not long after, Luo Jiuqiu, holding a two-meter-long knife, appeared in front of the secret place of the Heavenly Clan and shouted provocatively: "Turtles from the Heavenly Clan, come out and die! If you are afraid of death, then don't come out!"

The Celestial Clan, who didn't know that the secret was exposed, had to try their best to stabilize Luo Jiuqiu and other Jingxuan Continental monks in order to pretend that everything was normal, so as to prevent them from going deep into the Celestial Clan's secret place to disrupt major events.

The Celestial Clan first sent Celestial Clan members who were about the same strength as Luo Jiuqiu to fight, trying to lead the battlefield as far away as possible.

But Luo Jiuqiu seemed to know it right and liked to stay at the entrance of the Celestial Clan's secret place.

The poor Celestial Clan who went to fight flew far away, but had to fly back with a sigh, and then continued to lure Luo Jiuqiu further away.

Luo Jiuqiu was just like a cat chasing a mouse, teasing the Celestial Clan mouse back and forth like a dog.

The Celestial Clan is miserable.

The Celestial Clan simply did not dare to fight back with all their strength. They have seen how powerful Yun Fu, Luo Jiuqiu's biggest backer, the Nine-Slayer Sword Master, is. If there is a Celestial Clan whose strength far exceeds Luo Jiuqiu's, and Luo Jiuqiu's life is in danger, Yunfu will definitely take action.

And once Yun Fu takes action, it's hard to say whether he will directly enter the Celestial Clan's secret place.

The arrogant Celestial Clan had to admit that Yunfu was extremely powerful and unfathomable. In order to prevent Yun Fu from taking action, they racked their brains and tried every means to stabilize Luo Jiuqiu.

Although Luo Jiuqiu is at the top of the Tian Clan's must-kill list, and everyone in the Tian Clan dreams of killing her, there is no other way. Now they can only knock out their teeth and swallow her blood.

Sometimes, in order to make Luo Jiuqiu leave as soon as possible, the Tian Clan would send weak members to die.

On the surface, Luo Jiuqiu was looking for trouble and arrested the Tian Clan for research. Naturally, the Tian Clan thought that if Luo Jiuqiu caught the research materials, they would leave with satisfaction.

Of course Luo Jiuqiu would not refuse the research materials that were sent to his door for free, he would just grab them and leave.

The Celestial Clan was still complacent, thinking that their clever plan had succeeded.

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