Luo Jiuqiu and Murong Xun's research temporarily ended with the black heads of the Celestial Clan being sealed.

Luo Jiuqiu glanced at the large cauldron that was sealed layer by layer, and asked Murong Xun: "Are you going to cook it and eat it?"

Murong Xun: "Ugh! Say one more thing and I'll spit it out for you to see!"

Luo Jiuqiu chuckled and said: "It seems that we still need to capture a few heavenly clans. It is not limited to the Nine-Star Spirit Emperor. It just needs to be a Spirit Emperor. We can carry it out."

As he spoke, Luo Jiuqiu curled his lips and raised his eyes to look at Yun Fu beside him.

Murong Xun also boldly went to see Yunfu.

Yunfu directly ignored Murong Xun and looked back at Luo Jiuqiu. Although his face was still expressionless as usual, there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Yunfu said: "Okay."

Luo Jiuqiu knew that Yunfu had agreed to help.

Luo Jiuqiu added: "It doesn't matter whether you're alive or dead. I'll see if you like the sword master."

Yunfu: "Which one do you like?"

Luo Jiuqiu smiled: "It's alive."

Yunfu nodded and said, "Okay."

Luo Jiuqiu and Yunfu looked at each other, one smiling, the other expressionless, but the atmosphere was very harmonious. A breeze blew by, and a few fallen sycamore leaves whirled and flew between the two of them.

Murong Xun suddenly felt that he was a little redundant.

Luo Jiuqiu threw it away after using it, turned around and went back to work on his own.

Luo Jiuqiu first went to see his fifth, sixth and seventh apprentices.

Her three apprentices are the memory carriers of the Four Gods, and their life spans are very limited. They can only survive for a hundred days.

Fortunately, there is Qi Wu, a strange being who swallowed his own reincarnation. This Demon Emperor knows a lot of things, it just depends on whether he is willing to say it.

Fortunately, Luo Jiuqiu was there, and Qi Wu absolutely respected his master.

Seeing that Luo Jiuqiu was worried about the lives of his three disciples and wanted to kill his other disciples Qi Wu, Luo Jiuqiu frowned and immediately told what he knew.

It turns out that the survival of the four gods' memory carriers depends on the length of the four gods' memories. The Four Gods no longer exist, but their reincarnations still live on. In a sense, the four gods and the reincarnation of the four gods are similar in origin. At least the fluctuations of the souls are the same. It is not impossible to extend the life of the four gods' memory carriers by applying means.

Before Qi Wu explained the method, he asked Luo Jiuqiu a question.

Qi Wu said: "The so-called memory carrier is, to put it bluntly, just a memory, not a real living person. Why should Master force it?"

When asking this question, Qi Wu obviously forgot that he originally appeared as a memory carrier.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "If you have memory, you are a living person, let alone my apprentice. My apprentice, whether human or non-human, there is no difference, I value them all, I regard them as my children. Mine Child, I don’t care whether he lives or dies, isn’t this funny?”

Qi Wu was stunned, and then he burst into laughter.

After a while, Qi Wu smiled and said: "You are indeed my favorite master."

Fortunately, Yun Fu was not around when Qi Wu said this, otherwise, his demonic head would have fallen to the ground immediately.

Qi Wu then told Luo Jiuqiu how to extend the life of the memory carrier of the Four Gods.

Qi Wu said: "It's actually very simple. The memory carrier lies in the jade coffin, and the reincarnation stands outside the jade coffin to transmit the memories of this life to the memory carrier. Once every once in a while, that's it. As for how long, in fact, Master Don't worry, sir. The memory carrier will sense it before it is about to die. Just transfer the memory when you sense that you are about to die, it's very simple." Luo Jiuqiu was stunned, and he figured it out in a flash.

The four gods and the reincarnations of the four gods essentially belong to the same soul. Since they are the same, then the memory carrier that relies on the survival of the memory of the four gods can naturally also rely on the existence of the memory of the reincarnation of the four gods.

Fortunately, the jade coffin was not damaged and the three apprentices could lie down at any time.

Luo Jiuqiu was a little worried about Xin Qiwu and asked, "Then do you need someone to transfer your memories?"

Although Qi Wu seemed fine, who knew whether he was just pretending to be fat.

Qi Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, I swallowed my own reincarnation. The reincarnation and the memory carrier are integrated. I am the only true self, and my existence does not depend on memory."

Luo Jiuqiu nodded and said: "That's good. The disaster has lasted for thousands of years, and I still need your help as a teacher."

Qi Wu smiled with his eyebrows crooked and said: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely live until the day when Master no longer needs me."

Luo Jiuqiu frowned, slapped Qi Wudao on the forehead, and admonished: "Cherish life for yourself, live for yourself, live for others, what is the difference between that and death?"

Qi Wu didn't dare to refute Luo Jiuqiu on his face, and quickly lowered his head to admit his mistake and said: "Master, you are right."

Luo Jiuqiu couldn't see Qi Wu's "good and evil" attitude, and finally reprimanded him: "If you let me know that you are reckless and do something like burning your own soul again, I will break your dog legs."

Qi Wu blinked and said, "Master, please rest assured."

After the memory was over, Luo Jiuqiu held his forehead and couldn't help but sigh.

Qi Wu is obviously a very independent demon. On the surface, he respects himself very much. In fact, he respects him very much in his heart. However, the aspect of being obedient is still open to question.

When the devil becomes crazy, he can do anything.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand and rubbed his slightly aching forehead, then walked towards the cliff behind the Moon Worshiping Peak.

This place is called "Si Guo Cliff" and it was Yong Huai's permanent residence when he was young. He often made mistakes and was imprisoned here as a punishment.

Luo Jiuqiu's disciples inexplicably like this place and regard Si Guo Cliff as their base camp.

At this moment, except for Qi Wu, Luo Jiuqiu's six disciples were all under Siguo Cliff, and several jade coffins were also moved here.

Luo Jiuqiu flew down, and Yunfu followed her.

As soon as the figure landed, Luo Jiuqiu saw that at the center of the cliff bottom, the formation was glowing slightly. In the center of the formation, there were three jade coffins, each with a figure lying in the jade coffin. Outside stood Bai He, Hong Ling and Lin Heng respectively.

Luo Jiuqiu's three apprentices were slowly transmitting memories from outside the jade coffin to the inside of the jade coffin.


As soon as Luo Jiuqiu arrived, the three of Bai He immediately sensed it. They opened their eyes and looked over with joy. They were about to give up the memory transfer in their hands and rush towards him.

Luo Jiuqiu quickly waved his hand, indicating for them to continue.

Luo Jiuqiu stepped forward and looked at them one by one.

Her three apprentices are lying unconsciously in the jade coffin with their eyes closed. The jade coffin has no lid. You can clearly see the memory in the form of a concrete form flowing along the memory carrier in the corresponding reincarnation coffin outside the jade coffin. On the body.

Luo Jiuqiu may have stood too close, and all kinds of memories belonging to the four gods blew into Luo Jiuqiu's mind along the breeze.

Thousands of years ago, when the Four Gods were not yet the Four Gods, the sword-wielding god who looked exactly like Luo Jiuqiu and the Four Gods were recovering, got to know each other, and eventually became friends.

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