Chapter 250 Reappearance

Luo Jiuqiu praised him without hesitation, and finally said with a smile: "How can I be a master without you? You are all good disciples of my master."

When Luo Jiuqiu's seven disciples heard this, they pursed their lips reservedly for a moment, with gentle and dependent expressions. Qi Wu, a ruthless and scheming demon emperor, was mixed in among them, but he did not violate the rules at all. Such a scene made Murong see Xun has a very bad toothache.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows at Murong Xun, who had a toothache, and said, "Are you jealous? Then go and recruit a disciple."

Murong Xun's mouth twitched and said: "Get out."

Luo Jiuqiu was not angry at all. He turned around and praised his disciples a few more times, which made the seven disciples burst into tears.

The disciples were moved to tears, but in fact Luo Jiuqiu just praised him casually.

Murong Xun couldn't help but come over and complained in a low voice: "Actually, you are a wizard, the kind who specializes in brainwashing people."

Luo Jiuqiu glanced at Murong Xun and said lazily: "Okay, I know you are jealous, shut up and don't disturb our deep relationship between master and disciple."

Murong Xun dared not speak out in anger.

Murong Xun was actually a little jealous in his heart, but if he didn't say anything, he would have been laughed at by Luo Jiuqiu for more than three days.

If you have a disciple, who doesn’t want to have a deep relationship between master and disciple? Disciples don’t need to bother to teach, they are self-taught, and there are even disciples who have higher cultivation than themselves. They take the initiative to offer treasures, are obedient, stand up when something happens, and do their best when the master needs it. They are willing to dedicate everything to the master. His abilities and qualifications are also outstanding.

Who wouldn’t want to give in to such a precious disciple?

As for lazy and hands-off shopkeepers like Luo Jiuqiu, she has seven such all-around good disciples.

Murong Xun was so jealous that his teeth were almost broken. Unfortunately, he also knew that such good things were hard to come by, so it was better not to daydream.

After praising his disciples and kicking away Murong Xun who said the grapes were sour, Luo Jiuqiu held the demon meditation stone in his hand and immediately began to retreat.

The gate of the large courtyard was closed, and except for the sound of leaves falling in the wind, there was silence.

Luo Jiuqiu sat cross-legged in the center of the courtyard, beside a leafy sycamore tree.

Yunfu stood on the top of the sycamore tree, his face expressionless and his eyes closed.

Dozens of reddish sycamore leaves were scattered on the ground, and a leaf fell slowly in the sky.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand and tossed it, and the gray demon treasure meditation stone was suspended in the air, glowing faintly.

Luo Jiuqiu slowly closed his eyes, relaxed his brows, and gradually entered a state of meditation.

The meditation stone floating in mid-air shone brightly, and the stone began to rotate slowly.

At the same time, wisps of light radiated from the meditation stone, instantly spreading like thin ribbons of galaxy light in the air.

One end of the Milky Way Light Belt is connected to the meditation stone, and the other end is connected to Luo Jiuqiu.

As the light belt connected Luo Jiuqiu's eyebrows, heart, back of the head, and limbs, Luo Jiuqiu gradually entered a mysterious and mysterious state. His consciousness seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, seemed to be dreaming, and seemed to be wandering and thinking. .

Anyone with a weak mind would probably have lost himself by now, but Luo Jiuqiu still retains a trace of clarity.

Luo Jiuqiu kneads the secret technique in his hand and operates the Wuji secret technique.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth, as well as ghost energy, demon energy and demonic energy, all came in the direction of Luo Jiuqiu.

Not long after, Luo Jiuqiu's whole body was covered by the energy needed for the cultivation of various creatures in the world.

The meditation stone rotated faster and the light shone brightly.

Luo Jiuqiu's whole body began to emit a faint shimmer simultaneously, and the light was faintly golden. Compared with the meditation stone spinning in mid-air, it looked more mysterious and ethereal.

At this moment, in Luo Jiuqiu's sea of ​​​​consciousness, another cross-legged Luo Jiuqiu appeared, also sitting in meditation, with his eyes closed, and holding the magic formula with his hands. Luo Jiuqiu seemed to feel that he was standing at the highest point, that he was floating out of his body, and that his soul was independent and looking at his body.

At this moment, a vague sound of "clang" came from the depths of Luo Jiuqiu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Luo Jiuqiu suddenly woke up, and then immediately imagined the appearance of the light cocoon in his mind.

Meditation stones can help visualize your imagination.

Almost immediately, a shimmering white cocoon ball appeared in Luo Jiuqiu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Luo Jiuqiu was not careless and continued to meditate in his mind.

I don’t know how much time passed, but in Luo Jiuqiu’s sea of ​​consciousness, the light cocoon suddenly slowly approached Luo Jiuqiu, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

Slowly, the light cocoon appeared to split automatically, and one after another thin silky rays of light detached from the light cocoon. After the meal, they automatically moved to Luo Jiuqiu's body, who was sitting in meditation.

In Luo Jiuqiu's sea of ​​consciousness, she was sitting cross-legged and meditating, and her body was gradually wrapped in rays of light one after another.

Gradually, Luo Jiuqiu suddenly heard the slow beating sound of "bang, bang, bang".

Luo Jiuqiu felt that it was the sound of heartbeat, her own heartbeat.

Suddenly, the speed of the light entanglement accelerated. After a while, Luo Jiuqiu's cross-legged meditating form became a seemingly airtight cocoon of light in Luo Jiuqiu's sea of ​​consciousness, which was exactly the same as the light cocoon that had appeared before.

At the same time, in the outside world, under the sycamore tree, Luo Jiuqiu himself, with his eyes closed and his legs crossed, finally changed.

Light began to appear on Luo Jiuqiu's body.

Yunfu raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Luo Jiuqiu.

Behind Yunfu, the dense sycamore leaves moved slightly.

Yunfu didn't look back, and stretched out his palm to push back his son who was about to show his head.

In the gap between the leaves, Xiao Luoyao blinked his big eyes and stared at his mother below. His eyes were worried and he wanted to get closer. Unfortunately, his arms could not twist his thighs, and he could not resist his biological father at all.

At this moment, Luo Jiuqiu in the courtyard had completely turned into a cocoon of light emitting a shimmering light.

The light cocoon reappears, the light of the meditation stone disappears, the sky and the earth become dark, and the surroundings are silent, as if all things are worshiping and dare not discuss the brilliance of the light cocoon.

Within the cocoon of light, Luo Jiuqiu once again seemed to have fallen into a dream, and seemed to have seen the past and present life. Various light and shadow pictures were shown back and forth in front of Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu was no longer shocked, she just regarded it as reading the literal script. Because he was calmer, Luo Jiuqiu jumped out of the state of being "confused by the authorities".

It was clear to onlookers that Luo Jiuqiu seemed to be watching someone else's performance. The pictures that were always blurry at first became clearer. Pictures that she had never seen before also flashed before her eyes one by one.

Luo Jiuqiu saw the Celestial Clan, they were hiding in the shadows, behind the blue sky and white clouds, hiding in the higher sky.

Luo Jiuqiu finally understood that it was indeed the Celestial Clan's handiwork that the immortal gods had withdrawn and disappeared tens of millions of years ago. The collapse of the Heavenly Pillar and the closing of the Ascension Gate were also caused by the Celestial Clan.

The great conspiracy of the Celestial Clan has surfaced.

Luo Jiuqiu almost wanted to take out the image stone and record these scenes. Unfortunately, she was in a world in a cocoon of light and could not use the image stone.

(End of this chapter)

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