The light cocoon state is rare, and it is difficult to create it artificially.

But, knowing that it was a shortcut, it would be a bit silly not to take it.

Luo Jiuqiu closed his eyes slightly and pondered for a second, then opened his eyes and said: "Then, the next task is coming. Disciples, find out how to turn into a light cocoon. I am optimistic about you."

The two disciples Murong Xun and Yong Huai who were joining in the fun were shocked, their eyes widened, and they felt a little sympathy for Luo Jiuqiu's two disciples.

Those who are apprentices do everything, while those who are masters are hands-off. However, Luo Jiuqiu's seven apprentices are happy with this situation.

The seven disciples said in unison: "Yes, Master!"

Then, he came and went like the wind and went to work obediently.

Murong Xun gave Luo Jiuqiu a thumbs up and said, "Qiu, I really admire you more and more. You are so awesome and you are so good at teaching your disciples."

Yong Huai never brags about his senior sister. After hearing this, he immediately nodded and said: "As expected of my senior sister, she is so powerful that no one can match her!"

Luo Jiuqiu smiled modestly and said: "Easy to say, easy to say, polite and polite."

After being humble, Luo Jiuqiu turned his head and looked at Yun Fu aside, saying: "Master Yun Jian, aren't you planning to contribute?"

Yunfu: "Yeah."

Luo Jiuqiu: "...what do you mean? Sword Master, do you plan to contribute, or not?"

Yunfu said matter-of-factly: "No. I'll stay with you."

Luo Jiuqiu twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed at Yunfu, and said to Murong Xun: "Zhenzhen, the one you should admire most is the Nine-Slay Sword Master, who has thick skin."

Yunfu raised his eyes lightly and glanced at Murong Xun.

Murong Xun immediately waved his hands and said: "Don't dare, don't dare."

Luo Jiuqiu chuckled and mocked: "Ha, make a difference."

Yun Fu glanced over expressionlessly.

Murong Xun trembled all over and immediately moved away from Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows.

Murong Xun said: "Stop smiling at me and winking at me. Your deputy sect leader thinks I'm flirting with you!"

Luo Jiuqiu was speechless: "Why are you becoming less and less courageous?"

I still remember that back then, Murong Xun was one of the few people who dared to call Yunfu by his name.

Murong Xun sighed: "I have no choice. Now I have pursuits and goals. I want to live a few more years."

Murong Xun's current pursuit is to accompany Xiao Luoyao, watch him grow up, and watch him get married. His goal is to see Xiao Luoyao have children.

Luo Jiuqiu had heard Murong Xun excitedly talk about his pursuits and goals before. He felt a chill at the moment and complained directly: "You have no pursuits. Luo Yao's life is not your life. You have to do it for yourself." Think about it more.”

Murong Xun looked contemptuous at that time and said: "This is what I pursue. You are a hard-hearted person who only respects me. You don't understand."

Luo Jiuqiu rolled his eyes and said, "Zhenzhen, I admire you very much. Your goals and pursuits are unique and not ordinary."

Murong Xunquan thought Luo Jiuqiu was praising him and smiled.

"Ha." Luo Jiuqiu, who felt he was very ambitious and had lofty goals, chuckled and turned around to go back to the house to practice.

The affairs of the sect are taken care of by her junior brother Yong Huai, her son Luo Yao is taken care of by the high priest Wuming, and the affairs of the cocoon are taken care of by seven disciples. If the heavenly clan comes to attack, there will be clouds to protect her. In this way, she has nothing to worry about. . Luo Jiuqiu went into seclusion with peace of mind. In order to practice better, he directly entered samadhi, closed his five senses, and couldn't hear anything outside the window.

The Celestial Clan did not knock on the door immediately.

Luo Jiuqiu had kidnapped three Celestial Clan babies, but then returned them.

The Tian Clan and Luo Jiuqiu, as well as all the races in Jingxuan Continent, have not broken up with each other. Although many monks are speculating that the Tian Clan is a conspirator, there is no direct evidence to prove it.

The Celestial Clan does want to exterminate all living things, but they are probably used to being the driving force behind the scenes and are not very willing to walk up to people and start killing people.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate, maintaining a false peace on the surface.

On the other side, He Qiuheng and Qin Pianpian, who returned to Hanging Island, were quite busy.

Zhengqi League, Xuanyuan Sect and Yinlu Sect first studied the thirteen murals, but did not find much substantive stuff.

After that, He Qiuheng once again convened various sects to go to Hanging Island for discussion. The content of the discussion was to interpret the thirteen murals and discuss how to deal with the Celestial Clan next.

Luo Jiuqiu was in retreat and didn't go, so naturally Yunfu didn't go either. Wuming, with a face, was forced to attend on behalf of the Four Gods Society and the Moon Worship Sect at the same time.

There is no doubt that the Tian Clan is the enemy of the entire Jingxuan Continent.

But one thing I have to admit is that the Celestial Clan is indeed very strong.

Some people with hot tempers, such as Chu Zhiyi, slapped the table and said harsh words: "No matter whether there is any evidence or not, just destroy the mysterious Celestial Clan!"

He Qiuheng frowned and said: "The Celestial Clan is very strong. There were several people who showed up that day with the strength of the Nine-Star Spiritual Emperor. I think, in general, there must be more Nine-star Spiritual Emperors within the Celestial Clan, and even It’s the stronger one.”

Some monks frowned in disbelief and asked doubtfully: "According to what Alliance Leader He said, is it possible that there are still immortal gods hidden in the Celestial Clan?"

The one who is stronger than the Nine Star Spirit Emperor is the immortal or god after ascension.

Legend has it that those with average qualifications can ascend to immortality. Those whose qualifications are revealed and whose cultivation is more powerful will evolve from immortals to gods. Some people also say that the world after the Ascension Gate is inhabited by aborigines who are born immortals, and among these aborigines, those with pure blood are gods.

There were many unbelievers, and many monks began to speak actively.

"Is it possible that there are immortals or gods in the Celestial Clan?"

"Aren't all the immortals and gods destroyed? How can the immortals and gods of the Celestial Clan still be alive?"

"Perhaps the immortals are not dead at all?"

He Qiuheng coughed, and after the monks around him shut up, he said: "I'm just giving you an example. The origin of the Celestial Clan is a mystery, their strength is weird and powerful, and their training system is completely different from ours. Maybe even the immortals and gods It’s in their palms, and they may be even more powerful than the legendary gods.”

The other monks who had never seen the power of the Celestial Clan were shocked. Some did not believe it and felt that He Qiuheng was exaggerating, while others were worried after thinking about He Qiuheng's words.

He Qiuheng paused briefly, and the monks started talking.

"Is this Celestial Clan really so powerful? Then aren't they against heaven?"

"The people from the Heavenly Clan are not good, and we are in danger."

"If you're afraid of a hammer, fuck him!"

"I and I will work together to wipe out the Celestial Clan, easily. Before, ghosts and demons were wreaking havoc on the human world, and blood flowed like rivers. Didn't we also survive it?"

"Speaking of the past, the demons seem to have corrected their evil ways. However, the demons are violent and cruel by nature, and they are also very bloodthirsty and cruel. Can they really be trusted?"

As soon as the demon clan was mentioned, everyone started chatting again, and the discussion continued.

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