Luo Jiuqiu used the secret technique of Wuji, kneaded the secret technique in his hand, and struck down quickly with the intent of the sword.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were three loud noises in succession, and the long sword hit the three Celestial Clan who rushed at the front. However, these three Celestial Clan were very powerful and nothing happened. They are also very despicable. They are obviously very powerful, but they pretend to be non-threatening. Standing aside seems harmless, and they can easily cause people to be careless.

Probably these Celestial Clan want to kill Luo Jiuqiu in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, Luo Jiuqiu is not a vegetarian, and she has already been prepared.

Luo Jiuqiu slashed with his sword with an astonishing momentum, hitting three Celestial Clan members rushing at the front at the same time.

The air fluctuated, the ground trembled, and the moment the long knife struck, Luo Jiuqiu instantly realized how powerful the opponent was.

If the three heavenly clans were converted into adult clans, their cultivation level would be at least nine stars of the Spiritual Emperor.

Luo Jiuqiu was a little reluctant to deal with the Nine Spirit Emperor Stars, but he didn't expect that three of them would come at once.

It was as if the Nine Star Spirit Emperor was worthless.

Luo Jiuqiu temporarily blocked the attacks of the three Celestial Clan, and both parties took several steps back before they stabilized their bodies.

In the blink of an eye, three powerful Heavenly Clan stared at Luo Jiuqiu again, their eyes cold and bloodthirsty.

Cang Ji finally took action and was blocked by Luo Jiuqiu in an instant.

Cang Ji is a pure-blooded demon, and he is also the Nine-Star Spiritual Emperor, but his strength is not outstanding. It is impossible for the three heavenly clans to cross Cang Ji and deal with Luo Jiuqiu.

She didn't know if it was Luo Jiuqiu's illusion, but she always felt that the Celestial Clan's intention to kill her was very obvious, as if they were obsessed with killing her, while others seemed unimportant in the eyes of the Celestial Clan.

Otherwise, why would the three despicable Celestial Clan hide their cultivation and insist on killing her?

Luo Jiuqiu felt that it was not that he was narcissistic, but that the Tian Clan was hiding some secret.

Luo Jiuqiu held the sword and kneaded the technique as fast as a gust of wind, dealing with ordinary Celestials with ease.

Outside the black forest, there were at least hundreds of Heavenly Clan members. Luo Jiuqiu was not afraid at all and rushed in in the blink of an eye.

Luo Jiuqiu put his long knife on the neck of a Celestial Clan and sneered: "I guess you don't want to tell me anything useful, so I have to say goodbye to you."

With that said, Luo Jiuqiu killed the other party with a single blow without mercy.

The donated blood spattered at close range, and Luo Jiuqiu's cheek was stained with several drops of blood.

Luo Jiuqiu curled his lips coldly, and with the few drops of blood on his face, he looked very scary and gloomy.

One of the Tian clan was so frightened that they screamed and ran back using their hands and feet. While running, they shouted: "It's Luo Jiuqiu! Luo Jiuqiu is here! The big killer!"

The Great Killer?

Luo Jiuqiu frowned slightly, a little confused.

Doesn't the God of Death specifically refer to the Nine-Kill Sword Lord? She also became the God of Killing when she was born, and she also caused a lot of hatred within the Celestial Clan.

Luo Jiuqiu's fingertips popped out the puppet silk, and instantly wrapped it around the neck of the fleeing Celestial Clan.

Luo Jiuqiu used puppet silk to forcefully pull this person in front of him.


The captured Celestials screamed loudly and were so frightened that their masks almost fell off.

Luo Jiuqiu is a good person.

She didn't kill the Celestial Clan immediately, but took off the Celestial Clan's mask.

Luo Jiuqiu turned the mask with one hand and pinched Tian Clan to look at it.

Luo Jiuqiu: "Tsk, tsk, I thought you were so weird looking, so afraid to see people, but you look like people. Nothing special."

Luo Jiuqiu stimulated the fragile and sensitive nerves of the Tian Clan with each word, and then directly crushed the mask in his hand with a "pop".


Unexpectedly, the unmasked Celestial Clan screamed inexplicably, as if what was crushed was not the mask, but his heart. The Celestial Clan groaned weakly, and their breath was visibly weakened.

Luo Jiuqiu was very cruel and cut the Celestial Clan in half with one strike.

It's not that Luo Jiuqiu is cruel, but that these Celestial Clan are not worthy of her mercy.

For example, on the surface, this Celestial Clan, who kept screaming and was weak and unable to resist, actually took out a small dagger while screaming, and was about to stab Luo Jiuqiu's heart.

Since the other party is so unrepentant, Luo Jiuqiu will naturally no longer be merciful.

The long knife slashed across, and the impenitent Celestial Clan's eyes widened, and he was split in half.

Luo Jiuqiu squatted down and quickly observed the internal structure of the Celestial Clan without wasting any time. He found that the Celestial Clan's body was indeed different from other races in Jingxuan Continent. They did not rely on spiritual power to operate.

But what exactly they practice, what they rely on to become strong, and what they do for a living requires further research.

Luo Jiuqiu was not in a hurry. He stood up and easily dodged another wave of attacks.

He Qiuheng and Qin Pianpian also joined the battlefield instantly.

The scene was in chaos, and the Celestial Clan rushed up in a swarm with shouts of death.

It really wasn't Luo Jiuqiu's illusion. The entire Tian Clan had an inexplicable hatred towards Luo Jiuqiu, or it could be said that they had a strong intention to kill her.

Regardless of whether there is an opponent or not, the head and feet of the Tian Clan are always pointing towards Luo Jiuqiu. It can be imagined how powerful their thoughts are, and they want to kill Luo Jiuqiu.

As for the reason for this, Luo Jiuqiu couldn't figure it out, or was it a problem left over from her previous life?

But that's not important. If the Tian Clan dares to kill her, then they should be prepared to be killed by Luo Jiuqiu.

The two sides fought for half an hour. Luo Jiuqiu and others are not reluctant to fight. After all, they are at the opponent's home court. When the fight is almost over, they start fighting and retreating.


A loud noise suddenly rang in the ears. The loud noise seemed to tear the world apart. The movement was so loud that it sounded like it came from outside the space where the Celestial Clan lived.

Luo Jiuqiu suspected that Yun Fu was doing it.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled slightly at Cang Ji and said, "Thank you for your hard work, elder."


Cang Ji nodded invisibly, temporarily shook off the three fighting Celestial Masters, and directly enlarged his moves to attack the sky.

The independent space has a weakness, that is, it is essentially like a cage with a closed door, closed on all sides. The space can be broken by completely breaking the sky or the ground.

Seeing Cang Ji's actions, all the Heavenly Clan were stunned for a moment, and then swarmed over to try to stop Cang Ji.

Unexpectedly, Cang Ji was just a false shot. She, Luo Jiuqiu and others had already discussed countermeasures through sound transmission into secrets.

Cang Ji rushed to the front to clear the way for the enemies, while Fang Zhuo stayed at the back to clear the rear. Luo Jiuqiu and others accelerated out of the encirclement in an instant, dodging and teleporting as fast as possible.

Rushing and fighting, He Qiuheng threw many disposable charms behind him for free, all of which were explosion charms and smoke charms.

There was shouting and panic in the Tian Clan space.

Not long after, Luo Jiuqiu and others ducked to the entrance of the Celestial Clan.

Yunfu felt something, and slowly raised his head. With a movement of his fingertips, black-haired Yunfu reappeared.

The white-haired Yunfu held a long sword in his hand and faced him head-on, while the black-haired Yunfu stood behind Luo Jiuqiu and others, manipulating the ice and snow to intercept the pursuers in an instant.

Luo Jiuqiu and others were instantly out of trouble.

The high-profile assault team and the low-profile infiltration team merged smoothly.

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