Chapter 23 Wuji Secret Technique
Yunfu walked towards Sima Yong, took two glasses of wine with his own hands, and handed one to Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand to take it, and sniffed it close to the tip of his nose. In a blink of an eye, he flipped his wrist and the wine glass fell to the ground, spilling the wine all over the floor.

Luo Jiuqiu's cultivation level was sealed and he was not good at stabbing people, but he spared no effort in doing other things.

Yunfu raised his hand and threw the wine glass.

Just when everyone held their breath and thought that the sword master was finally going to get angry this time, Yun Fu called out "Sima Yong".

Sima Yong, who was always smart, bowed in response, then ducked out of the way and took a new tray.

Wine flasks, wine glasses, a lot of them.

Obviously, Sima Yong had already expected that someone was going to act like a monster.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows and felt his hands itchy.

Yunfu lifted the wine bottle and poured it slowly.

The clinking sound of wine seemed to ring in everyone's tense hearts.

Those who buried their heads and dared not look suddenly found that the ground was quickly freezing, layers of cold air were rising, and the cold sword energy flickered among them.

Yunfu said: "After drinking this glass of wine, if you want to play, I will accompany you."

Luo Jiuqiu wanted to play, but Yunfu didn't stop him, but the premise was that he would finish the glass of Hexin wine with him.

Luo Jiuqiu took the wine glass handed over by Yun Fu again, twirling his white fingers slightly, and the red wine glass spun several times between his fingers, making others tremble with fear.

The ice on the ground is covered layer by layer and is about to explode.

Luo Jiuqiu finally turned around enough and stopped the wine glass with a slow press of his fingers.

"As you wish." The corners of Luo Jiuqiu's lips were slightly raised, but there was no smile in his eyes. He slowly stretched out his arm holding the wine glass and looked lazily at the clouds.

Everyone felt the chill subsided slightly.

Yunfu put one hand on Luo Jiuqiu's lower back and touched his outstretched arm with the other.

Luo Jiuqiu paused for a while, then finally bent his arm, slowly turned his wrist along with Yun Fu's strength, raised his head and drank the whole glass of wine in one gulp.

I don't know who ordered it. This wine is very strong, with a spicy taste in the mouth, but it is very warm, like fire, but it makes people deeply feel the fact of being alive in the pain and warmth.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand and wiped the corners of his lips that were wet with wine, smiled slightly, loosened his fingers, and dropped the wine glass to the ground.

She threw away Yun Fu's arm without hesitation, turned around gracefully, faced the guests again, and asked with a friendly smile: "Everyone, I'm done with the Sword Master's affairs. Next, what do you want to say and do? random."

She was determined to have some fun today.

It was as if he had just got married and had a drink with someone, but these ordinary things were not worth mentioning and were not enough to leave ripples in his heart.

And Yunfu really did what he said, as long as Luo Jiuqiu drank this glass of wine, he would not stop him from doing anything he wanted to do.

When meeting everyone, you look at me and I look at you, but no one dares to be the one who stands out.

Luo Jiuqiu added to his anger, looked around and asked in surprise: "Aren't you curious when you see me? I have been dead for 600 years, why did I suddenly come back to life?"

Everyone was so curious.

The various deeds of Luo Jiuqiu since his resurrection have already been widely circulated in a small area.As for the ruins of Baiyun City, batch after batch of monks pounced on them, tearing up the ruins within a radius of three thousand miles, trying to find something.

Luo Jiuqiu slightly raised his lips, looked at the audience, raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't you all want to know my secret method of worshiping the Moon Sect?"

It was like a big move that hit the whole place.

Finally, someone stood up, trying to suppress their greed and try to ask decently.The middle-aged monk raised his hands to Yunfu and Luo Jiuqiu and said in a deep voice: "I have no intention of interfering with Miss Luo's personal affairs. It is really... the secret method of worshiping the moon is very mysterious and fascinating."

Luo Jiuqiu curled her lips, twisted the phoenix crown bead curtain with her fingers, and asked, "What do you yearn for? Tell me."

Luo Jiuqiu looked like a good-natured person who knew everything and said everything he could.

The middle-aged monk hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and asked directly: "We are just curious about how Miss Luo came back from the dead. Does the rumored secret method of worshiping the moon really exist?"

"No, no, no." Luo Jiuqiu smiled slightly, shook his finger, opened his eyes and said, "You are so naive, do you think that if you ask, I will answer?"

"Luo Jiuqiu, you!" The middle-aged monk who had been teased pointed at Luo Jiuqiu, but he was a little angry and dared not speak.

The curve of the corners of Luo Jiuqiu's lips deepened, and amusement flashed in his eyes.

After seeing the changes in everyone's faces, Luo Jiuqiu changed his words and said: "There is nothing hard to say. Of course the secret method of worshiping the moon exists. Grandmaster can prove it, and I, Luo Jiuqiu, can also prove it."

As he spoke, Luo Jiuqiu suddenly raised his wrist and took a hard bite.

Blood stained her thin lips and her wrists were dripping with blood.

Luo Jiuqiu said lazily: "Everyone, please see, this is living human blood, fresh, hot, and sweet. Hahaha!"

Chu Zhiyi and other members of the Yuxu Sword Sect all twitched, thinking that this ancestor was quite crazy.

Yunfu frowned and said nothing.

Many guests in the audience could really feel the breath of a living person and the surging spiritual power from the blood.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Luo Jiuqiu's cultivation level grew from scratch, broke through the seal, and broke through to the Supreme Spirit Master in the blink of an eye!
The overwhelming pressure swept across the entire place with a "boom".

The so-called Spirit Master is one of the top three realms of monks. He can conquer mountains and seas with just a lift of his hands.

The middle-aged monk who just called Luo Jiuqiu by his first name stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Everyone, it is true that I am alive, it is true that my cultivation has skyrocketed, and the legendary secret method is also true!"

Everyone looked increasingly crazy.

Resurrection from the dead has attracted people's infinite desire, and the rumored secret method of Wuji that can make people ascend in the daytime is the most eye-catching.

No one has ascended in Jingxuan Continent for tens of millions of years. Everyone wants to fly, but everyone knows it is just a dream.

But now, the legendary Wuji secret method of the Moon Worshiping Sect has appeared.

Everyone couldn't help but think of the day rising.

Legend has it that the founder of the Moon Worshiping Sect relied on this secret method to ascend to the throne!
Luo Jiuqiu blinked and wrote lightly to everyone: "If I want to, it is possible to be a spiritual saint. Of course, ascending... is not impossible."

With a "boom", there was a huge crowd and a lot of discussion.

Some people took a breath, some people were afraid and backed away, some people's eyes glowed green greedily, some people laughed in disbelief but couldn't look away.

Luo Jiuqiu shook her finger and continued slowly: "Don't worry, everyone, I haven't had enough fun yet, so don't be in a hurry to ascend. This continent is so fun, I'll make a breakthrough later."

Some people almost want to vomit blood.

In Luo Jiuqiu's words, the realm that all the monks in Jingxuan Continent pursue all their lives and never reach after exhausting their lives seems to be as simple as eating and drinking.

For a time, envy, jealousy, hatred, suspicion, yearning, and other emotions gathered at the top of the Wanjian Mountains.

Luo Jiuqiu, who stood at the center of many emotions, seemed to hear the greedy cries in the monk's heart like a mountain and a tsunami. The cries came one after another, shocking and pleasing.

(End of this chapter)

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