Luo Jiuqiu is not a person who deliberately avoids problems.

Luo Jiuqiu asked Qiwu directly: "How to extend the life of the memory carrier?"

Qi Wu was stunned, thought for a long time, and said: "Master, if I had other options, I wouldn't have eaten my reincarnation in this life. After eating, my life span would be according to that of a normal demon."

As we all know, demons have a long lifespan.

But Luo Jiuqiu would never allow the memory carrier to eat the reincarnations of the Four Gods, and the one in Qiwu was just a special case.

Luo Jiuqiu asked Bai Hai again: "Your memory didn't tell you how to deal with it?"

Bai Hai said: "Master, my memory is intermittent and incomplete. I am just a reflection of a small memory in the past."

Luo Jiuqiu frowned. She had a gut feeling that Qi Wu and Bai Hai had something else they hadn't told her, but she had no evidence.

After a while, Qi Wu and Bai Hai looked at each other, and Qi Wu, who was more eloquent, spoke.

Qi Wu said: "Master, don't worry. As long as you become a god again, you can create a small world. By then, the memory carrier can also be given real life."

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows: "Becoming a god?"

Qi Wu said: "It's not difficult. We just need to repair the Tianzhu first and open the door of ascension. The door of ascension is a key barrier between the mortal world and the world of immortals and gods. As long as the door is open, the cultivation level of the human world is too high. , those who cannot bear it on the mainland will naturally ascend to the sky."

Luo Jiuqiu nodded, of course she understood the truth.

The Tianzhu is severed and the door to ascension is closed. The entire Jingxuan Continent is like a large corked balloon. The balloon is filled with spiritual energy. If the door is not opened and the plug is not removed, the result will be that the balloon will explode or The spiritual energy is exhausted. The people who live in Jingxuan Continent, whether they are mortals or monks, whether they are human or other non-human races, will eventually die with Jingxuan Continent.

The higher the monk's cultivation level, the longer his lifespan. A powerful monk can even live for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, but there is always a limit. If you don't ascend, you will die sooner or later.

Luo Jiuqiu: "So, can my disciple help my master ascend?"

Qi Wu nodded and said: "I can help Master take a small step forward, such as restoring a little memory of the past life and increasing some cultivation, so that the distance to the ascension can be shortened a little."

Qi Wu didn't show off, and said directly: "Now that the reincarnations of the four gods are here, if they all gather at the ancient battlefield of the four gods, they will definitely be able to break some time and space barriers and help you find some memories of your previous life. You can also improve them appropriately. Cultivation."

Luo Jiuqiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Then, let's try it."

Luo Jiuqiu is not pretentious. In troubled times, it is better to be stronger.

After confirming that this operation had no negative impact on the reincarnation of the four gods, Luo Jiuqiu led his five disciples to the ancient battlefield.

Probably because the people related to the Four Gods were all present, the sky that had been thundering for many years suddenly stopped, and the black holes in space and time that flashed from time to time disappeared.

Qi Wu told Bai He and other brothers and sisters how to recite the curse.

Because Bai Hai is a memory carrier, it does not need to be operated.

The next second, the four Qiwu chanted obscure ancient formulas and activated the formations hidden in the ancient battlefield.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and dense lightning crackled down in the air. The four of Qi Wu stood around Luo Jiuqiu, and Luo Lei automatically avoided the position where Luo Jiuqiu and others were standing.

At this time, Qi Wu stretched out his hands to make the formula, and the formula changed.

The thunder suddenly disappeared, but lightning moved silently in the suddenly thickened clouds, and large and small space-time black holes appeared spinning at high speed.

The four mantras that Qi Wu recited became faster and faster, and the black holes exploded and merged instantly. The countless black hole fragments that were finally blown up merged themselves and turned into a huge black hole.

Luo Jiuqiu felt an inexplicable suction force. The next second, Luo Jiuqiu closed her eyes and fell to the ground, and an almost completely transparent soul floated out of her body.

Luo Jiuqiu's soul was sucked in by the huge black hole. Qi Wu stretched out his four hands and struck out a palm each. These four palms simultaneously pressed down on the entrance of the huge black hole that wanted to shrink. The black hole was unable to shrink in an instant, let alone disappear.

This black hole of time and space floating outside the void world has the function of randomly grabbing all kinds of past time and space.

There are thousands of human and non-human species of all kinds, and the number of people who have been captured in the past is naturally countless. However, with the reincarnation of the four gods who are particularly destined to Luo Jiuqiu in his past and present lives, there is a high probability that the black hole of memory related to Luo Jiuqiu himself can be captured.

As soon as Luo Jiuqiu saw the black hole, she knew that there was indeed her memory here.

It is said that Luo Jiuqiu's soul was actually very clear, but his feet were uncontrollable and inexplicably attracted by the power in the deepest part of the black hole, and he moved forward step by step.

Luo Jiuqiu's soul went deeper and deeper into the black hole, and at the same time, traces of memories woke up from Luo Jiuqiu's mind.

That was the memory of Luo Jiuqiu's previous life.

Before countless bloody gunfire broke out, Luo Jiuqiu saw many tall and intact pillars and the towering Gate of Ascension.

Through the door of ascension, it is another world. The clothes of countless immortals and gods are fluttering, and they are flying in the clouds and mist. And a person walked slowly in the distance, holding a long knife and wearing a white battle robe. It was Luo Jiuqiu from his previous life. Behind him, closely followed four figures, one woman and three men. Each of them looked very familiar. They were the four gods from the previous life, Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu.

The eyes of the four gods were full of reverence and dependence, as if they were fully devoted to following Luo Jiuqiu's previous life.

Then there was a spatial fluctuation, and the picture in front of Luo Jiuqiu changed again. She actually saw the past when she and the Four Gods first met.

Luo Jiuqiu picked up the dying Suzaku with injured wings by the river, rescued Xuanwu on the fire stand of the mortal altar, released the suppressed white tiger in the pile of rocks, and finally won the battle with Qinglong on the bottom of the sea without killing him. other side.

The original four gods were still very simple and their thoughts were extremely simple. It was through these simple encounters that the four gods actually yearned for Luo Jiuqiu and followed him wholeheartedly, transforming from ordinary beasts into four gods along the way.

In Luo Jiuqiu's opinion, these four gods were so stupid, innocent and cute.

After that, it was Luo Jiuqiu's daily life with the four gods in his previous life, playing and causing trouble in the world of immortals and gods. During this period, they also went down to earth together to experience calamities and suppress ghosts and demons.

Finally, a big war broke out, and all the gods and gods joined in the melee. Finally, the Tianzhu collapsed, the Tianmen closed, and the last god, Luo Jiuqiu, died in the battle.

The four gods were probably heartbroken, but they did not dare to harm themselves because of Luo Jiuqiu's instructions before his death. So the four gods, who were heartless, suddenly changed their minds and agreed to kill each other. In the end, they killed each other and buried Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu was shocked and confused. She was shocked by the four gods who were completely devoted to her. She was confused by why the immortals and gods fought, why the Tianzhu collapsed, and why the Tianmen was closed.

Past life memory does not provide answers to these questions.

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