Once upon a time, the Moon Worshiping Sect was destroyed overnight, with only three people left alive, and all the sect's classics and various treasured magic weapons disappeared without a trace.

Six hundred years later, Luo Jiuqiu woke up and rebuilt the sect on his own. Various classics and treasures were delivered directly to Luo Jiuqiu for free, and Luo Jiuqiu sealed them all into the sect's treasury, including some A thoughtful gift to Xiao Luoyao.

Now, Luo Jiuqiu opened the treasure house and prepared to distribute it to everyone, one piece to each person.

Today, the Moon Worshiping Sect has thousands of disciples.

Luo Jiuqiu told Yong Huai, "I'll leave the matter to you, junior brother. The workload is a bit heavy. Thank you for your hard work."

Yong Huai said: "This is all what I should do. Senior sister is serious!"

Yong Huai looked at his senior sister with eagerness and reverence.

Thousands of disciples below shouted loudly at the same time: "Thank you so much, Sect Master! Long live Sect Master!"

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand and made a downward movement, and the scene fell silent instantly.

But excitement and admiration continued to spread in the air.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Everyone deserves it. I, Luo Jiuqiu, have always loved my own people."

After saying that, Luo Jiuqiu opened his arms to his side and behind him, turned to face everyone in the audience, and said: "These humans and non-humans beside me are all our own people. I think everyone must be very happy." I was curious, so I just said it.”

Luo Jiuqiu said: "You see two people who look exactly the same. The steady one is my eldest apprentice Bai He. You are very familiar with it. The one who is a little more out-of-the-box and likes to smile like a sinister bad guy is also my apprentice. His name is Bai Hai. , the whiteness of the day, the sea of ​​the sea.”

Bai Hai was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Luo Jiuqiu to admit him as his apprentice in public.

Even though everything about Bai He and Bai Hai is suspicious from their names to their looks, Luo Jiuqiu has the final say in the current Moon Worshiping Sect. The disciples respect Luo Jiuqiu from the bottom of their hearts, and whatever Luo Jiuqiu says is whatever they say.

Bai Hai was surprised and happy to find that there was no objection.

Luo Jiuqiu pointed at Qiwu and introduced: "Everyone probably knows him, Demon Emperor Qiwu. He has now reformed his evil ways and is now under my control, Luo Jiuqiu. He is my fourth disciple."

The disciples in the audience were stunned and shocked. Their sect leader actually accepted the Demon Emperor as his disciple, and also accepted a weird man who looked exactly like his senior brother.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled at the stunned Bai Hai: "You are the fifth disciple."

The fourth disciple, Qi Wu, raised his chin, glanced at Bai Hai, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with pride.

The fifth disciple Bai Hai gritted his teeth, but did not dare to say "Why am I not the fourth disciple?" Although he wanted to ask very much, he did not dare. If the master accidentally doesn't want to accept him as his disciple, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Luo Jiuqiu asked: "Do you have anything to say?"

The disciples hurriedly shouted in unison: "Congratulations to the sect master on your new disciple!"

Luo Jiuqiu nodded: "He is indeed a good disciple."

One is the memory carrier of the four gods, and the other is the product of the memory carrier swallowing the reincarnation of the four gods.

Especially the news that the famous Qi Wu was accepted as a disciple by Luo Jiuqiu would probably surprise everyone and make a certain Ghost Emperor angry.

Luo Jiuqiu thought to himself that Su Mo would probably go crazy and kill him at Moon Worshiping Peak.

At this time, Murong Xun brought a tray from the side with two cups of tea.

Bai Hai and Qi Wu took the tea cups almost at the same time, knelt down with a bang, kowtowed to Luo Jiuqiu upright, raised their hands in the air, and said respectfully: "Master, please have tea."

Luo Jiuqiu: "Okay."

After drinking the tea from the two new apprentices, Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand to help them up.

Yunfu stared at Luo Jiuqiu's hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The ground is slightly frozen, fine snowflakes invisible to the naked eye are dancing, and the air is getting colder. Qi Wu and Bai Hai reacted very quickly. They hurriedly bent over and moved aside. Then they both bowed to Yun Fu: "I've seen Master."

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Qi Wu and Bai Hai had seen Yun Fu before, and had been slapped by it countless times. Now they didn't want to be slapped away on happy days, so they could only be more attentive than the other.

Bai Hai said: "Master, are your shoulders sore? Can I help you with them?"

Qi Wu said: "What kind of sword does Master like? I have a lot of them in my collection. How many swords can I give to Master for you to play with?"

Murong Xun was holding the empty tray and wondering if he should prepare two more cups of tea and let Luo Jiuqiu's new disciple also bow to Yunfu.

Wuming whispered: "The title of Master seems to be wrong. Isn't this calling Master's Master?"

Murong Xun said: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, Qiu Ye was once the disciple of Deputy Sect Leader Yun, so it's not a random shouting."

The few disciples who heard the conversation between them looked at each other and thought in their hearts.

Qi Wu was probably the most shameless one. Without any pressure, he changed his voice and shouted: "Master!"

Calling me dad is better than calling me father-in-law.

Not to be outdone, Bai Hai quickly called out: "Master!"

Bai He, Hong Ling and Lin Heng refused to call them dad in their hearts, but Luo Jiuqiu glanced over, and the three obedient disciples immediately spoke and also called "Master dad".

Luo Jiuqiu simply wanted to see Yunfu's face change. He was suddenly called daddy, or was surrounded by five people and called him daddy. Yunfu's body was filled with murderous intent.

Although Yunfu didn't change his face, Luo Jiuqiu irresponsibly imagined Yunfu going crazy and running wild, and he was instantly happy.

Luo Jiuqiu laughed so much that her stomach ached, and said: "Haha, yes, let's call him Master. From now on, he will be your biological father, haha!"

The five disciples said obediently: "Yes, Master!"

Yunfu: "..."

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows at Yun Fu, curled his eyes and smiled.

Yun Fu's eyes darkened, and the broken ice on the ground and the floating snow in the air disappeared instantly.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled slightly and said to the thousands of disciples in the audience who were looking stunned: "Okay, everyone has worked hard. Go down and have a good rest. Various elixirs and elixirs have been prepared for everyone in the disciples' room. You can take whatever you want. Yes. Cultivation and classes can be postponed for three days, so you can take a good rest."

The disciples were so happy that they shouted "Long live the Sect Master" several times before leaving.

Luo Jiuqiu turned to the few people and non-people who were still at the scene and said, "All of you have worked hard recently, so you went to the treasure house to pick out what you liked. You can take it as a reward."

The people still present include Yun Fu, the three masters and apprentices Yonghuai, Luo Jiuqiu's five disciples, as well as Qingjun, Wuming and Murong Xun.

Qiwu didn't expect that he would have a share. Although he had more treasures than Luo Jiuqiu, he was still very happy.

Yunfu glanced at Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "If Yunjianzun doesn't mind, you can choose one. Does Yunjianzun want it?"

Yunfu said in a low voice: "I want everything you give me."

In just a few words, Yunfu deliberately lowered his voice and said it as if he was speaking slowly against Luo Jiuqiu's ear.

Luo Jiuqiu instantly felt like the tips of his ears had been burned.

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