Luo Jiuqiu brought news one after another, and Wuming couldn't react.

After a while, Wuming caught the key point of the first half of the sentence. She excitedly grabbed Luo Jiuqiu's collar and asked, "You found four jade coffins?!"

Doesn't finding four jade coffins mean that the reincarnation of the fourth god has appeared?
Wuming was very excited.

Luo Jiuqiu was very calm.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "The fourth jade coffin is empty."

Wuming was stunned for a moment, and repeated after a while: "Empty? What do you mean?"

Wuming's expression was tangled, and he hesitated: "You didn't kill the reincarnation of the fourth god, did you?"

Luo Jiuqiu said: "You may not wake up. Even if there is someone lying in the jade coffin, he is at most the memory carrier of the Four Gods. Why should I kill him if I have nothing to do?"

Wuming thought for a while and felt that what Luo Jiuqiu said made sense. No matter how bloodthirsty Luo Jiuqiu was, she would not kill him seriously. What's more, judging from past situations, both the reincarnations of the Four Gods and the memory carriers of the Four Gods were obedient and obedient in front of Luo Jiuqiu, so Luo Jiuqiu had no reason to kill them.

But Wuming was still sensitive enough to hear a hint of displeasure and murderous intent in Luo Jiuqiu's calm tone. As for who this displeasure and murderous intention is aimed at, I don't know.

Luo Jiuqiu patted the back of Wuming's hand and teleported with her to the altar deep in the forbidden area.

Ever since Luo Jiuqiu came here carrying the first jade coffin, this place has become Luo Jiuqiu's exclusive altar. Others from the Fengshen clan, including Wuming, will not come again easily.

At this time, two jade coffins were placed on the altar.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand and opened the coffin lid with all his strength.

Both jade coffins are empty. In one empty coffin, Bai Heer, the memory carrier of Bai Hu when he was a god, once lay. As for who once lay in the other empty coffin, it is unknown.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his hand again and summoned another jade coffin from the bottom of the pool in the center of the altar. This jade coffin was wrapped with layers of sealing formation runes. The style was obviously designed to prevent breakage from the inside. open and open from the outside.

The opening of the jade coffin inside and outside is restricted.

This sentence rolled back and forth uncontrollably in Wuming's mind.

Wuming looked at the jade coffin floating in the pool, a little lost in thought, and murmured: "Then here should be..."

Luo Jiuqiu said: "It's another Lin Heng."

After saying that, Luo Jiuqiu looked at the other two empty coffins.

In the hut not far away, there is another jade coffin with red feathers lying sealed.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "I guess when four jade coffins gather together, there should be strange phenomena and unexpected things happen. But now, the fourth jade coffin is empty, and I don't know who the person in the coffin is. Most likely nothing weird will happen.”

Although he said this, Luo Jiuqiu still summoned the sealed jade coffin in the hut.

Bai Heer, who once lay in the jade coffin, also came.

Things went as Luo Jiuqiu expected. Except that the four jade coffins shone brightly for a while at the beginning, nothing else happened at all.

Bai He Er said: "Master, I think it doesn't matter whether he is lying in the jade coffin or not. Since the fourth child ran away without authorization, we will catch him back, break his legs and feet and stuff him in the coffin."

Luo Jiuqiu felt that Bai Heer's key point was the last sentence. As for the nicknames he gave people casually, Luo Jiuqiu didn't care.

Luo Jiuqiu did not comment on his proposal and only said: "Unfortunately, the fourth child you mentioned runs too fast and has no clues, making it difficult to catch him."

Bai He Er said: "The Fourth Brother woke up but did not show up. There must be a conspiracy and bad intentions. You must not be merciful in catching him." Luo Jiuqiu glanced at the fake Bai He and asked: "You know this Fourth Brother so well His character, do you still have memories of him?"

Bai Heer said decisively: "No, I guessed it. I have a gut feeling that he is not a good person."

Wuming held her forehead, she couldn't even see it. She couldn't help but think treacherously that there might be something wrong with the memory carrier of the White Tiger God, but it was clear that the reincarnation of the White Tiger God usually looked normal.

Luo Jiuqiu nodded and said, "Maybe what you said makes sense."

Bai Heer's eyes immediately lit up, and he volunteered: "Maybe I can find a way to find the fourth child, who is also a memory carrier. I think there should be something in common."

Luo Jiuqiu nodded with satisfaction and said with appreciation: "Yes, then just go ahead and do it. I support you."

Bai Heer was greatly encouraged in an instant and ran away.

Wuming hesitated and asked, "Is there any problem?"

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Don't worry, he is not a brainless person. You and I have no clue, so we might as well leave it to him."

Luo Jiuqiu thought Bai Heer had a brain, but she didn't expect that this brainy memory carrier could do a lot of tricks.

First of all, Bai He Er reasonably used the elimination method and called Hong Ling and Lin Heng. The three contacted each other and determined their corresponding four gods. Hong Ling was Suzaku, Bai He was White Tiger, and Lin Heng was Xuanwu.

Then, after elimination, the remaining fourth child is Qinglong.


Bai Heer sneered, called the people from the Four Gods Association, and ordered them to go out and spread the news, saying: Sect Master Luo will accept a fourth disciple in the near future. It is said that these four disciples crawled out of a jade coffin. The memory carrier of Qinglong, one of the four gods.

Then, Bai Heer asked people to spread the news, saying that Sect Leader Luo preferred Qinglong to his first three disciples, and stayed with him every day, teaching him personally.

He also said that Qinglong respected his master Luo Jiuqiu very much and planned to go to the old battlefield of the Four Gods in the near future to find treasures and donate them to his master to celebrate his birthday.

It is rumored that Sect Leader Luo's birthday is in August, but August is now less than half a month away.

Luo Jiuqiu, the person involved, knew his birthday for the first time. She was picked up by her master, the Reverend Ling Xiao, when she was still in her infancy. Both master and apprentice loved cultivation, and neither of them liked trivial matters such as birthdays, so Luo Jiuqiu had no birthday at all.

But outsiders don't know that.

Bai Heer spread rumors randomly like this, but some people actually believed him.

One night near August, she actually received an anonymous gift. When she opened it, she saw that it was a three-layered gift box. The first layer contained various delicious pastries and snacks, and the second layer contained various rare and beautiful treasures. , and the third layer is a book with yellowing pages of strange and strange techniques for controlling various non-human creatures, including how to drive strange beasts and how to better control ghosts, monsters and demons.

There is a piece of paper pressed under the gift box, with only three words. The main text is "Blessings", and the signature is the word "青".

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows, guessing that it was from the Qinglong.

At this time, Bai Heer, wearing a mask, had gone to the so-called old battlefield of the Four Gods War.

Luo Jiuqiu accepted the birthday gift and walked towards the old battlefield in a flash.

Behind him, Hong Ling and Lin Heng were falling far away on the left and right.

(End of this chapter)
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