The demon Hong Ling has won Luo Jiuqiu's heart and is devoted to Luo Jiuqiu.Although she is the young leader of the Demon Clan, it is obvious that Master is the most important in her heart, and everything else is just a cloud.

This time when the demon tribe was attacked, Hong Ling didn't really ask for help. She was just going through the motions and took the opportunity to send a message to Luo Jiuqiu.At the same time, Hong Ling also knew his master very well.

Nowadays, in troubled times, with ghosts and demons raging and the human race in danger, the Moon Worshiping Sect has mobilized its entire sect to join the battlefield.How can the demon clan sit leisurely on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, doing nothing?
Now that the demon clan is under attack, it is just an opportunity to drag the demon clan into the game and fight together.

Luo Jiuqiu thought a little too much.

Not long after the first jade coffin appeared, the demon clan was attacked.Inside the first known jade coffin lies Bai He Er. The place where the jade coffin appears is the place where her great disciple Bai He was born and held power when he was a mortal.

The demon world is the place where her second apprentice Hong Ling was born and will soon come to power.

Ghosts and demons are raging in the world. They seem to be crazy and bloodthirsty and irrational, but they avoid the demons.At this time, they suddenly attacked the demon clan.

Luo Jiuqiu's mind is very open.

Luo Jiuqiu suspected that the demon clan had hidden secrets. This secret was probably the second jade coffin. In the jade coffin lay a memory carrier that looked exactly like Hong Ling.

This is why the ghost and demon clans suddenly attacked the demon clan.

But there are some questions.If the jade coffin really exists, was it there early in the morning or did it suddenly appear recently?The ghost clan and the demon clan suddenly launched an attack and wreaked havoc on the world. Is it to hide the truth from others? Their main purpose was to take the opportunity to find the four jade coffins.

Luo Jiuqiu felt that he had discovered the truth.

And Luo Jiuqiu also has a third disciple, who was born in the ghost clan and also reached the position of the last ghost king in the ghost clan.So, does the ghost tribe also have a jade coffin and a memory carrier for the four gods?

Unfortunately, the ghost clan's jade coffin is not so easy to get.

Luo Jiuqiu retracted his distant thoughts, put the letter away, and released a paper crane to pass it out.

Luo Jiuqiu suddenly looked back at the expressionless Bai Heer, with critical and dissatisfied eyes.

Bai Heer was seen to be a little nervous.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Remember, your name is Bai He, Bai Bai in the daytime, He in the river, and you are my great disciple."

Bai Heer was stunned, frowned and asked, "Apprentice?"

Luo Jiuqiu asked coldly: "What, do you have any objections?"

Bai He quickly shook his head and said, "No!"

Not only did he not, he was also inexplicably happy inside.

Luo Jiuqiu took Yunfu and Bai He without further delay and flew all the way to the demon world.

When the three people arrived, the three tribes of monsters, ghosts and demons were fighting fiercely.

Luo Jiuqiu arrived at just the right time. As soon as he arrived, he saw the high priest Cang Ji fighting against the Ghost Emperor and the Demon Emperor alone.

The leader of the demon clan, Ming Ye, had probably just come off the scene. He was covered in blood and seriously injured. He was being supported by the demon clan and stood nervously aside.

If Cang Ji loses, the demon clan will most likely be finished.

As a great demon who has lived for more than thousands of years, Cang Ji is the Nine-Star Spiritual Emperor after all. He faces the Ghost Emperor and the Demon Emperor at the same time. Although he cannot defeat the two emperors immediately, he will not lose easily in a short time.

However, the rest of the demon clan was in dire straits.

There are many ghosts and demons coming, and there are many powerful ones. Against the demons, the lethality is very fierce and terrifying.

If Luo Jiuqiu and others had not come, the damage to the demon clan would have been considerable.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Luo Jiuqiu and three other people, Cang Ji and other demon clans all had their eyes lit up. Some demon clans, such as Ming Ye, even shouted to Luo Jiuqiu excitedly.

"Sect Master Luo!"

Ming Ye covered his chest and shouted loudly: "Sect Master Luo is so righteous! He came to the rescue! Thank you so much, Master Luo! Master Luo is eager for justice and is a selfless good person!" Ming Ye was afraid that Luo Jiuqiu would turn around and leave. , hurriedly put one worthless high hat on Luo Jiuqiu's head one after another.

Luo Jiuqiu's eyes twitched.

If this wasn't Hong Ling's biological father, Luo Jiuqiu would have really wanted to slap him in the face.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled softly and said, "Don't worry, clan leader, I'm here to rescue you."

The Ghost Emperor and the Demon Emperor, who were fighting hard with Cang Ji, were shocked at the same time. They glanced at Luo Jiuqiu from the corner of their eyes and both had headaches.

Ghost Emperor Su Mo roared loudly.

"Luo Jiuqiu! Are you done with it? Are you specifically against us? Are you specifically looking for death?"

Luo Jiuqiu sneered: "Haha. What I've been watching endlessly is you. You beat humans and monsters. Do you think you are very powerful? You are so powerful, why don't you go to heaven? Ascend to the sky. What's the point of bullying other races? Heroes? I think you are considered a bear!"

Some demon clan laughed loudly and echoed loudly: "Sect Master Luo is right! Both the ghost clan and the demon clan are nothing but bears, haha!"

The faces of the ghosts and demons were ugly.

Luo Jiuqiu: "What kind of hatred or grievances are there? It's just against me and my disciples, right? What is your purpose?"

Luo Jiuqiu does not think that the ghosts and demons are just fighting against the monsters for fun.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled meaningfully and said, "Isn't it for the second jade coffin?"

The Ghost Emperor and the Demon Emperor were both shocked. They never thought that Luo Jiuqiu actually knew their purpose.But with Luo Jiuqiu here, it becomes more difficult to achieve the goal.

Ghost Emperor Su Mo was so angry that he stopped beating Cang Ji and came to beat Luo Jiuqiu instead.

Ghost Emperor: "Luo Jiuqiu, if you want to die, I will help you!"

At this time, Cang Ji shouted: "Sect Master Luo! The Ghost Emperor has captured Hong Ling!"

Luo Jiuqiu frowned for a moment, murderous intent surged, and shouted coldly: "Su Mo, you are seeking death! Let my disciple go!"

Su Mo sneered and rushed towards him. He fired his ultimate move and said, "Dream, you are the one seeking death! I will send you back to the west right now!"

One person and one ghost fought at high speed. In the blink of an eye, everything they passed by was turned into ruins. Buildings collapsed, trees collapsed, and rocks cracked.

Yunfu knew that Luo Jiuqiu was in a rage and did not take action for the moment.

Cang Ji versus the Demon Emperor, Luo Jiuqiu versus the Ghost Emperor, each battlefield was more bloody and fierce than the other.

Cang Ji had been injured long ago, but he still managed to fight with Demon Emperor Qi Wu. The two sides fought silently, using countless killing moves.

Luo Jiuqiu and Ghost Emperor were fighting and scolding each other, their anger levels overflowing.

Ghost Emperor: "Luo Jiuqiu! I will definitely kill you today!"

Luo Jiuqiu: "Let my apprentice go quickly! Otherwise, I will destroy your entire clan!"

Immediately, one person and one ghost shouted at the same time: "Go to hell!"

Countless big moves and killing moves were released from Luo Jiuqiu and Su Mo, and the world was shaking.

Luo Jiuqiu was filled with anger. Even though he faced the Ghost Emperor with his Spiritual Saint cultivation, he was not defeated. One person and one ghost were almost equal in fighting strength. Each had vomited blood and was injured. For a moment, he couldn't tell the winner.

The Ghost Emperor gradually regained his composure, but he felt that he was dreaming.

When a dignified ghost emperor hits a human eight-star spiritual saint, shouldn't it be an instant kill?

Su Mo was shocked and couldn't believe that he couldn't kill Luo Jiuqiu immediately. What was even more outrageous was that Luo Jiuqiu actually got stronger with each fight, and he seemed to be leveling up!
(End of this chapter)
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