The air was inexplicably quiet, the frost and snow were rustling, and it was very cold.

There are very few people who are calm and composed.

Luo Jiuqiu reached out and pulled down Yunfu's hand on her shoulder, held it, raised his eyes and smiled at the other person.

Yunfu's eyes instantly moved to Luo Jiuqiu, and the air around him became noticeably warmer.

Luo Jiuqiu glanced at Bai He.

The sensible eldest disciple understands instantly.

Bai He immediately turned to Yun Fu aside, bowed his head slightly and said, "I have met the deputy sect leader."

"Yes." Yunfu nodded reservedly, turned his wrist, grabbed Luo Jiuqiu with his backhand, and pulled him closer to him.

The frost and snow disappeared, and the murderous intention that enveloped Bai He gradually disappeared.

Luo Jiuqiu rolled her eyes secretly in her heart. If she could beat Yun Fu, she would beat him three times a day. She would look for trouble every day and go crazy at any time.

Yunfu turned his head and looked, and Luo Jiuqiu immediately smiled.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two are really a perfect match and have a deep love for each other.

Bai He walked respectfully behind Luo Jiuqiu. As long as he didn't confront his master, he looked expressionless and taciturn. When he met his master, he suddenly came to life. He was steady and reliable but loved to laugh. He is respectful and clingy everywhere and never leaves his side.

The people of the White Tiger Kingdom, from the emperor down to the common people, were stunned for a moment.Is this really their unsmiling, unapproachable, expressionless White Tiger God?

Although he wanted to follow Bai He in his heart, the Emperor of the White Tiger Kingdom still shrank in a corner, simply because the two people following him were too terrifying.

Luo Jiuqiu killed the two Demon Lords as if for fun, killing them easily and instantly. His every move was extraordinary and his attacks were very fierce and ruthless. At first glance, he was not a kind and gentle person.

As for Yunfu, although he didn't take any action, he came out with frost and snow, and all the monks were as silent as ice. It was very scary to think about it.

Luo Jiuqiu didn't pay attention to the other people on the side. No matter mortals or monks, they were all the same in her eyes. Those who were not interested were too lazy to take a look.

The monks did not dare to pretend not to see it, and all stepped forward to salute.

"I've met Sect Leader Luo! I've met the Nine-Slay Sword Master!"

"I've seen the Nine-Kill Sword Master! I've seen the Master Luo!"

The air was deathly quiet again.

The monks were stunned on the spot, wishing they could slap themselves in the mouth.

Before speaking, the monks did not think about unification. Now they shouted out and found that the title was a bit offensive to everyone. As we all know, Sect Leader Luo and the Nine-Slay Sword Lord were more different than the other. A literal bad temper.

The monks were trembling with fear, fearing that they might accidentally anger these two men.

Luo Jiuqiu slowly raised his eyes, raised his lips, and sneered: "You are here to fight against the ghosts and demons, why do you need to care about these red tapes?"

The Emperor of the White Tiger Kingdom secretly sighed in his heart: Maybe the Master of the Gods is a cold-hearted and kind-hearted person. He cares about the world, is compassionate, and always thinks about saving the common people.

The emperor of the White Tiger Kingdom, who was sentimental and thought too much, was feeling moved when he saw that each of the monks was more nervous and frightened than the other, and they kept saying yes.

"Yes, yes! What Sect Leader Luo said is absolutely true!"

"Everything Sect Leader Luo said is right!"

"What Sect Leader Luo says is whatever it is!"

The mortals didn't understand why the monks were becoming more and more frightened, but they heard Luo Jiuqiu speak again.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Yunjianzun is now the deputy sect leader of our sect. Don't call me wrong. In addition, the necessary dignity and inferiority must still be there. Deputy sect leader Yun, tell me, which one comes first, the sect leader or the deputy sect leader?" ?”

Yunfu said expressionlessly: "There is a difference between superiority and inferiority, so naturally the sect leader is the most respected.

In the eyes of the White Tiger Emperor, Yunfu, who was even more terrifying, actually took the initiative to admit that the other party was more noble, which shocked him.The monks were also shocked.

Although they had long heard that the Nine-Slay Sword Master Ai Luo was deeply in love with Sect Leader Ai Luo, and he had even deliberately told the world on the Moon Worshiping Peak competition stage that the two of them were deeply in love with each other, the monks were still indifferent to the Nine-Slay Sword Master's "submissive behavior" I was shocked by the appearance of "small".

The monks were shocked, but they reacted quickly and immediately started to salute again.

"I've met Sect Master Luo, I've seen Deputy Sect Master Yun!"

"Haha." Luo Jiuqiu chuckled in a good mood, waved his hand, and said informally: "You don't need to be polite or red tape."

Emperor of the White Tiger Kingdom: "..." You monks are really good at acting.

At this time, several black shadows flew from the sky in the distance at great speed, with fierce momentum and powerful sword intent.

Several sword cultivators, all dressed in white, had long swords out of their bodies, the swords were covered in blood, and they had angry expressions on their faces.

He is a member of the Yuxu Sword Sect, headed by the Great Elder Chu Zhiyi.

Probably because the expressions of Chu Zhiyi and others were too fierce, all the mortals in the White Tiger Kingdom trembled in response.

As soon as Chu Zhiyi and others landed, they walked a few steps ahead, raised their hands, and saluted respectfully, their fierceness turned into solemnity.

"I've met two ancestors!"

Everyone: "..."

All monks: "..."

Well, the person who is taller is still the taller one from the Yuxu Sword Sect, so they are referred to as "Tall" at the outset.However, I wonder if a certain sect leader will accept it.

In fact, everyone is completely overthinking it.

Luo Jiuqiu was just joking with everyone. In fact, she didn't really care about the superiority of others, but she really didn't like people from the Yuxu Sword Sect very much.

Luo Jiuqiu glanced at Chu Zhiyi, who used to scold and kill her whenever he caught her, and said, "You're welcome, Great Elder, your ancestor is not me."

Chu Zhiyi is now very flexible and flexible. He instantly showed a bright smile, put away his sword, and said with a smile: "Ancestor Luo is really good at joking. You are not our ancestor, who is? Haha!"

The other sword cultivators from the Yuxu Sword Sect are also from Haha University, and they all said in unison: "Haha! How funny!"

Luo Jiuqiu: "..."

If she hadn't known that there was something wrong with these idiots, she would almost have thought that they were just taunting them to cause trouble.

Bai He stepped forward in time to talk to Chu Zhiyi and others to prevent his master from being angry anymore.

Bai He said: "I wonder, Great Elder, whether you came here specifically or are you just passing by?"

Bai He just said it casually, just looking for something to say when he had nothing to say.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhiyi said: "My old treacherous... Senior Brother predicted that something big will happen in this direction. We have nothing to do, so we happened to come over."

In other words, he was bored and looking for trouble.

When others encounter trouble, they turn around and want to run away, but this group of sword madmen always look for trouble even when they have nothing to do.

Bai He had also heard that Sima Yong, the leader of the Yuxu Sword Sect, was good at divination and would occasionally make predictions. According to people from the Yuxu Sword Sect, it was quite accurate. However, it was said that no one would come to Sima Yun except those from the Yuxu Sword Sect. Divination.

However, Bai He was a polite person and asked symbolically: "I wonder what the important event that Sima Sect Master mentioned is?"

Chu Zhiyi waved his hand and said: "It's not important. On the way here, I happened to meet a few demons who were fleeing. If I killed them, it wouldn't be in vain."

Bai He smiled and nodded: "What the Great Elder said is absolutely true. The most important thing is to make this trip worthwhile."

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