Yunfu's "Do you understand?" exploded the audience.

The Nine-Kill Sword Master is clearly declaring his sovereignty!Is this the real purpose of this competition?
All the monks were either so shocked that they were dumbfounded and temporarily lost the ability to speak, or their heads almost exploded with a bang, and they immediately turned around and started talking with others when they got excited.

This is the Nine-Kill Sword Master!Rumor has it that he is No. 1 in the world who practices both the path of killing and the path of ruthlessness!Such a sword master actually announced in public that he and Luo Jiuqiu were Taoist lovers, and they were still not reconciled and would love each other forever. This could be regarded as a public confession of love.

This love is very fierce.

When Yunfu and Luo Jiuqiu got married, everyone in the world thought that Yunfu wanted to kill his wife to preach and get married on the way.What's more, these two people changed drastically on the day of their wedding. Qingjue announced her wedding to Luo Jiuqiu just a few days after the wedding.

And 700 years ago, one of these two men killed the other. 100 years ago, they fought fiercely with each other, and just now they had a blood-letting fight.

However, he didn't expect that the Nine-Slay Sword Lord, who was least likely to be emotional at this moment, was really emotional, and it seemed that he was the one with the deeper emotion.

However, the object of Yunfu's affection was not moved.

Luo Jiuqiu was so stupid that he asked in a low voice: "Yunfu, are you sick? Who allows you to announce it casually? Do I agree?"

Luo Jiuqiu became a little angry, and his heartbeat accelerated a little with anger.

Yunfu turned his head and looked straight into Luo Jiuqiu's eyes.

Yunfu said: "I am indeed ill. I declare that I agree."

"Huh?" Luo Jiuqiu laughed angrily, looked back at Yunfu fiercely, and said: "I told you earlier, if you are sick, treat it as soon as possible. Just take your time and play."

With that said, Luo Jiuqiu was about to leave, and she was too lazy to talk to Yunfu anymore.

But unexpectedly, Yun Fu grabbed Luo Jiuqiu's arm, pulled him over, and pulled him in front of him.

The two had almost zero contact.

Yunfu lowered his head and said to Luo Jiuqiu: "Only you can cure my disease. You and I have been married for a long time."

As he spoke, Yunfu suddenly raised his hand and slashed his wrist.

Blood flowed out instantly.

Luo Jiuqiu felt confused and forgot to break free for a moment. By the time she realized it, it was too late.

Maybe Yunfu is really too sick.

Yunfu actually pressed the back of Luo Jiuqiu's head and quickly pressed him towards him, then expressionlessly handed his wrist to Luo Jiuqiu's mouth.

A smell of fishy sweetness instantly hit Luo Jiuqiu's nose and mouth.


As soon as Luo Jiuqiu opened her mouth, Yun Fu's bleeding wrist moved closer and closer to her lips. What's even more terrible is that Yun Fu didn't know what the devil had done. The blood was as if it were alive, like a spiritual snake, flowing straight towards Luo Jiu Qiu. Qiu's mouth went deep.

But in a moment, Luo Jiuqiu drank a big mouthful of Yunfu's blood. The ice-cold blood went all the way down, wrapped around Luo Jiuqiu's heart, and melted into every corner of her body, making her unable to spit it out.

Luo Jiuqiu pushed Yunfu away, covered his mouth and retched, but nothing came out.

Yun Fu's wrist stopped bleeding automatically, and a faint golden light flashed from the healed wound.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his head and glared at Yun Fu, and then stabbed Yun Fu's chest with a strong force.


The people from the Yuxu Sword Sect who finally reacted shouted anxiously and wanted to rush forward, but were stopped by the people from the Moon Worshiping Sect and the Four Gods Association.

Luo Jiuqiu gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Yunfu, do you really think I won't kill you?!"

Yun Fu didn't care at all about the long knife stuck in his chest. He smiled slightly and said: "Your knife should be more biased and pierce my heart directly. Maybe I will feel more uncomfortable."


Luo Jiuqiu sneered, and the hand holding the knife immediately turned and cut horizontally towards Yun Fu's heart.Yun Fu's expression remained unchanged, and he stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of Luo Jiuqiu's mouth.

Yun Fu's voice was calm, and he said: "You can use more force to cut my heart into pieces. Maybe it will hurt me even more, although I can't really feel pain. You can let me feel it more."

Even the members of the Yuxu Sword Sect who respected Yunfu very much, finally discovered the fact that their ancestor was indeed a little crazy and... seriously ill.

Luo Jiuqiu immediately fulfilled Yunfu's wish and cut Yunfu's heart into pieces.

The picture was too bloody and shocking, and the audience was silent.

Luo Jiuqiu breathed out a sigh of relief and managed to calm down a little.

Of course she knew that Yunfu was not easy to kill, and now all the efforts were just in vain.

Luo Jiuqiu took back the long knife and slowly wiped the blood and minced meat on the knife with a piece of white cloth.

Luo Jiuqiu asked Yunfu in a cool tone: "What did you just do? Are you so sick that you like me to drink your blood?"

Yunfu didn't hide anything and said directly: "It's a symbiosis blood curse. From now on, I will live and die with you. If one party dies, the other party will also die. If you are fatally injured, the injury and pain can be transferred to me instantly."

Many monks who were watching silently in the audience suddenly felt that the Nine-Kill Sword Master was really crazy and affectionate. He forced his wife to drink blood. His actions were bloody and cruel and a little more forceful, but his starting point was good.

Just as everyone thought this, they heard Luo Jiuqiu ask: "If you die, will I die too?"

Yunfu said: "Yes."

Luo Jiuqiu said: "You love to seek death so much, aren't you dragging me to die together?"

Yunfu said: "You are the one who loves to seek death. I will not die easily, unless you want me to die. If you want me to, then... we will die together."

Yun Fu then added: "Oh, and our children, let's all die together."

Everyone: "..."

The Nine-Slay Sword Master is really too seriously ill!This hobby is terrifying!
Many female nuns could not help but tremble physically and mentally.There was a hint of sympathy in Luo Jiuqiu's eyes.

To have such a "unique" terrifying love, maybe Sect Leader Luo really destroyed the world in his previous life.

I don’t know if Luo Jiuqiu destroyed the world in her previous life, but at this moment she just wants to destroy Yunfu.

Luo Jiuqiu actually loved the fetus in her belly deep in her heart.In this way, it is impossible for her to drag everyone in Yunfu to die together.

Luo Jiuqiu fiercely wiped his mouth, which still felt bloody and cold, and stabbed Yunfu's chest decisively.

This time, Luo Jiuqiu stabbed directly into Yun Fu's heart.

The heart that had just recovered was instantly pierced and smashed by Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu said fiercely: "Very good, then I really look forward to the day when we all die together!"

Yunfu suddenly pulled Luo Jiuqiu closer to his embrace.

Because Luo Jiuqiu was still holding the knife that pierced his chest, Yunfu's movement directly drove the long knife deeper into his body.

The tip of the knife came out of the body, and the handle of the knife almost went directly through the hole in Yunfu's chest.

This ruthless sword master didn't care at all.

Yunfu hugged Luo Jiuqiu tightly and refused to let him break free.

Yunfu lowered his head, like the god of death, and blew a cold breath, whispering coldly in Luo Jiuqiu's ears.

Yunfu said: "Die together, live together. As long as it's with you, that's fine."

Luo Jiuqiu was stunned.

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