Luo Jiuqiu brought a large number of people to the banquet. Most of the Jingxuan continent's monk sects and families came, and even the demon clan also came to join in the fun.

A group of people in Wuyangyang were so fierce that they passed through the entrance of the ghost world, and the ground in the ghost world trembled.

The ghosts I met along the way all trembled in limbs, hurriedly bowed their heads, turned around and ran away.

With a smile on his face, Luo Jiuqiu walked struttingly at the front.

The first person beside her is Yunfu.

Murong Xun originally walked with her, bickering with each other for fun.However, Yunfu was too jealous.

Murong Xun was no longer afraid of death and did not want to die easily. After several pieces of skin were cut off by the cold sword energy, Murong Xun covered his bleeding neck, gritted his teeth and ran back to accompany Yong Huai.

Yong Huai is usually most attached to Luo Jiuqiu, and so are Bai He and Hong Ling.But during this period of time, Yunfu had become seriously ill. He was not happy for anyone other than him to get too close to Luo Jiuqiu. No matter who it was, he would probably kill him.

However, Yunfu's combat power value is too high and unbelievable, so no one can be his opponent.He was still seriously ill, and even Luo Jiuqiu couldn't control him.

A group of people could only look at Luo Jiuqiu with tears in their eyes.

Luo Jiuqiu glanced sideways at the expressionless Yun Fu, half-smiling but not smiling, and said, "Sword Master Yun is a bit angry."

Yun Fu stared at the slightly exposed light blue blood vessels on Luo Jiuqiu's neck, slowly raised his eyes, glanced into Luo Jiuqiu's eyes, and said lightly: "Why do you think it is?"

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows and said, "I think this is a disease and needs to be cured."

Yunfu said: "Drinking blood can cure it."

Luo Jiuqiu said: "I guess the blood of the Ghost Emperor and the Demon Emperor is quite delicious. How about you give it a try, Lord Sword?"

Yun Fu immediately showed a slight expression of disgust, frowned, and said, "I just want to drink your blood."

Luo Jiuqiu's mouth twitched.

She couldn't talk anymore that day.

The rest of the people looked at their noses and hearts, and did not dare to look at where Luo Jiuqiu and Yunfu were. However, the monks had all five senses and could hear clearly even if they did not look.

The more I listened, the more I realized that I was deaf and couldn't hear anything.

Fortunately, Yunfu himself was very talkative. As long as Luo Jiuqiu didn't deliberately stir up trouble, the two of them would hardly chat.

Luo Jiuqiu and others were bombing the street all the way. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a pair of strange ghosts appeared in front of them.

These ghosts look ugly and strange, but they are much calmer than the gatekeepers. They are all uniformly dressed, grinning, and full of momentum. They are waiting in front of a teleportation formation, waiting for Luo Jiuqiu and others.

Obviously, the ghost clan did not want Luo Jiuqiu and others to gradually become familiar with the terrain of the ghost world by walking all the way.

The ghost clan specially set up a teleportation formation so that Luo Jiuqiu and others could directly reach the dinner venue through the formation.

Luo Jiuqiu glanced at the teleportation formation and threw it in with a ghost waiting nearby.

Luo Jiuqiu had puppet silk attached to the ghost, allowing her to observe everything through the ghost's eyes and ears.

After a while, after the ghost clan passed the teleportation formation safely, Luo Jiuqiu led the people towards the teleportation formation.

Passing by the group of waiting ghosts, Luo Jiuqiu said casually: "This sect master has a bad temper, especially towards aliens with malicious intentions. If you don't want to die, stay away."

The ghosts, who seemed to be very powerful, trembled, subconsciously moved their steps, and moved a lot to the side.


Luo Jiuqiu sneered.

The ghost clan's dark face was faintly red.

The human monks were very relieved. They all held their heads high and followed Luo Jiuqiu, striding forward.

Some monks felt in their hearts: "If you want to be free and unrestrained, you still have to follow Sect Leader Luo!"

As soon as Luo Jiuqiu came out of the teleportation formation, he faced a trembling old acquaintance.It was the alcoholic boss who had been her "friend" for a while.

"Welcome to Sect Master Luo!"

The boss's voice was shaking.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled and said kindly: "Long time no see, boss. Are you still alive?"

The boss smiled bitterly and bravely said, "Thank you, Lord Toro."

When he first acted as Luo Jiuqiu's internal agent, he was soon known to the top brass of the ghost clan. The drunkard boss was caught instantly and was originally going to be executed, but he survived by some strange combination of circumstances.

Now that Luo Jiuqiu is coming to the banquet, the ghost clan shows their sincerity and releases the drunkard boss.Maybe he thinks it’s easier to do things with mature ghosts.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Boss, I am a crazy person who is unreasonable and unkind. Although you and I are a little familiar, I will not show mercy to you. You and I have different positions."

The alcoholic boss is not angry, but feels happy.At this time, the more Luo Jiuqiu acts like this, the better he can save his life.Otherwise, once the matter is over, the other ghosts will not let him go.

The boss quickly glanced at Luo Jiuqiu with a veiled and grateful expression, and then said sternly: "Sect Master Luo is right, I am a ghost clan, and you are a human cultivator, so it is different. I was just ordered to welcome Luo Jiuqiu." It’s just the sect leader.”

"Ha." Luo Jiuqiu chuckled.

The drunkard boss hurriedly said: "This place is still some distance from the banquet place. Master Luo, please come with me."

Luo Jiuqiu nodded and said, "Let's go then."

At this time, the boss of Second Ghost unexpectedly warned in a low voice but quickly: "The demons are coming with bad intentions and may join forces to deal with you. Sect Master Luo, be careful."

Luo Jiuqiu didn't squint his eyes, smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Seeing Luo Jiuqiu's smile, the alcoholic boss felt very bright.Regardless of his stance, he quite liked Luo Jiuqiu.Although Luo Jiuqiu threatened his life, he later saved his life and was kind to him.

There was no words to say all the way, and everyone walked for about a quarter of an hour, and then, led by the drunkard boss, they arrived at the banquet venue.

In front of him was a huge, eerie and dark mansion.

There was a lantern in front of the mansion, it was bright, but behind the mansion there was a deep shadow.

The entire mansion seemed to stand in the darkest place in the world, like a dormant giant beast, ready to open its huge mouth and choose people to eat at any time.

Everyone felt a coldness and deathly silence rushing through their bodies. Their whole bodies were subconsciously tense and their scalps were numb.

The drunkard boss said: "This is the residence of His Majesty the Ghost Emperor, the Ghost Emperor's Palace. Sect Master Luo invites you."

Luo Jiuqiu sneered and said, "What a powerful show of force."

With that said, Luo Jiuqiu reached out and pushed open the door of the mansion without fear.

Everyone felt their eyes go dark and the air became distorted.

The mansion turned into a palace, and the darkness retreated. Suddenly, the eyes lit up, and a group of glorious palaces with a strong smell of blood appeared in front of everyone.

"Welcome to the Ghost Emperor's Palace, Luo Jiuqiu."

A thick and cold male voice came from the void.

Everyone's ears were ringing, their hearts and souls were shaking, and those with lower cultivation levels instantly vomited blood.

Luo Jiuqiu was the first to bear the brunt, and he groaned. His back touched a slightly cold palm, and the cold but soft spiritual energy slowly flowed into Luo Jiuqiu's heart.

The sweetness in the throat was suppressed.

Luo Jiuqiu hesitated and turned around to meet Yun Fu's eyes.

Luo Jiuqiu smiled slightly and said, "Jianzun Yun is truly a wise helper."

Yunfu was stunned.

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