Chapter 137 Story
Bai Ze was so ashamed and angry that he had a look of despair on his face and refused to talk at all.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Elder Bai, although you and I have different positions, we have been sincere friends."

Bai Ze's eyes showed no movement, and the whole demon was indifferent. He only repeated lightly: "Kill me."


Facing Bai Ze's desire to die, Luo Jiuqiu chuckled and said with a gentle expression: "You and I are partners after all, how could I kill you so easily? Let's talk about my so-called big secret."

"You..." Bai Ze opened his mouth to curse or say something else.

But Luo Jiuqiu didn't give him a chance.

Luo Jiuqiu turned around faster than flipping through a book, with a cold expression. He stretched out his index finger to make a one-to-one gesture, and said: "I'll count to three. If you start talking nonsense, I will kill you. I will make you regret it before I kill you." Live in this world. One, two..."

When Luo Jiuqiu counted to two, Bai Ze blurted out and said hurriedly: "You can talk about whatever you want to talk about!"

Bai Ze hated Luo Jiuqiu, but he was tortured to the point where he was completely unable to resist.

Yunfu stood beside Luo Jiuqiu like a patron saint. No matter how many tricks Bai Ze had, he was still no match for the Nine-Slay Sword Lord.Bai Ze can resist if he wants to, but the result of resisting is that he will either be killed or maimed, or he will be frozen into an ice block and be carried around by his former subordinates for a "walk".

Bai Ze regretted it as soon as he said it. As soon as he said it, he exposed the fact that he was afraid of death and embarrassment. No matter how much he had shown that he could see through life and death before, he lost at this moment.

Luo Jiuqiu looked at Bai Ze with a half-smile but said, "Elder Bai, there is no need to be shy. It is human nature to be afraid of death, and so are demons."

Then, Luo Jiuqiu said: "That's it now, why don't you and I be more frank. To tell you the truth, Elder Bai, I don't have to kill you, or I can let you go."

Hearing this, Bai Ze's eyes lit up slightly.

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyes, stared directly into Bai Ze's eyes, and said, "The premise is that you must cooperate."

The subtext is "you have to be obedient".

Luo Jiuqiu lifted his robe and sat down, saying, "Elder Bai, don't be rigid. Sit down and let's talk."

Bai Ze's expression changed several times, but he finally sat down.

Luo Jiuqiu added: "It's very simple. Let's talk about the so-called big secret in your mouth. After we talk, I will let you go."

Bai Ze was a little suspicious and snorted coldly: "You would be so kind to let me go? Aren't you afraid of offending Cang Ji and Ming Ye, or even offending the entire demon clan?"

Luo Jiuqiu spread his hands, with a arrogant look between his eyebrows, and said: "I, Luo Jiuqiu, say the same thing. You can do whatever you want. No one can control me. If I say I want to let you go, then I will control you even if the king of heaven comes. Not."

Bai Ze came to life instantly, took a deep breath, and temporarily suppressed the boundless hatred for Luo Jiuqiu deep in his heart.

Bai Ze tried his best to keep his expression as calm as possible and said in a calm tone, "Since Sect Leader Luo is so sincere, I don't need to hide it. But are you sure you don't need to clear the place?"

In the empty hall, in addition to Luo Jiuqiu and Bai Ze, there were also Murong Xun and Yong Huai, as well as Luo Jiuqiu's two apprentices, Bai He and Hong Ling.

Luo Jiuqiu said: "No need, we are all our own people. If Elder Bai has anything to say, just say it."

A flash of jealousy flashed in Bai Ze's eyes, and he thought that Luo Jiuqiu, a duplicitous person, had many people of his own, but Bai Ze had almost no one of his own.After retracting his divergent thoughts, Bai Ze said with deep meaning: "I believe that Sect Master Luo still remembers the seal placed at the entrance of the ghost clan area, right?"

Luo Jiuqiu nodded, stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, signaling Bai Ze to speak slowly.

Bai Ze said: "In the past, I cooperated with the ghost tribe, and the ghost tribe revealed to me that one of the people who was sealed had the aura of a god. They checked and eliminated them one by one, and finally suspected that the god was you."

Luo Jiuqiu's expression remained unchanged, as if he was listening to a fantasy story that had nothing to do with him. He raised his teacup and took a slow sip.

Bai Ze looked around and found that no one else in the hall had much reaction.

Bai Ze knew that relying on this alone would not be enough, so he continued: "The ghost tribe also said that gods are attracted to each other by being close to each other. The two disciples beside you are both reincarnations of the four gods."

Luo Jiuqiu probably just said one word just to cheer him up: "Oh?"

Bai Ze twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke again, no longer hiding anything, and said: "Sect Master Luo, it's not a secret that your two disciples are reincarnations of the Four Gods, but you yourself are the reincarnation of other gods besides the Four Gods. ! Is this secret big enough?"

Luo Jiuqiu raised his eyebrows, smiled slowly, and said, "So there are other gods besides the four gods? I didn't know until then."

White Pond:"……"

Luo Jiuqiu was simply indifferent. What was a big secret in the eyes of others was like a bit of worthless rubbish in her mouth.

Bai Ze was a little shocked. This was completely different from what he imagined.Shouldn't Luo Jiuqiu be shocked, frightened, ecstatic, and suspicious of all kinds of intense and complicated emotions? !How could she be so calm?
Bai Ze added: "The ghost tribe says that you are the last great god in ancient times! You have sealed the ghost tribe and the demon tribe! If this news spreads, not only the ghost tribe and the demon tribe will not be able to tolerate you, but also many human and demon tribes. They can’t help but covet you for new life, and perhaps many monks will think that if they eat your flesh and blood, they will be reborn and ascend in the daytime!”

Bai Ze was very excited.There was a hint of ferocity in his expression.

In the main hall, the atmosphere began to get a little tense, and traces of murderous aura shot towards Bai Ze from all directions.

Luo Jiuqiu was still very calm. She raised her lips slightly and reassured her, saying: "It's just a nonsense that cannot be verified. It's just a rumor if it spreads. There's no need to worry about it. Besides, I'm a member of the ghost and demon tribes who hate me to the core." They want to kill me, whether they have this rumor or not. But if they want to kill me, they must have the strength!"

Luo Jiuqiu's words comforted her people very well, and she didn't care at all.Who knows whether what Bai Ze said is true or false, and who knows whether the ghost tribe is collectively suffering from delusional disorder?
Seeing that Luo Jiuqiu was not afraid or disbelieving, Bai Ze twitched the corner of his mouth again and threw out his final trump card.

Bai Ze said: "There is a secret stone hidden in the ghost clan. It is passed down from ancient times. It can reveal the origin of a person's previous life. It can also steal the power of the true source of a person's bloodline and replace the person's foundation and cultivation level!"

"Oh, it turns out that the ghost tribe wants to steal my so-called identity as a god in the previous life. Is this also one of the purposes of your cooperation with them?"

"not me……"

Bai Ze hurriedly denied it, but unfortunately Luo Jiuqiu didn't want to hear it.Her patience ran out and she was done with the story.Then, it's time for Bai Ze to go where he should go.

Luo Jiuqiu told Yong Huai, "Junior brother, send Elder Bai to the Monster Clan."

Yong Huai responded: "Yes, senior sister."

Bai Ze yelled: "Luo Jiuqiu, you are not trustworthy! You said you would let me go!"

Luo Jiuqiu said with an innocent expression: "I didn't say let you go free, I said let you go back to the demon clan."

(End of this chapter)

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