Chapter 35
Lin Bailu was excited.Finally got rid of the Disha King, finally able to go home, finally...

Unexpectedly, she gradually became transparent.

"What's going on?" Liang Juyi was the first to notice something was wrong.

Everyone turned around and looked, shocked.

"Lian Liqi." Shui Ying frowned and quickly cast a spell to stabilize Lin Bailu's soul.

The dissipation is suspended and the contract emerges.

A string of incomprehensible words surrounded Lin Bailu.They were contracts, planted before she was conscious.

Xu Yi had no choice but to say, "We have made an agreement to live and die together. The Disha King has never let you go. No matter when we are together in life, we will be together in death."

The Disha King was beaten to a pulp, and the contract forced Lin Bailu to follow him.She simply cannot return to the home she misses so much...

Hope shattered, a tear slipped down Lin Bailu's cheek.It turns out that everything is a luxury, and freedom is so short...

"Can't the contract be broken?" Lan Di looked at Shui Ying worriedly.This is too cruel for Miss Lin.

"I'm afraid..." Xu Yi shook his head gently.

Even though both sides of the contract are still there, there is always a way to solve the problem, and one of them is left in despair...

No solution.

Xue Hongqing clenched her hands tightly, the contract had been activated, and there was no time to search the ancient books to find a solution.

Liang Juyi shook his head helplessly, there was no hope.

Once the contract is triggered, it cannot be reversed.Within a few minutes, Lin Bailu will be taken away.

Shui Ying took out copper coins and recited a spell while saying: "Time is running out, let's make a long story short. Even if the Liqi is activated, it cannot be solved at the moment. I can only be a temporary substitute for the Disha King to delay time. During this period, you must reincarnate immediately. There is a glimmer of hope.”

Two copper coins were intertwined and spinning in mid-air, transforming into a little man without facial features.The villain appeared, and the activated Lianliqi dimmed visibly to the naked eye.

Lin Bailu's transparent body gradually recovered.She lowered her head and looked at her hands, reincarnated immediately?
Shui Ying took out a few pieces of yellow paper and folded them into gold ingots with her fingers.She cast a spell and lit it on the spot, muttering something while burning.

"It's a shortcut, just go. Although you can't go back to the Lin family in person, I will find a way to send your body back to make up for your brother and sister's regrets. The door to hell is open, you go quickly. Remember, drink two more A bowl of Meng Po soup." Shui Ying warned carefully.

In the mist, there seemed to be a door wide open.

Lin Bailu bowed and said, "Thank you very much."

She turned around and floated towards the door, followed by the little figures transformed from the two copper coins.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the distance.

Xu Yi shook his fan: "I took a shortcut. I didn't expect that there is a shortcut to the underworld."

"As the saying goes, money can help the gods. What's the point of taking a shortcut?" Shui Ying touched Abi's head, "Go back."

Lan Di walked to Shui Ying's side, and the two of them walked forward chatting and laughing.

Liang Juyi looked at their backs from a distance: "I can't do what she did. Let's not talk about whether the substitute can deceive Lian Liqi. It is extremely difficult to create a substitute with the pure power of the five elements."

Xue Hongqing frowned slightly: "Burning a few gold ingots can make the soul reincarnate immediately? How many people have burned it in the past and who has the ability to do it? Seeing that she is skillful, this is not the first time she has done this. Master, she is very dangerous. We should Leave as soon as possible.”

"Master, I have my own sense of discretion. Let's go down the mountain." Xu Yi said with a smile on his face.Exploring the secrets of Shuiying is more interesting than imagined.

It was getting late, so everyone rushed back to the village before dark.

The maids took turns cooking, taking a walk after dinner, and chatting.

When night falls, light the oil lamp.

Under the eaves, Lan Di processes the medicinal materials collected today.Abi lay aside and watched.

inside the house.

Shui Ying took back the locust leaves from A Hong's neck and helped her head return to its proper position.

Xu Yi peeled the peanuts on the table and ate one from time to time.I didn't have much interest in it before, but now I feel it's interesting after eating too much.

A Hong's body was intact.

She touched her neck and could still feel the broken scars.Even so, I am still extremely happy.

Liang Juyi and Xue Hongqing's eyes fell on the locust leaves in Shui Ying's hand, but they didn't see through the magic.

No, it should be a more complicated and cumbersome spell.They could hardly restrain their urge to ask.

"There are a lot of people in Mulao Village who need to be resettled. You also promised Lin Bailu to send her body back to the Lin family. Your ability to do this is really unmatched. How about I do a good deed and send a letter to the Lin family for you. Let me They sent people to greet them." Xu Yi said while eating.

"Okay. Thank you for your work." Shui Ying turned her head and said, "Let's find a place to bury the stumps that Miss Xue brought back tomorrow."

Xue Hongqing nodded: "That's what I mean too. Miss Shui is responsible for saving the souls of those who died tragically in the mountains?"

"If Miss Xue can do it, I won't mind giving in. Chaodu is something that you don't have to control." Shui Ying is very happy to be shown.

"Miss Shui's magical powers are beyond my reach." Xue Hongqing smiled modestly.

Shui Ying raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

A Hong's soul was released from its confinement, feeling more relaxed than ever before.After death and reincarnation, it was time for her to leave...

After being together for several months, we finally couldn’t let go.

Ah Hong said goodbye to each other and chatted with Ah Bat for the longest time.If we meet her while she is alive, we will definitely become lifelong friends.

Regrets and regrets all turned into deep blessings.May the living be happy and happy, and may the deceased be reincarnated as soon as possible.

The next morning.

Shui Ying went up the mountain to rescue the souls trapped here.The mantra is like the sound of Buddha, allowing their resentment to dissipate and return to their original appearance.

All the ghosts bowed together and flew to where they should go.The lingering souls left, the cold wind in the mountains stopped, and the warmth returned.

I could faintly hear the chirping of birds one after another, and the water was full of smiles.A forest should be like a forest.

the other side.

Xue Hongqing, Liang Juyi, and Abat found the ground and buried the stumps in the soil.Ahong also died in peace.

They said goodbye properly and had no regrets.

After the burial, Xue Hongqing burned a few sticks of incense.I hope everyone will be safe in the next life.

After the group of people went down the mountain and returned to the village, they decided on a return date.These people in Mulao Village notified the government to take over and send those who wanted to go home.

There will be other arrangements for those who are homeless, and those who are willing to stay can do so on their own.Shui Ying gave the deed of sale to the maids and gave them their freedom.

During this period of self-reliance in the village, many people who had nowhere to go were willing to stay.The government recognizes the household registration and distributes subsidies on a per-head basis.

For those who want to go home, the government will notify their family members to pick them up.Those who were close to each other rushed there on the same day and hugged each other and cried bitterly.

For those who do not want to live in Mulao Village, the government will find suitable employment based on the situation.

Feed yourself and live a good life.

Shui Ying and his party got into the carriage and escorted Yuan Zhang back to Bincheng.Xu Yi came forward and sent the person to the Yamen to explain the whole situation.

Return to Linglong Hall.

Qiyang took the wrong medicine and something happened.Lan Di hadn't sat down just yet, so he picked up the medicine box and hurried to see the patient.

Sitting in the hall, Shui Ying rested her chin on her hands and worried: "A Hong is gone. We have to recruit someone else for A Bat."

"No need." Abat came in with a smile, "I can handle it. After recruiting people, they will be separated."

Spending time together day and night, the relationship becomes deeper and deeper.One day I have to say goodbye, which naturally makes me feel uncomfortable.

Shui Ying smiled and nodded: "It's up to you. Just don't be too tired. I'm the big one when it comes to making money. You don't need to be stressed."

Abat smiled and nodded.

In the evening, Xue Hongqing came over and took out Lin Bailu's body and coffin and placed them in the hall.

Shui Ying placed copper coins on the coffin to prevent accidents.Lan Di didn't come back until dark, and the matter was settled properly.

Relax and sleep, dawn is a new day.

It's drizzling today, stopping and falling.

The hospital has no patients at the moment.

Xu Yi quietly walked to the door, looking left and right to make sure no one else was walking in.

Lan Di was making medicine: "Come to see a doctor?"

"That's right." Xu Yi sat down and stretched out his hand, "Doctor Lan and Shui Ying have known each other for a long time. Do you know what sect she studied under? Where is her ancestral home? Where are her parents and relatives? It is said that Shui Ying has nothing to do with the Shui family. I don't think it's possible, you know? Talk to me."

There was a smile on Lan Di's lips: "The food we had last night was good, but it was too greasy. It should be in moderation. Big fish and meat are not advisable."

Xu Yi said in disbelief: "You can see this? I haven't eaten delicious food for a long time, so I couldn't hold it back. Hey, Doctor Lan, do you think my guess is right? Is Shui Ying the illegitimate daughter of someone from the Shui family? ? It’s not easy to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan?”

"You're thinking too much. If you have a strong liver fire, I'll give you a side medicine. Drink it twice a day." Lan Di took back his hand and picked up the pen to write the prescription.

Xu Yi's heart tightened when he heard that he was angry. After hearing that after taking a few doses of medicine, he immediately felt at ease: "Okay, okay, thank you, doctor."

Once the prescription is written, take it when you feel yang.Without asking anything else, he took the medicine as ordered.

Lan Di continued to mix the medicine: "You don't have to guess or think. Don't say I don't know. I won't tell you if I know. Mr. Xu, please take the medicine and pay the bill and leave."

"Don't be so unkind. Let's chat casually. How about how you and Shui Ying met?" Xu Yi was very interested.

Lan Di smiled: "I don't talk about private matters with patients. Why don't you ask Ying'er and see if she tells you."

Nonsense, of course I won’t tell.

Xu Yi curled his lips and might even beat him up.The coward last time had a psychological shadow.

Qi Yang brings the medicine.

Standing up and taking the medicine bag, Xu Yi paid the money and turned around three times but stopped talking.

Seeing that Lan Di didn't even raise his head, he had no choice but to leave.Back at Zhiyuntang, Xu Yi carried the medicine bag up and down like a toy.

Xue Hongqing saw this, came up and asked with concern: "Master, are you sick? Where did you buy medicine?"

"Across the way." Xu Yi handed the medicine package to Xue Hongqing, "Doctor Lan said I have excessive liver fire and asked me to drink it twice a day."

"Let me see what the medicine is. Master, which medicine is it? It is clearly chrysanthemum tea." Xue Hongqing opened the medicine package with a confused look on her face.

Xu Yi smiled proudly: "You don't understand. Chrysanthemum tea disperses wind and heat, clears the liver and improves eyesight. I have strong liver fire, shouldn't I just give the right medicine?"

"That's right." Xue Hongqing wrapped the medicine, "I'll give it to you later. What news did the young master find out?"

"Don't mention it. A doctor's mouth is as tight as anything. Fortunately, I checked the young master's pulse and found that I only have liver fire and nothing else wrong with him. What good news. I will have roast duck to celebrate tonight, and pork knuckles will also be on the table." Xu Yi couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Xue Hongqing responded: "Doctor Lan only said he was angry? What else did he say?"

The air was suddenly quiet.

Xu Yi felt guilty and said: "Big fish and big meat are not advisable... Roast duck is not a big meat, right?"

The smile on her face froze, and Xue Hongqing turned around decisively: "You eat a whole roast duck by yourself, and you also add pork knuckles? Remove it, you must remove it."

(End of this chapter)

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