Exorcist, she is blinded by money

Chapter 31 Ancient Tomb Organ

Chapter 31 Ancient Tomb Organ
Among the high mountains and ridges, a group of people moved forward slowly.

The mummy general's steps were heavy and slow, as if he was struggling as if his fuel had run out.

Xu Yi yelled: "Look, what happened after the beating. Just take your time. If we continue to fight and find the tomb, he will disperse first."

"Shut up. How can I let him get what he wants." Shui Ying turned her wrist, and a green light flew along the net towards the mummy general.

Green light enters the body and nourishes the limbs and bones.

The mummy general gradually recovered and could not destroy himself, so he had to lead the way obediently.It is expected that the mechanism in the tomb will work, or the owner will come forward to punish these exorcists.

If you dare to break into the master's tomb, you won't get out alive!

The entrance to the ancient tomb is on the mountainside. The mountain is steep and difficult to walk.Shui Ying regretted not bringing Ah Bat here because he had wings and could fly.

It's not like they are climbing up step by step.

The mummy general used his hands and feet at the same time, flying over the walls to speed up.During this period, he encountered a mechanism hidden on the mountain, and poisonous arrows were instantly shot out of the rock wall.

Shui Ying and others turned sideways to avoid it, but unexpectedly, poisonous arrows shot one after another.It seems endless and extremely difficult to deal with.

Shui Ying pulled the net hard, forcing the fast-moving mummy general to stop.

However, he was like a stubborn dog, hunching his neck and running forward with all his strength.Shui Ying cast a spell in his hand and decisively beat him to death.

The mummified general turned into ashes and dissipated. Before his death, he looked up to the top of the mountain piously.

Xu Yi felt pity: "How can we find the entrance if we kill him?"

"The entrance is nearby, you can always find it. The Disha King knows the magic and will find a good place. Calculate the direction of the mountain... Let's go." Shui Ying calculated with his fingers and jumped up on the rocks on the rock wall. .

Xu Yi and others immediately followed and left the range of the poisonous arrows.

When he arrived at the calculated place, Shui Ying looked around.After groping on the mountain, she pressed down on a rock wall.

The mechanism was activated, and the entrance to the tomb not far away opened.

Shui Ying immediately went over and stood at the entrance looking at the damp passage.Xu Yi patted his clothes: "There's a fishy smell."

"Zhang Yuanwai worships his ancestors during the Qingming Festival. What kind of sacrifice will be used? Let's move faster. I hope it's not too late." Shui Ying immediately entered the cave.

Frowning slightly, Xu Yi and the others followed.

Outer forest.

Miss Lin turned her head and looked deep into the mountain forest: "Someone has entered the tomb. What happened to the general? Didn't he stop the person? No, I have to stop them. They will die, and they will be killed by the Disha King."

Looking back, she found that Lan Di was calm and composed.Do you know what it means to be afraid, or do you feel confident?

"No need to worry, they will be fine." Lan Di packed up the medicinal materials and carried the medicine basket on his back.

Miss Lin was surprised and asked: "Do you know them? No, are you with them? Do you know how dangerous it is in the tomb?"

Lan Di looked at her: "Girl, you are wandering in the mountains. If you meet good people, I believe you can't bear to harm them. What if you meet someone with ulterior motives? Kill them, or take them back to the Earthly Evil King? If your hands are stained with blood, you will suffer the consequences of karma. .Girl, have you ever taken a human life?"

With her eyes lowered and silent, Miss Lin stared at her hands.Her eyes were filled with pain, and she seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Take it."

The soul died tragically and was filled with resentment.At first she was unable to stay sane and went mad for many years.

Once I wake up, I can't think of it again.

It seems as if someone has stolen it for hundreds of years, and it is erratic and unsteady.She must have killed someone during that time, and the ghost underneath was particularly frightened.

Even if we try to save people later, we still can't save them.The lost person who accidentally walked into the mountains, the girl who was captured for a dark marriage, the slave who was bought for sacrifice...

She tried her best to make up for it, but she could only save one of so many people.A boy less than four years old.

I once had a child who died in infancy, how could I bear to hurt other children.She hugged the boy tightly and fought against the Disha King desperately. She didn't care, she just wanted to save the child.

She succeeded, the only time.The boy was sent out of the mountain and returned to his parents to grow up healthy.

She is an accomplice, she is not innocent.

She is also evil and not kind at all.Miss Lin covered her face with her hands, wanting to break free and disappear.

Lan Di sighed softly and walked deeper into the forest: "Aren't you going to the tomb? I'll go with you."

"No." Miss Lin floated forward and opened her hands to block the road, "You can't go. You will die."

"You can't stop me. Why don't you lead the way. Who said I would die? Don't take it for granted that it didn't happen. You don't remember what happened during that time and think you killed someone. Maybe you didn't. You don't want to know the answer. "?" Lan Di smiled lightly.

Want to know, but afraid to know.Miss Lin looked at him with tears in her eyes: "Okay. I'll take you there."

She floated gently into the distance, and a tear fell down the moment she turned around.It should have been settled long ago.

Either way, or...

Lan Di used his scythe to cut grass and trees to clear a path, and walked towards the mountains.It was the first time that Ying'er faced the scene of dealing with evil spirits, so I was a little nervous and a little expecting.

He always knows what's interesting and doesn't hold back, but this time it's different.He wanted to give the Disha King's concubine a good ending...

in the tomb.

There were many agencies everywhere, and Xu Yi didn't miss them easily.

First, thousands of arrows were fired, and then spikes sprouted from the wall.Shui Ying turned around and kicked away a few arrows and ran forward quickly.

Xue Hongqing and Liang Juyi protected Xu Yi, casting spells to resist the poisonous arrows while quickly leaving the dangerous place.

"Gululu" a rolling sound came.

Shui Ying walked around the corner and saw huge stone balls filling the passage rolling quickly.

"Ouch, where are you going? This thing can't turn, can it? It can't?" Xu Yi stretched his neck to take a look.

"I don't care if he knows it or not." Shui Ying walked to the middle of the passage.Facing the rolling stone ball, she cast a spell and swung her palm heavily.

The yellow light flew against the stone ball, making a deafening sound.The yellow light is like an airtight cage, in which the stone ball is tightly shut and shrinking.

Finally, it became the size of an egg and returned to Shui Ying's hands.She weighed it, made a fist and crushed it.


Xu Yi and the others didn't know what to say for a moment.If Shui Ying wants to dig a grave, he is afraid that no one in the world can escape.No mechanism or monster can stop her from moving forward.At that time, all the gold and silver treasures in the tomb will belong to her.

They could imagine Shui Ying lying on the piles of treasures, laughing wildly.

"Mine, everything is mine. Hahahaha..."

"Why are you so dazed? Let's go quickly." Shui Ying said angrily.Are they here to watch a show?

Please give me some help.

The three of them shook their heads to get rid of the ridiculous thoughts in their minds.Impossible, absolutely impossible.

It is impossible for Shui Ying to rob a tomb...

A tomb appears ahead.There is a mechanism on the door that requires a specific method to open.

Shui Ying pressed her palm against the door to activate the spell and reverse the mechanism.The door opened and she clapped her hands and went in.

Xu Yi and the others raised their eyebrows a little suspiciously. Is she really not good at it?Why don't you believe it so much?
There is an altar in the tomb with piles of gold and silver jewelry placed on it.A hanging coffin is hung in mid-air, and the wood used is also of high quality.

Xu Yi turned around: "Nothing weird. This should be a treasure house. Let's go to the next tomb..."

Shui Ying squatted in front of the treasure, her eyes were shining, and she couldn't help but pick up a pile and knead it into her arms.

The movement paused and Xu Yi was speechless.

"Miss Shui Ying, we have to hurry up and rescue people. Leave the things here and come back later." Xue Hongqing went over to persuade.

"What are you talking about? These are all mine, don't try to steal them." Shui Ying sat directly on the treasure mountain, hostile to everyone.

Liang Juyi looked at the hanging coffin: "It is rumored that there are some strange fragrances or spells that can amplify the desires in people's hearts. Something is wrong here, Miss Shui has been tricked. Let's be careful, if we are fascinated, we may never get out again. Hong Qing, stabilize her first."

"Okay." Xue Hongqing stepped away.

Shui Ying's face softened and she rolled happily on the piles of gold and silver jewelry.


Xu Yi and the others were speechless.

"Why do I think this is her nature? It's not like she's obsessed with something."

"I think so too. It costs a lot of money to take care of the patients in the village, which is heartbreaking. She probably wants to make up for it."

Xu Yi coughed twice: "Why do you want to supplement? Can the reward from business be the same as the things in the tomb?"

It must be different.

But now that the situation is unclear, they cannot act casually.You can't fight with your own people first without seeing the Disha King, right?

A Hong stood quietly in the corner, looking at the hanging coffin in the air.There was an ominous aura inside, which made her want to run away.

The coffin lid opened a crack, revealing a bloody evil smile.A wisp of smoke came out and floated towards Shuiying.

Delicious, delicious.

Shui Ying's eyes on Baoshan changed, and he flew over to grab the wisp of smoke and pulled hard.

The hanging coffin shook, and the contents inside wailed.

"So you were just faking it. I've seen through it a long time ago." Xu Yi looked like he had everything under control.

Liang Juyi and Xue Hongqing were silent.

The young master is trying to save face again, why bother?

Shui Ying's sword pointed to cast a spell, and fire spread from the smoke to the hanging coffin.Fire burned into the coffin, and bursts of shrill screams were heard, which was extremely horrifying.

The contents inside were burned to ashes.

Shui Ying blew off the ashes in her hand: "If you want to confuse me, practice for a few more lifetimes. Let's go."

After solving the hidden danger, everyone moved on.A Hong looked back at the hanging coffin. What was inside the coffin?
The hanging coffin was tightly closed, with scratches all over the inside.

The place where the body was originally placed is now only a pile of fly ash, and its original appearance cannot be seen.

at the foot of the mountain.

Miss Lin walked around the mountain: "The entrance on the mountainside is difficult to climb. I will take you through the secret passage."

"Okay." Lan Di caught a glimpse of a medicinal herb.

Some medicinal herbs like to grow beside graves, so it will definitely be worthwhile to collect them on this trip.

Miss Lin stopped and waited patiently.

Doctors are kindhearted.This doctor only wants to cure diseases and save people, and is not afraid of monsters and ghosts at all.

"Okay. Let's go. Girl, have you ever seen blood Ganoderma lucidum while living in a tomb? It's a delicious medicinal herb."

"Blood-colored Ganoderma? There seems to be some. I'll take you to pick it first. It's of no use to us ghosts anyway."

"Thank you, girl. This medicine can save many people and bring you many merits. You will have a good pregnancy."

"I accept your good words. But why should the merit belong to me and not to you? You are the one who gives medicine to save people."

"I am a doctor, and it is my duty." Lan Di chuckled.No matter how much merit you have, you can't achieve what you want, so it's better to give it to others.

Miss Lin looked at Lan Di and felt strange.He is obviously a young man, why does he feel as desolate as an old man?
"As the saying goes: Doctors don't heal themselves. The doctor seems to have a heart problem. You have advised me, and I am here to advise you. Relax."

Lan Di nodded: "I know. If you don't get what you ask for, it's better to let it go. It's easy to say, but too difficult to do."

The only person in this life that he can never let go of.

Every day we spend together feels like the last day, so close yet so far away.

Recalling the first time we met, one glance lasts for thousands of years.She learned a lot, and he was willing to go down the mountain and enter the world again.

However, it is doomed to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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