Exorcist, she is blinded by money

Chapter 131 The Origin of Shui Clan

"Okay. If there is an emergency, how do we contact him? Can the message pass through the Shui family's barrier?" Azi was a little worried.

They are going to Abat's hometown and must want to discuss with Heqiqi.

If you can't reach an agreement, you can only invite someone.

Shui Ying thought about it and looked at Shui Wei: "What kind of communication methods do you commonly use? Show it to me."

"Okay. We often use this kind of talisman, and you can change its appearance according to your own preferences." Shui Wei took it out without hesitation.

Ye Mingsha was more than surprised.

Is it okay to directly expose the Shui family's things if a demon is present? Aren't you afraid something will happen?

Shui Ying took it and inspected it, then handed it to A Bai: "It's not a complete communication talisman. You repair it. Modify it conveniently so that it can pass through the barrier. It is fixed for our people to use, and it cannot be picked up or snatched away by others. use."

Abai nodded and emitted a little white light to explore the internal structure of the talisman.

Shui Wei and Shui Yuchen rubbed their hands, looking thirsty for knowledge. The complete communication talisman can pass through the barrier.

If the energy production is used by Shui family disciples...

"Look at how you look like you have never seen the world. Ah Bai has transformed it and prepared a study for you." Shui Ying said helplessly.

The two elders laughed so hard that they couldn't even see their eyes.

Shui Wei was the best at pushing the envelope, and said, "Miss Shui Ying, I heard that you have been to the border. I think you have used the teleportation array, but it is very inconvenient. I wonder if Miss Shui Ying has a complete array diagram."

With such a face as thick as a city wall, it is completely impossible to tell that he is the majestic elder of the Shui family.

Shui Ying folded her arms: "You really dare to speak. If the complete teleportation array diagram is released, all the exorcists in the world will snatch it. You want me to give it to you for free?"

"So there is Miss Shui Ying?" Shui Yuchen's eyes lit up and he could grasp the key points very well.


Looking away, Shui Ying didn't want to show that she had spilled the beans.

Shui Wei patted his chest generously: "Whatever Miss Shui Ying wants, our Shui family will provide it unconditionally. Whatever gold, silver, treasures, magic tools and talismans, the girl can choose whatever she wants."

Not interested in magic weapons and talismans.

But upon hearing the gold and silver treasure, Shui Ying could not control her salivating expression.

No, no, bad habits are showing up.

Shui Ying said righteously: "Don't think that gold and silver can buy me off."

"Okay." Ah Bai repaired the communication talisman, and then he and Ah Hei sent out two thin lines, one white and one black, to reconstruct it.

Ah Zi and Ah Bat stepped forward to take a look, but didn't find any difference.

A Bai smiled and threw the talisman upwards.

The talisman instantly transformed into a bird, flying around regardless of the barrier. Shui Wei and Shui Yuchen's eyes gleamed, wishing they could catch him on the spot and study it.

Shui Ying raised her hand, and the bird transformed into a talisman landed on her arm: "You shouldn't ask me for the array diagram. Only Abai has it."

Shui Wei and Shui Yuchen were extremely excited as they rushed forward quickly.

"Mr. Bai, please be sure to tell me the teleportation array diagram."

"The remuneration is negotiable. Even if you want me as the Great Elder, it won't be a problem. I hope Mr. Bai will show mercy."

Abai looked at Shui Ying in embarrassment: "Is it really possible? Once the formation diagram comes out, how many forces want to get it. Even if it is in vain, they will inevitably take action, because the complete teleportation array can transport large-scale armies. If disputes resume, the world may not be at peace. "

Several elders of the Shui family and Ye Mingsha eagerly hope that the water will be filled. The teleportation circle is not only convenient, but also an important military material.

After thinking for a moment, Shui Ying nodded: "Give them a weakened version. Install one in Shui Family and Linglong Hall first, for single use only. Great Elder, you must guard the teleportation circle. If it is taken by others, you will be responsible for your sins. It’s not small.”

Shui Wei nodded hurriedly: "My Shui family will protect it with all my strength. Thank you Miss Shui Ying for your generosity and gifting me the Shui family's array diagram."

"It's not a gift, it's a sale. I'll exchange the gold and silver jewelry in your mouth. Is that okay?" Shui Ying emphasized.


Every time she was moved beyond measure, Miss Shui Ying would always be particularly disappointed.

Shui Wei responded: "No problem."

The bird turned back into a talisman, and Shui Ying handed it to A Zi: "Go early and come back early. We still need to stay here for a while, please contact us if you have any questions."

"Okay." Ah Zi agreed, and Ah Bat turned and left. Abat, who had not returned to his hometown for a long time, missed him very much.

During this trip, I must have a good time to reminisce about old times when I see my family. She couldn't restrain the corners of her lips from rising, and finally wanted to go back...

Once one thing is done, there's another.

Shui Ying stared at Ye Mingsha and suddenly reached out to grab something on the other person's face.

This move caused Ye Mingsha's appearance to change. It's no longer Shuiyu's drunken appearance, but his true appearance.

Spreading his hands, Shui Ying showed what he had caught: "A wisp of Shui Yu Zui's soul fire. You protected him with your life and kept him warm for more than twenty years. You wanted to resurrect him, but it was all in vain. He has been reincarnated. , you should return this soul fire."

Ye Mingsha was startled and remembered many details.

It turned out that before he lost consciousness, he had captured his friend's soul fire.

Several elders had mixed feelings in their hearts. Yuzui will never come back after all.

Shui Ying returned the soul fire to Ye Mingsha: "Give it back to him. You can find him. Let your best friend have a complete soul and freely choose his own life in this life."

Holding the soul fire with both hands, Ye Mingsha nodded slightly remembering Shui Yuzui's smile. Maybe their fate is no longer deep, but at least they can meet again.

Shui Ying breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to think about whether there was anything he had missed. There should be no more, right?
  Ye Mingsha felt grateful. She raised her head to say thank you but was stunned. The back view and the slightly tilted head.

How similar to the goddess who split the darkness nine thousand years ago. No, exactly the same. It's just a cold, a fresh.

He once saved the world and was worshiped by many creatures. Unexpectedly, he had the chance to meet him in person, and I still remember his longing when he talked about it with his friends.

What I wish for in this life is to kowtow and pay my respects. Ye Mingsha couldn't help but step forward, the goddess who blessed the common people...

Shui Ying turned back and wondered: "What? What else is going on? Just say it, the account is settled on the head of the elder anyway."

"Yes." Shui Wei nodded obediently.

With a smile on her face, Shui Ying raised her eyebrows and rubbed her fingers: "Elder, I guess you can't afford that much silver at the moment. Why don't you give me dividends every year? If you leave it to me, it's just a display. Why don't you give it to you to make money? "

Ah Hei snickered and joked: "Xiaoying, you haven't said much yet, how do you know the Shui family can't get it out?"

Shui Ying stared at him with a bad expression.

Shut up quickly and Ah Hei pretended to look at the scenery.

Lan Di smiled and smoothed things over: "Too many things happened today, and the Shui family still has a lot to deal with. We can discuss the reward later. Ying'er, don't you think so?"

"Okay. Let's keep talking to A Di, and we can talk about it later. But don't try to blame me." Shui Ying has been busy for a long time, but she doesn't intend to work in vain.

The Shui family has plenty of money, so the reward is natural. The most you can do is give me a discount, but no more.

Ye Mingsha frowned.

If people are similar, it should be because they admit their mistakes. Their temperaments are so different that they don't seem to be the same person.

It was almost evening, and I was tired and hungry after fighting all day.

Shui Ying said matter-of-factly: "Azi, why are you late today..."

The group froze.

No, their cook is not here.

The big question in life, what to eat tonight? !

Can a person with a naughty mouth still be able to eat food cooked by others?
  Lan Di said with a smile: "Azi is not here, I will cook tonight."

"Okay, okay. Ah Hei, Ah Bai, let's go. Let's start with Ah Di." Shui Ying looked happy.

The cooking tastes bad, but washing and cutting vegetables can still be done. Even if Shui Ying is not good at it, Ah Hei and Ah Bai can solve it with magic.

What's wrong with using magic for a nice dinner? Abi smiled and wagged her tail, dinner, dinner...

Several elders sent them off respectfully.

Shui Yuchen volunteered: "I am responsible for contacting Mr. Bai. I will definitely be able to keep the formation diagram."

Raising his eyebrows, Shui Wei looked unhappy.

Don't think that he doesn't know what the idea is, he clearly wants to study it on his own.

Shui Yuchen was completely unfazed, with a stern look on his face.

Know how? Can't stop it.

He is more popular with Miss Shui Ying.

Sparks flew between the two, and tensions were at stake.

Ye Mingsha pondered for a long time and said: "I want to set off to find the reincarnation of Yu Zui. There is something special I want to ask about Miss Shui Ying? Why can she do it so easily that we can't do even with all our efforts."

Several elders were stunned.

The others just thought it should be like this, only Shui Wei knew why.

He sighed softly: "Follow me."

Shui Wei turned around and everyone followed. They went to the Shui Clan Ancestral Hall, opened the secret room at the back and entered.

The light beads lit up and everyone saw the huge painting. Ye Mingsha couldn't believe it, this was the benefactor he longed for.

A powerful goddess with compassion for the world.

Standing on the clouds, looking down at everything.

Use your own power to dispel darkness, restore light to the world, and bring vitality to the world.

Shui Wei spoke eloquently: "Every person who succeeds as the supreme elder will be informed of this history. The origin of our Shui clan."

The origin of the Water Clan?
  Ye Mingsha figured something out: "Could it be that the origin of the Shui family is related to this person? Have you met her?"

Shui Wei smiled: "You have seen it too. She is none other than Miss Shui Ying. Nine thousand years ago, the sky and the earth were bright red. Darkness eroded the earth, but it was Miss Shui Ying who broke through the haze with a sword. The ancestors of the Shui family saw the miracle and followed it sincerely. But Miss Shui Ying didn’t stop at that time.”

"To trace the traces of Miss Shui Ying. The ancestors left portraits and passed them down from generation to generation to search for her. Eight thousand years ago, a descendant finally met her by fate and was inspired by him to become an exorcist. This was the founding of the Shui clan, which has flourished to this day."

Several people looked at each other in disbelief.

Ye Mingsha was particularly puzzled: "But their temperaments are not similar. Miss Shui Ying..."

The greed for money doesn't look like acting.

It is hard to imagine that such a noble goddess would be greedy for money and worldly things.

Shui Wei shook his head gently: "Miss Shui Ying's temperament changed three years ago, no, four years ago. At that time, she killed demons and unintentionally saved the current emperor. Then she disappeared for a few months, and Doctor Lan was with her when she returned. . Her temperament changed drastically, and she seemed to finally be alive."

It’s not a sudden change, but it’s becoming more vivid day by day. Learned to laugh, learned to cry, learned to be angry...

He witnessed with his own eyes that Dr. Lan taught Miss Shui Ying about human emotions. It's like giving the puppet a heart, making it spiritual.

"Our ancestors did not originally have the surname Shui, so they were given the surname to inherit the magic. People in the world respect and worship the Shui family, but no one knows that the water of the Shui family is water filled with water. Without Shui Ying, there is no Shui family. This The bond cannot be severed. We must follow her will and continue the inheritance."

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