Chapter 44
However, the bloody scene is before our eyes, so we have to believe it even if we don’t believe it.

Liu Chuanwei's mental state after being arrested was somewhat problematic.

He didn't seem to understand what happened at first, but when he came back to his senses, he started to sit on the ground, hugging his head and crying, trying desperately to explain that he couldn't remember anything, and he would never repay kindness with hatred. He didn't do it, and he was wrongly accused. of.

The knife taken from his hand only had his fingerprints, and the blade had the blood of three deceased people. Even a few scars on his arms and chest could be traced back to the corresponding victims.

Among the three deceased, Liu Chuanye was probably suddenly attacked by the murderer. Without any resistance, he was stabbed several times by the murderer and died. Two elders also had a fierce fight with Liu Chuanwei, causing him some injuries.

"Liu Chuanwei, as a man, should plead guilty and accept punishment. He should be caught on the spot. What else do you have to say?" Dong Libo said angrily with his red eyes staring at him.

The person who called the police was a neighbor across the door, also named Liu. He was in his 60s and was an old five-guaranteed householder. He lived so close to Liu Liguo, so there was some friction and the relationship was not harmonious.

After he learned that all three members of Liu Liguo's family were dead, he was extremely surprised: "Comrade police, I heard a loud quarrel in their house. There was a constant sound of cups and bowls being smashed. I was so annoyed that I opened the backyard door and cursed. After a few words, I didn’t see any improvement, so I called the police because I was so angry.”

It was just an attempt to bring bad luck to Liu Li's country. There were always two electric three-wheelers piled up in front of their house, which made it difficult for him to transport firewood sometimes even with a bicycle.

Hearing that everyone was dead, Old Man Liu was very upset: "Then they made a lot of noise and I didn't know what they were shouting. After a while, there was no movement. I thought the police had arrived to criticize and educate them." It turned out that everyone was dead. .

This was almost a case where a closing report could be written on the spot. The crime process was clear. The murderer was caught at the crime scene with the murder weapon. No one except Dong Libo took it to heart.

As a police officer, you put everything in your mind. After a long time, the intensity of the work is not overwhelming, and the pressure in your heart is enough to drink a pot.

But Dong Libo still couldn't understand why the same murderer had such a sharp contrast in his attitude before and after.

His eyes were fierce, his attitude was calm, and his skills were not as strong as usual. Later, he shed tears in pain, cried like a child, and refused to admit that he had killed someone.

They are two different people, nothing more than that.

In particular, I heard from old comrades in the detention center that Liu Chuanwei kept crying after he went in. He refused to admit it during several interrogations, and even said that he was possessed by a ghost.

He asked the elders for advice, and Zhou Guoqiang told him about the urban legends about City A as a joke.

In many murder cases that occurred in City A, the murderers said that they were possessed by ghosts and could not control themselves, so they killed people.In particular, they swore that they had been to Sun City before the incident and that there was definitely a ghost there.

"In order to exonerate myself, I will do whatever it takes." Zhou Guoqiang shook his head. He has been in this business for a long time and has seen some strange things. However, it is too much to blame such an ironclad case on ghosts and gods. Far-fetched.

So no one believed it.

Dong Libo ran away in a hurry after eating without saying a word.

Sun City?Then he would go and take a look.

"Is it Taoist Xue?" After wandering around aimlessly, Dong Libo saw only heads of people on the street and shops decorated with splendid gold.It wasn't until I walked around and came to the door of the bar that I saw an acquaintance.

In fact, among the T-shirts and jeans all over the street, the two men in Taoist robes were so conspicuous that it was difficult to miss them. He glanced twice and naturally recognized Xue Wuwei.

"Do you know him?" Xun Xun said, and the two of them frowned at the same time. Kong Qianyu asked Xue Wuwei: "Why does he still dare to come here?"

Xue Wuwei had dealt with the police quite a lot, but it took him a while to remember, and he greeted him warmly: "Brother Dong, are you off work? Are you here to go shopping?"

He explained to Kong Qianyu in a low voice: "Last year, I helped them find a lost child in the mountains they went to." He could clearly hear the child crying, but no matter how he wandered around in the mountains, he would always go around in circles and couldn't see the child. , the old director gritted his teeth, invited Xue Wuwei to come, broke the little yellow fairy's trick, and brought the child out safely.

"Yes, I just got off work. I wonder if the two Taoist priests are here on business?" Dong Libo never mentioned the purpose of his visit.

"Brother Dong, if you can trust me, go home as soon as possible. Be careful when you go to work these days. It's best not to go out after dark." Xue Wuwei said solemnly.In his opinion, Dong Libo's eyebrows were black, his eyebrows were messy, and his roots were broken, which was a typical face that was prone to death in the near future.

The so-called untimely death refers to a person who is not destined to die, but has a great calamity that is likely to cause death.Such people need to be very careful in safe areas, let alone coming to a dangerous place like Sun City.

Sun City is a place to gather yin, a treasure of good yin house feng shui. In other words, this place is used as a cemetery for burying dead people. It is the best location to build a shopping mall to gather living people, especially a bar that is easy to open until late at night. The place, haha, can cause you to suffer from diseases at the least, or lose your soul and life at the worst.

"It can't be avoided," Kong Qianyu said to stop him. She had already seen a faint aura of death coming out of Dong Libo's body. This was a sign that a person was about to be doomed.

Within 24 hours, if you can't escape, you will die on the spot.

"Let him follow us and keep an eye on him." Kong Qianyu handed over a high-grade peace talisman in a friendly manner: "Wear it on your body and be sure not to get it wet or lost."

Dong Libo hesitated for a moment, then took it obediently and put it in his coat pocket.

Although he didn't know this female Taoist priest, Xue Wuwei seemed to respect her very much. He had seen Xue Wuwei's ability. He recited a spell, bought a few sticks of incense, and waved a peach wood sword casually a few times. The invisible child suddenly appeared around me, so I didn't dare to neglect it.

Xue Wuwei would probably cry if he knew that Dong Libo treated Dong Libo as a casual swipe for his very correct exorcism sword technique based on his solid basic skills.

"Let's go." The Twilight Bar is located in the center of the Yin Gathering Place, the Eye of the Dragon's Veins. If you want to crack the key to the frequent supernatural events in Sun City, you still have to go in and take a look.

In this day and age, it’s not unusual to wear anything on the street. Along the way, young brothers and sisters kept coming over to strike up a conversation and ask for their contact information.The bar was full of people, and everyone was there. They didn't see a few people coming in just now, but there were quite a few people already having fun inside.

The dance floor was packed with people, the surrounding booths were full of people, and the music was so loud that even standing face to face could not hear what the other person was saying.

Kong Qianyu continued to move forward a few steps, and the people around him seemed to know that she was not easy to mess with, so they all made way.

She suddenly stopped and shook her head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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