Chapter 4
Early the next morning.

After a simple wash, he applied the Clothes Cleansing Technique to the Taoist robe he wore yesterday. Looking at the rising sun outside, Kong Qianyu opened the window, jumped down, and landed lightly on the lawn.

She strolled around the neighborhood leisurely.

During the construction of this villa area, it must have been a perfect place for a Feng Shui master to gather energy and nourish the body. The five elements are in harmony with each other and the location is conducive to people.

This further confirmed that the Meng family was responsible for their own evil.

"Fellow Daoist Kong!" A surprised cry came from behind, and Kong Qianyu looked back with confusion.

It's actually that little Taoist priest who couldn't even defeat a fragile demon last night. What's his name?

"Fellow Daoist Kong, it's really you!" Xue Wuwei thought he was dazzled. Before he could think of how to repay yesterday's life-saving grace, the Kundao lady pressed his nose and closed the door. , as if he should not be approached by strangers, and he was not easy to disturb.

Now that we meet again, it is fate.

"Did Fellow Taoist also accept Mr. Huang's invitation to come here to look for someone?" Xue Wuwei pointed to a villa on the right side of Kong Qianyu. Compared with other quiet homes in the community, there are many people coming and going here. There are also people dressed exactly like Kong Qianyu.

Kong Qianyu was also attracted by the popularity of this place and wanted to come over to see what was going on. It turned out that someone was missing.

"I was just passing by." Kong Qianyu really had no interest in searching for someone, if the person he was looking for was not her senior brother.

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. Mr. Huang is famous for his generosity. Even if we can't find anyone on this trip and the visitor is a guest, we will get hundreds of yuan in travel expenses." Xue Wuwei thought that Kong Qianyu was afraid of him. Stealing business, that’s why I don’t want to admit it.

But it doesn't matter. In their business, they rely on their ability to make a living. Yesterday, Kong Qianyu took down the powerful vixen with one move. Today's business is probably hers.

Xue Wuwei was happy to give the favor, so he enthusiastically led Kong Qianyu directly into the door: "My master has a close personal relationship with Mr. Huang, we can go in and wait. When the order is made, Mr. Huang has offered a price of 20."

Kong Qianyu, who originally wanted to escape, decisively shut his mouth when he heard this.

There is no way, money is too important in this world, and she is so short of money now that she doesn't even have a change of clothes.

Xuan Qing Guan is poor. The little girl has not been taught by a master since she was a child. It is difficult for her to earn enough money to keep herself hungry. Of course, she has no savings, so she has to buy the cheapest materials for drawing talismans.

The little girl was at an age where she loved beauty. If she wasn't really poor, how could it be possible that her replacement robes were all patched and patched, so she could wear them temporarily when she needed to change them, so she could stay out of the house without going out.

Otherwise, why did Kong Qianyu come to the Meng family without bringing anything?It’s not like there’s nothing to bring at all.

The Meng family is full of debts, and they must not spend their money on their own. With that kind of cause and effect, whoever gets involved will be unlucky.

She followed Xue Wuwei into the Huang family, and wanted to take the opportunity to see the skills of these practitioners. Before she found the third senior brother, she was afraid that she would have to live in this world for a long time and would inevitably have to deal with them.

Because both of them were young, when they entered, the other people who had come earlier just glanced at them and went about their business in small groups, complimenting each other, and no one paid them any attention.

A hint of anger flashed across Xue Wuweibai's face. These were just colleagues who came to compete for business. Why did the Huang family also judge people by their appearance?If the old man comes to replace the master, the old man Huang Mingshuo will come to apologize in person!

He cursed a few words, took Kong Qianyu to find a quiet corner, and introduced the basic situation of the Huang family to her in a low voice.

"I take the liberty to invite you all here today to find Huang Yumeng, the granddaughter of the Huang family who was lost three days ago. I hope you can use your magical powers to find her as soon as possible. I would like to thank you in advance." Huang Mingshuo stood on the first and a half floor. On the spiral staircase, he arched his hands toward the hall.There were about twenty people standing scattered in the hall, ranging from white-haired old Taoists to teenage Taoist boys.

As soon as Huang Mingshuo finished speaking, the oldest Taoist priest below shouted loudly and asked: "Mr. Huang, I accepted the invitation and originally wanted to save someone's life. But you don't follow the rules. How can we do anything for you?" ?”

Please do not hesitate to ask.This is a Taoist tradition, which not only means that peers look down on each other, but also shows that the master looks down on others.Only if the person who invited the person fails to reach an agreement, can the host family invite another Gao Ming.

It was a big slap in everyone's face to come to the house like this, and the Huang family took the initiative to invite them.

Huang Mingshuo's posture was very low: "Please forgive me, it is not the Huang family, but my granddaughter is only three years old and has been missing for three days. I am afraid that if I delay her any longer, it will be more serious than bad. Please understand that I have a caring heart." "

"Of course, the Huang family will not treat everyone badly. Anyone who can provide clues to help find the person will be rewarded with 20. Those who can directly find the person will be rewarded with 100 million, but it will not work. The people who came to the house today Everyone, I also have [-] yuan for travel expenses, so please bear with me."

Money can make all the difference. When everyone heard the price, they no longer had any objections. They took over the items prepared by the Huang family in twos and threes and showed off their magical powers.

Because Xue Wuwei and Kong Qianyu had always stood together, and they were both young, they naturally did not receive much attention. They were only given an old piece of clothing worn by Huang Yumeng, and a piece of paper with the child's birthday and missing information written on it. passing note.

Xue Wuwei took out the compass, muttered something in his mouth, combined the birth date and missing time, and began to deduce.

Kong Qianyu glanced at the birth date and frowned slightly.

This horoscope is wrong.

Kong Qianyu didn't know what the Huang family did, but if he could have such a house in City A, he wouldn't be out of money, right?I just got paid millions, but I didn’t blink an eye.Even if you were prominent in the past and are now in decline, you will still be so skinny that a camel is bigger than a horse.

But the fate of this person's birth date is to live in poverty and poverty all his life.

Kong Qianyu was afraid that his deduction was wrong, so he took up the magic formula and tested it again. Yes, not only was he poor all his life, but he also lost his husband in middle age and his daughter in old age. It can be said that life is quite miserable.

The granddaughter of the Huang family could never have been poor when she was young.

Kong Qianyu took away the piece of paper and handed it back to the servant: "There is something wrong with what is written on it. Please get a replacement."

The servant was stunned, and then looked at Huang Mingshuo, who had been watching the actions of everyone below. A hint of surprise flashed on the latter's face, and he nodded hurriedly.

There are some minor changes in the birthday horoscopes this time. Kong Qianyu will look at it again, I’ll go!Wealth and glory but a rough life!And there is a fatal disaster in his life!

Kong Qianyu calculated again, Huang Yumeng must still be alive now, otherwise anyone with some knowledge of Taoism would be able to tell the birth date of the dead person at a glance.

If this death was unavoidable, there would be no need for her to waste time searching for the person. It would be enough to search for the body later.

Yes, there is still a glimmer of hope, but they have to hurry, there is not much time left for them.

And... Kong Qianyu raised his head and looked at Huang Mingshuo, who was also staring directly in her direction.

As the two looked at each other, Kong Qianyu suddenly laughed.

Are all wealthy families so glamorous on the outside but so rotten on the inside?
(End of this chapter)

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