Finally getting through the exam week and approaching the holiday, Xu Yanxi and Li Zihan went home directly, leaving only Zhou Tiantian and Kong Qianyu still in the dormitory.

Kong Qianyu had no place to go and signed the overnight stay registration, but Zhou Tiantian couldn't rest at all after returning to Zhou's house.

I don't know if it was her illusion. When she was in the dormitory, she could at least take a nap. When she returned to Zhou's house, as soon as she closed her eyes, her dead parents appeared in front of her.

Her feeling was correct, because Kong Qianyu was in the dormitory and the two ghosts were concerned about her and restrained themselves.

On this day, Zhou Tiantian slept until midnight and was awakened by a nightmare again. With her big panda eyes, Zhou Tiantian looked bitterly at the curtained bed opposite.

It's all your fault, it's all because of you!

If it weren't for you, why would the Zhou family hesitate to take him home after they first knew that they were hugging each other wrongly? I am the daughter of a rich family, and I deserve to be well clothed and well fed!

Now that you are haunted by evil spirits, you can't even burn incense and worship Buddha in peace, and you can't sleep all night long, why can you sit back and relax?

If looks could kill, Kong Qianyu would have been beaten by her by now.

The bed curtain suddenly opened, and Kong Qianyu's teasing eyes met Zhou Tiantian's twisted expression.

She raised her eyebrows and sneered: "It's your own fault that makes you unlucky. Some people always feel that the whole world is sorry for their mistakes!"

She didn't bother to act out the extremely boring story about the real and fake daughter, so she was done with it.

"You" Zhou Tiantian thought of the rumors in school. Zhou Miaomiao had some abilities. He could catch ghosts and tell fortunes. It was said that he had saved several people. Zhaodi in the next door dormitory was her loyal fan.

The more Zhou Tiantian thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

When did she start being haunted by evil spirits?

It didn't start after she committed the murder, but after she returned to the Zhou family!

Her eyes widened, she raised her hands tremblingly, and screamed: "It's you! It's you who hurt me!"

Kong Qianyu admired the brain circuits of the characters in these idiotic novels. They just had to look for the reasons for everything from others. Anyway, they themselves were absolutely infallible.

The three views are simply wrong to the point of being tragic.

Reasoning with such people, it's not that they are sick, but that he is sick. Kong Qianyu shook his head: "You killed the people yourself and committed your own sins. If the unjust ghost doesn't follow you, why do you want to follow me?"

"You are the one who asked ghosts to harm me. You, you are so cruel!"

"Every grievance has its owner, and every debt has its owner. If these two ghosts had no grievances against you, how could they find you? If I had done it, you would have died long ago and would not be alive now!"

Too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Zhou Tiantian, she forgot to change the mute sign before going to bed today, otherwise she would have been woken up by ghosts in the middle of the night. After changing the new sign, she was too lazy to care about Zhou Tiantian's life and death outside.

The two evil ghosts have become a threat, and the next revenge will only be more exciting.

Zhou Tiantian stayed up all night again. At dawn, Kong Qianyu got out of bed and saw her standing in front of the table like a wandering spirit, with dull eyes.

Long-term lack of sleep will make people irritable and neurasthenic, and now she is full of yin energy. From now on, no matter day or night, whether she is sleeping or not, she will be able to see the ghosts of her adoptive parents who were killed by her own hands. He kept staring at her and vowed not to give up until he took her away.

After three days of this, Zhou Tiantian knelt down in front of Kong Qianyu, crying and begging her for help.

"This is your own fault. Even if you sue the underworld, the truth is on their side. If they want to take revenge, the underworld won't stop them, let alone me."

"But for the sake of the Zhou family, I will show you a clear path." Zhou Tiantian raised her head with hope.

"Surrender yourself. Once you are punished, their revenge will be avenged, and they will naturally stop pestering you."

Surrendering herself to the police, the crime of intentional homicide was very serious, and she lost two lives. The best outcome for her was to spend the rest of her life in a building with high walls and power grids, and lose her freedom. How can that work? She had just regained her status as a rich girl. Her parents and brothers were very sympathetic to her, and she had everything she needed for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. How could she give up?

If she surrenders, won't all her initial efforts be in vain? Aren’t people killed in vain?

"No, I can't surrender."

Kong Qianyu shrugged: "It's up to you." She pointed out the clear path, but some people had to go to the dark side, so she could only help and bless them.

It's better not to go back to the dormitory for the next few days, otherwise the evil ghost won't be able to let go of his hands and feet to kill people if he, a member of the Xuanmen, is here.

She left without looking back, not forgetting to remove the gadgets she had arranged before leaving.

The originally sunny dormitory turned pitch black the moment Kong Qianyu stepped out, and the yin energy was so thick that it was dripping with water. She closed the door with a smile and drew a small spell on the door to ensure that the yin energy would not leak out. Go out and influence other girls.

After staying in a hotel, Kong Qianyu received a call from Xu Yanxi: "Where are you?"

"Not at school anyway."

"I heard that our dormitory is haunted. Is it the spirit behind Zhou Tiantian?"

"Otherwise who else."

"I thought you would save her. Fortunately, you are not a virgin." Xu Yanxi heard Kong Qianyu say that the death of Zhou Tiantian's adoptive parents was directly related to her. Because it was done covertly enough, the police could not find any evidence. , there’s nothing you can do about her.

"Then where do you live now? Why don't you come to my house. My mother keeps talking about you."

"No, I'm at XX Hotel."

"Huh? There, there."

"What happened to this hotel?"

Xu Yanxi was about to say, I told you not to be afraid, but then she thought again, it was ghosts who should be afraid, and Kong Qianyu was a ghost hunter, so what was there to be afraid of?

"That hotel is haunted. There are always 1314 guests who sleep well at night and wake up in the corridor for no apparent reason during the day. The surveillance video shows that they actually floated out on their own. It's as scary as you want."

Kong Qianyu opened the door and glanced at his room number: 1314.

No wonder the lady at the front desk looked different when I checked in for a room. It seemed that there was something wrong with the low-price room I had booked.

"I'm in 1314. Do you want to come watch and catch ghosts?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Wait for me!" Xu Yanxi hung up the phone in a hurry, urging the driver to drive faster, and within thirty minutes, she appeared in front of Kong Qianyu.

"What about the ghost? Where is the ghost?" Xu Yanxi looked around.

"Do you want to watch it?" Kong Qianyu raised his eyebrows. This person really had the attribute of not forgetting to eat but not to fight.

"Yes!" There shouldn't be more ghosts in the hotel than in the school.

"Then be mentally prepared for this hotel."

Xu Yanxi's face turned pale as she remembered an old incident from more than ten years ago!

But it was too late, Kong Qianyu still stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, his eyes were slightly cold, and a whole new world opened again.

She closed the door tightly with a sad face!

How could she forget that there was a fire in this hotel more than ten years ago, and about two dozen guests were burned to death!

She had seen it all just now. The people wandering in the corridor were all black and burnt human figures, and their painful moans could be heard even when the door was closed!

Mom, I want to go home~

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