On the table were seven bowls of brown rice, two small plates of pickles, a plate of chopped lunch meat, and nothing else.

It was a simple and shabby meal, but when the three-year-old child saw the luncheon meat, his eyes lit up. He shouted happily: "Daddy, daddy, there is meat to eat today!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, what did daddy teach you?" Fifth Brother made a silent gesture.

Xiaokai's voice dropped: "You must listen to Aunt Fang. Don't be naughty or talk nonsense."

The little child's eyes never left the luncheon meat. It could be seen that he really wanted to eat it, but the plate of meat was quite small, about the size of a box.

There are seven of them, one old man and one child, and the remaining five are all adults. With such a small number, any one of them can be eliminated.

Fang Lin began to share the meat with everyone, one piece for each person, and the plate reached the bottom. The last extra piece was put into Xiao Kai's bowl.

The brown rice was a bit hard and not as soft as it was steamed in a pressure cooker. It was something Kong Qianyu had never eaten before. She used to find even spiritual rice unpalatable, but now she had a bowl full of brown rice. After taking two bites, she couldn't swallow it no matter what.

But except for her, everyone else at the table ate deliciously. Gangzi's old mother even wanted to secretly stuff the meat into her son's bowl, but Gangzi hid here and there, making it impossible for the old man to do so.

Xiao Kai held the lunch meat and ate it in small bites, looking intoxicated as if he had not tasted delicious food for a long time. Brother Wu gave the meat in his bowl to his son and ate it with pickles with relish.

Kong Qianyu also put the meat into Xiao Kai's bowl and smiled without explaining.

After the three grown men finished eating the rice in the bowl, they all burped with satisfaction, but Kong Qianyu knew that they could eat three more bowls from this palm-sized bowl, so the bowl was left untouched. The meal was placed in front of Lao Lu, who was the largest, and he motioned for them to share it.

Food is very precious in the apocalypse, and people who have experienced hunger will not waste a grain of food. After the three of them confirmed that Kong Qianyu really didn't want to eat, they carefully divided the bowl of rice into three portions and ate them all.

"Dad, can we eat luncheon meat every day?" Xiao Kai licked his lips with excitement. The meat tastes so good.

A trace of heartache flashed in the eyes of Fifth Brother. His son was born in this era and has never even tasted fresh meat.

Kong Qianyu knew as soon as he smelled it that the lunch meat had expired. It was so difficult to eat even an expired can of meat, but it was strange to have a modified armored vehicle.

Because of the hospitality etiquette in her bones, Fang Lin felt a little guilty when she saw that Kong Qianyu didn't take a few bites and the three men were extremely polite to her. While busy clearing away the dishes, she explained apologetically: "There is a restaurant in the northernmost part of our base. There is an oil storage tank, but it is located in a remote area and the land conditions are average. It can only be harvested once a year, and this year’s new crop has not yet arrived.”

"Hey, it's useless even if you come down." Gangzi's mother quickly stacked the used tables and chairs. Their apartment was not spacious and there was no separate dining room, so they just stayed in the living room.

"Our place used to be wasteland, but now there is no fertilizer or seeds. It's great to be able to harvest two or three bushels. It's hard to expect that little food to feed the entire base!" The old man had been digging in the soil before the end of the world. , is very knowledgeable about farming, and now she is also responsible for a planting job. She can roughly estimate the yield in the farmland.

The base has little output, a large population, and some high-level officials who are not engaged in production and only want to have fun all day long. I am afraid that life will be difficult for ordinary people like them.

So starting from this year, all the points earned by the family have been replaced by brown rice. Although it tastes a bit unpalatable, it is a large amount. With such a big family and six mouths to eat, there is no way to be careful about budgeting.

Even a family with three strong laborers cannot afford to eat. So what should we do if we are worse off than them?

Kong Qianyu also knew that such a large wheat field looked green and promising from a distance, but in fact it had little stamina and was just a piece of cake that looked useless.

People have gradually discovered that without modern industrial civilization, they can do nothing. They can't even make the most basic agricultural tools, they can't even purify drinking water sources, even toilet paper has become a scarce resource, gasoline and diesel are non-renewable, and guns and bullets are not renewable. Every time you use it, you lose one. The base, where everything seems to be running normally, is like a dying old man, it has begun to exude a bit of twilight, waiting for the moment of death.

How many people can see it clearly when they are just drunk and confused? In other words, it is just to escape reality.

"So, do you want to live in the Hope Base forever?" There is no hope in the Hope Base, only the illusion of short-term comfort.

The three men exchanged glances, and the fifth brother said helplessly: "You have also seen the situation outside. It is not suitable for survival at all. If we don't stay in the base, we may not be able to survive even one day."

You will die if you stay, and you will die faster if you leave. There seems to be no way out at all.

Hope Base Secret Research Institute.

The heavily armed researchers were carefully removing something from the zombie's head on the operating table, a small, white, transparent crystal.

They were a little excited, something they had never experienced before!

Since the beginning of the apocalypse, when the institute was secretly established, they have dissected not one hundred but eighty zombies here, and they have never found a case of crystals in their brains.

The mass spectrometer analyzer that was exchanged for a human life was busy working. While everyone was looking at it, it finally spit out an analysis report.

"Pure energy body! The virus load is not enough to infect the human body, but it can change the human DNA structure and gain special abilities!"

This, this, this is the light of redemption that mankind has been waiting for! The old researcher held the peanut-sized crystal religiously, with tears in his eyes!

His name is Wei Wuji, and he is now over seventy years old. He presided over the construction of the entire Hope Base. The top management of the base are all his relatives. No one knows the current situation of the base better than him. Under the best condition, It can last another two or three years, but if something unexpected happens, it may not even last one year.

Or he was careless, thinking that since the Hope Base occupied a large enough area, everything would be smooth sailing.

But now, as long as humans can evolve and become stronger, what do mere zombies mean?

He has already begun to imagine a bright future for rebuilding his home.

"Pass my order. Starting today, a large number of zombie-killing missions will be released. The base will recover zombie heads for research purposes. As for the reward, it will be increased by 20%." There must be brave men under the heavy reward.

"Yes, Mr. Base Commander."

Fifth Brother was woken up by the sound of banging on the door early the next morning: "Fifth Brother, get up quickly, the base has released a new mission, and the rewards are huge!"

Gangzi went out for a walk as usual. This was a habit he had developed when he was a soldier. He got up early to run. Because he didn't eat enough and his body was weak, he couldn't run. But if he didn't go out for a few turns, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Therefore, not long after he went out, he found that the notice board was crowded with people. After finally squeezing in, I saw clearly what was written on it, and hurriedly ran back to wake up Fifth Brother.

A good mission doesn't wait for anyone, and it's just killing zombies. They were good at it before, and now they are even more powerful.

Dear friends, I’m going on a long trip on New Year’s Day, so I won’t update on the 30th and 31st. See you in 2024! Happy New Year to everyone! All suffering will eventually pass, and all good things are worth pursuing.

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