This child has a very loving name, Jiabao.

Jiabao's death was determined by forensic analysis to be completely natural, with multiple organs in his body failing.

If he hadn't been around sixteen or seventeen years old, he would have looked like an octogenarian when he died.

As usual, it is breakfast day in the nursing home. Jiabao likes to eat very much. It must be because he was very hungry before. He has been in the nursing home for so long and has never been asked to eat. He always sits at the dining table early and waits for the meal to be served.

However, today, all the old people have been settled, but Jiabao still hasn't appeared. The dean sent someone to call him, and laughed and scolded him why he changed his gender today. If he doesn't come again, he won't be allowed to stay.

No one expected that in Jiabao's room, Jiabao disappeared, replaced by an old man with white hair on the bed. He was thin, with chicken skin and gray hair, and a peaceful expression. He had stopped breathing long ago.

Who is this old man? Where did the family treasure go? In panic, the nursing home called police.

The police didn't take it seriously at first. An old man passed away in a nursing home. It was a normal thing. But when the DNA test came, everyone was dumbfounded.

The young man of sixteen or seventeen years old was fine yesterday, but today he seems to be dozens of years older and dead. The result of the forensic examination, in layman's terms, is that Jiabao died of natural aging, and his actual age was equivalent to that of an old man in his eighties.

As for why a young man aged at least seventy years overnight, no one can answer.

So after Dong Libo heard about it, he immediately thought of ghosts and gods. Any evil things that could not be explained by science must be attributed to Taoism.

He sent a message to Kong Qianyu specifically to talk about it and asked her if she had seen anything similar.

Not to mention, she had actually seen him before, but in their original world.

The third senior brother returned to the sect from the East China Sea and paid his respects to his master. He immediately found her and showed her a clam as high as a hill as a treasure.

Um~~Kong Qianyu's face is covered with black lines, because of the green blood grass she just planted! They were all crushed to death! It would be a bad idea to let a monster out, but it should be placed in her medicine field.

You must know how difficult it is to grow green blood grass. Despite its unremarkable name, it is the most delicate of all the herbs that can be grown. If the water and fertilizer are not satisfactory one day, a large area will die.

Qi and blood surged into his heart, and he couldn't care less about the surprisingly big clam. Kong Qianyu used the medicine hoe to cut his senior brother into pieces. The two of them fought hundreds of times until the clam wanted to run away, so he let them stay. Handed.

This is an old demon with two thousand years of Taoism. Monsters in the sea generally live long lives and are slow in cultivation. Two thousand years is not surprising. The strange thing is that this clam is not an ordinary clam spirit, but an extremely rare mirage.

This thing will puff up clouds and mist, forming a mirage, which is extremely attractive. As long as a human being enters it, he will never grow old or die. What this kind of monster is best at is absorbing people's lifespan for its own cultivation.

Fortunately, the deep sea is inaccessible, so there are not many opportunities to catch a mirage. The third brother caught it from the bilge of a wrecked cargo ship. At that time, he thought it was strange that the normal ship runners would be a group of gray-haired old men. Not a single young person.

Later I found out that it was this mirage that was causing trouble.

The mirage was quite fun. Kong Qianyu was obsessed with this illusory beauty for a while. She was a homebody who was too lazy to go out and travel around, but also liked all beautiful things. The illusion of mirage satisfied her requirements very well.

As for the possibility of having his life stolen, emmmmm, if one beating doesn't work, just beat him a few more times until the mirage is frightened and naturally he won't dare to do anything. Even if you don't pay attention for a moment, you can get it back if you get it and beat it to death, it doesn't matter.

In this different world, the oceans are almost completely polluted. Plastic waste today will pollute the water tomorrow. She wouldn't be surprised if a Godzilla could evolve, and a mirage could land on land. Therefore, she really didn't take the matter to heart at that time, and asked Dong Libo to contact Xue Wuwei to handle it, and come back to her if he was unsure. She acquiesced that no one would talk about it again and that the monster had been dealt with.

But what if it was not a monster from the beginning but a spirit? What if at that time, Xue Wuwei was unknowingly tricked by this book spirit?

"So what if you guessed it right? Huh! Now that you're here, don't even think about getting out alive! If you don't drink the toast, you'll have to drink it as a fine!" The false smile finally disappeared from the little doll's round face, and she disappeared. Sounds came from all directions.

"In the world of books, no one can get out. You are destined to become my nourishment~~~Hahahaha~~"

Kong Qianyu touched the goosebumps on his arms, and the child's voice was really scary when he laughed.

Such a naughty little brat must be caught and beaten.

The light pink smoke rose again. After the previous two experiences, Kong Qianyu was not panicked. She had plenty of lifespan. If nothing else happened, this body would not live for another thousand years under the care of her soul. question.

I don't know how different the flow speed will be between this different space and the real world. Anyway, she is still a lively young girl, and I think she can withstand it for a while.

Then the soldiers will come to block it, and the water and earth will cover it.

"Ho ho ho~" A roar came from behind, and Kong Qianyu appeared in front of a dilapidated building, surrounded by zombies with rotten intestines and rotten stomachs.

She was not polite, she held a small fire stick in her hand, and the fire dragon shot out, burning the nearest zombies to ashes.

However, the moving corpses had no intelligence, so they naturally didn't know what fear was. Even the disappearance of their kind could not stop their desire to eat living people. They came up one after another, quickly filling the space that Kong Qianyu had just cleared.

After killing a dozen zombies again, she decided not to fight anymore.

The place where she appeared was perfect. The sign of the First People's Hospital of XX Province was clearly hanging on the dilapidated building in front. There were a steady stream of zombies inside who were attracted by the sound of her fighting and were staggering towards her.

Group after group, even if Kong Qianyu has eight arms, he can't kill them all in a short time, so it's better to leave first.

She flew up to the rooftop lightly. The only door was locked. There were no zombies here, so it was relatively safe.

After looking around for a week, she picked a few bricks and kept throwing them downstairs. When she saw that there were so many zombies that she began to instinctively climb upstairs, she was not stingy and threw a few fire charms down.

Thanks to Shu Ling, she has not yet become a pervert and her cultivation has not been suppressed.

A raging fire shot up into the sky. A large amount of fat in the human body is a naturally flammable substance. A few hours later, when the last flames were extinguished, no zombies could be seen on the streets for the time being.

She Shi Shiran landed and left the area.

It seems that he has entered a certain apocalyptic novel. Kong Qianyu has never been interested in this kind of subject matter. Why is he just living a good life, thinking about the destruction of the world?

According to the setting of the apocalyptic novel, she should try to stay away from the once densely populated areas like the city center and find a base for human survivors.

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