Chapter 165 Death of Anne

Facts have proved that they thought too much. When the sky became bright, the neighbors began to move. The bold ones among them had already knocked on Anne's door.

"Dear, Annie, are you up? I'm Penny next door to you, are you okay?"

Anne didn't know how to deal with it. How was she going to open the door and explain that two strange male corpses suddenly appeared on the floor of her house.

Kong Qianyu and the others never thought about the aftermath. Shouldn't they kill the murderer and then they could leave? It's all fake anyway, so what's the aftermath?

It's embarrassing to be stuck in the house now.

Annie could only pretend that she was not at home and sit on the bed in a daze.

Unexpectedly, after knocking for a long time and receiving no response, the enthusiastic Penny thought something had happened to Annie, so she shouted to attract more neighbors, and finally called the police.

When the police come, they will have to break down the door even if it doesn't open for a while. Anne went to open the door with a white face. She wondered if anyone believed the story about a werewolf attack, death and turning back into a human again.

Anyway, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death.

After letting the people outside the door come in, he was about to explain, but when he turned around, the two Easterners were gone. When he lowered his head again, the body was also gone!

As for the blood stains, they were really inconspicuous on the dark floor.

Anne breathed a sigh of relief and tried to act as normal as she could, pretending that she had just gotten up: "Oh, dear neighbors, Mr. Police, what happened?"

"Did you just get up?"

"Yes, I slept too late yesterday. I heard a fight in the middle of the night. I didn't get a good rest. I'm really sleepy. Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." The big living person was standing there, and the neighbors were still a little surprised. They called the police for nothing. They didn't specialize in serving the poor, so they would definitely be angry.

So he sent the policeman away with Smiley Face and returned to his home, laughing at himself for being neurotic and being frightened by the two murder cases.

If no one dies in the slums, the lives of their poor are not that precious.

Anne closed the door and called softly: "Sir, Madam, where have you been?" There was no response.

Forget it, she didn't close her eyes all night, she was so sleepy that she fell on the bed and fell asleep without even taking off her clothes.

Kong Qianyu threw the two corpses out of the storage bag with some disgust. Hey, the werewolf's blood was so fishy and smelly. It was over, and the food in it couldn't be eaten. Even if she warned herself many times, all this It's all fake, it never happened, and it doesn't help that her storage bag is innocent.

"What to do now?" They just slipped away from the roof and came to the river. They watched the two corpses floating down the river and ran out of ideas.

The plot changed, but they couldn't escape. What does this mean?

Could it be that there was something wrong with Kong Qianyu's initial judgment, that the little doll was not a book spirit at all, and that there was no way to escape from the alien space they fell into?


They must have missed some key clue.

The book spirit definitely had a purpose in catching them, and when Kong Qianyu fought against the fake Queen Mother of the West before, she had a vague feeling that the spirit was absorbing some of her energy.

The little doll transformed into Xuan Qing's appearance, and its rapid growth in a short period of time was an external manifestation of excess energy absorption.

What would have been the result if she hadn't noticed anything unusual at that time, and had not dared to be distracted because of the powerful strength of the Queen Mother of the West, and had continued to fight with high intensity?

She believed that she would become the nourishment of the book spirit and stay in this alien space forever. The real Kong Qianyu would no longer exist.

Regarding the method of cultivating weapon spirits, Kong Qianyu had also heard his master talk about it before.

A normal weapon spirit will improve its cultivation by strengthening the prototype of the magic weapon. The more powerful the magic weapon is, the more powerful the weapon spirit will be.

However, after the magic weapon is formed, it is very difficult to change its attributes. It cannot be done without the best advanced materials and high-level weapon refiners. Therefore, it is very difficult for the weapon spirit to become powerful, and it takes an extremely long time to accumulate. It may last ten thousand years, or it may last millions of years.

Even for gods, this time is too long, let alone ordinary cultivators and mortals. This is still a magic weapon. Whether it is a natural treasure of heaven and earth or a peerless magic weapon forged by man, it is already many levels higher than ordinary ones.

What if it were replaced by an ordinary little book spirit?

Being able to get a great opportunity to be reborn and become a spirit is already a unique example. It can be called a miracle of great creation that takes over the world. Any further attempts to advance to the next level are nothing more than wishful thinking.

Most of these spirits are born silently and disappear so quietly that no one even notices their existence.

For example, a special kind of spirit.

Words become spiritual beings, born from obsession, developed and strengthened by being circulated by many people, and will die naturally after being forgotten by people.

They generally have little power and cannot even appear for long.

But this time, Kong Qianyu met a different book spirit.

The brief encounter after the Shanhai World was shattered made her understand two things: first, this spirit was born not long ago, but its character is somewhat biased, and second, its control over different spaces was extraordinary.

The newly born spirit has no evil thoughts towards human beings and will not have such powerful power.

We cannot rule out the possibility that someone behind the scenes is deliberately teaching bad spirits.

Kong Qianyu sat by the river, racking his brains and wondering what he had missed.

The bells of Whitechapel rang in the distance. Today is the weekend and the believers are going to worship.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well go over and look for clues.

The church was not big, but it was packed with people. Xue Wuwei's nose was suffering from old sins, and he stood reluctantly in the corner, not wanting to go inside.

"Annie is such a poor thing, I just saw her this morning, who would have thought something like this would happen, oh my God."

"The murderer is so rampant that he commits crimes during the day. How can we ensure our own safety?"

"If the business continues to be closed, the whole family will starve to death, and there is nothing we can do."

"I'm sorry to bother you, but who did you just say was killed? Is it Annie who lives in the three-story attic?"

Annie is a very common name for Western girls. If you call her Annie on the street, maybe four or five people will turn around.

But the first voice that spoke sounded familiar, much like the neighbor who knocked on Annie's door this morning.

"Yes." Petunia asked with red eyes, "Do you know Annie?"

"Oh, yes, we know her, a very nice girl. What happened to her?"

"She was found dead at home this afternoon. When she was found, her body was already stiff."

So is this the reason why they didn't leave the illusion?

They killed two werewolves, but they failed to change the original plot of Annie's murder. After they left, someone unknown killed Annie.

Aren't those two werewolves Jack the Ripper?

The deceased who were obviously found had varying degrees of injuries. They had been stabbed countless times, their abdomens were even cut, and their organs were missing. Isn't this consistent with the characteristics of a ferocious werewolf murderer?

(End of this chapter)

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