Holmes was an NPC, so when he saw his assistant hanging out with an Oriental girl, he didn't dare to fight back even after being beaten. He was also a little confused about what happened, and wanted to go and rescue her.

Xue Wuwei sighed heavily and stepped forward to dismiss him with a few words.

"Boss, when you listen to me, do I speak Chinese or bird language?"

"You did a great job learning the authentic London bird language!"


He entered the Taoist sect since he was a child, and his enlightenment was all about the mysterious world and the vastness of the universe. When he got older, he began to learn that the Taoism gave birth to one, one thing gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things. It was unreasonable for him to deviate from the Taoism. , but I really don’t know anything about bird language.

After becoming Watson, I actually still have this benefit. Isn’t it a ghost?

But he couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He couldn't use any of his spiritual power, and he completely turned into an ordinary person.

"Boss, I always thought I was dreaming. What on earth is going on?"

"When did you start to fall into the cycle of the Whitechapel series of cases?"

"Huh? I'm not a big boss. Why don't you say that there is a case and you want me to help catch the ghost?"


"Yeah~" Xue Wuwei touched his chin and began to recall: "I originally wanted to help my fellow junior to reserve a fortune-telling spot, but when I called you, I couldn't get through, so I had to come here to find you."

Xuanqingguan is still as lively as ever, and there is a long queue in front of the door. However, the fortune teller is not Kong Qianyu, but Xuan Qing. In recent months, the surrounding residents have slowly accepted the cute Xuanqingguan. But he is always a little adult with a dull face.

Kong Qianyu enjoyed his leisure time and left all his work to his senior brother. He drank tea and drew talismans every day and had no time to do anything. Even if someone came to give money to him, he was too lazy to earn it.

It happened that Xue Wuwei came to the door at this time, so Kong Qianyu recommended this business to him. The blonde beauty had a particularly beautiful smile. A plane to the other side of the continent.

Who would have thought that after landing, only one night later, when he woke up, everything around him would become so retro. Not only the buildings, but also the clothes of pedestrians, the cars running on the street, and the choking air were all reminders. There's something wrong with him.

He arrived in 1888 and became Holmes' assistant.

Until he met Kong Qianyu, he thought he was being bullied by ghosts. Maybe foreign ghosts were not the same as domestic ghosts. He, a foreign monk, was bullied.

Kong Qianyu squatted next to Xue Wuwei and thought about it carefully for a long time.

She is lazy. There is no long-term potential in fortune-telling and she has long since stopped doing it. Unfortunately, her neighbors are too enthusiastic and she has closed down her business several times to no avail. This is true.

But why didn't she remember that a blond beauty came to her to catch ghosts? In her memory, it was Xue Wuwei who took the initiative and wanted to take her to the ancient tombs in the northwest to save people. The reward was not low, one million per person.

At that time, she seemed to have temporarily stopped working because she couldn't find the money to repair the Taoist temple, and she was a little eager for money.

Looking back now, it seems that the desire is not that strong. She does have the intention to repair the Taoist temple, but it seems that she has not had time to start the work. At least she should not be short of money.

It seems that when the memories of the two of them were biased, they had been tricked without knowing it.

Not to mention, that little kid is very powerful. When introducing people into the game, he will also combine reality, vary from person to person, and proceed step by step. I probably read the Art of War too much.

Kong Qianyu turned to stare at Xue Wuwei: "Do you like foreign girls with blond hair and blue eyes?" "Ah? No, I just think they are white and good-looking."

I have to say that many foreigners have adopted the aesthetics of their own country, with fair skin and three-dimensional facial features, but right?

This is a famous slum. The two of them squatted on the street corner for more than ten minutes. Everyone who passed by them was stinking against the wind. It was so stinky that they had no time to care about whether they looked good or not.

Even a gentleman like Sherlock Holmes has his own body odor. Watson may have become numb after following him for a long time. Now that there is a new source of the odor, he also covers his mouth with the same bitter look on his face.

Kong Qianyu's sense of smell had long been blocked by her, so she smiled and prepared to continue to disgust him: "Do you know why the princes and nobles had so many castles in the Middle Ages?"

"Because there are no toilets in their castles. When there are emergencies, they just go wherever they go and deal with them on the spot. When a palace has no place to stay, they just replace it with a new one and leave the servants to clean up the mess."

"Also, they invented high heels, so as not to step on excrement on the road."

"Ugh~~" Xue Wuwei finally couldn't help it and trotted to vomit.

When he came back, he looked disgusted: "Big brother, please, spare the little one."

In such an environment, think of the description just now

Kong Qianyu just wanted to tease him, and didn't have any bad intentions. If she wanted to blame it, she had a very good memory. She had memorized all the books she had read before. After reading the history of Europe, she wanted to take away her brain cells. Come out and clean it.

Therefore, she cannot be disgusted alone.

"Okay, tell me what will happen next." Ignoring Xue Wuwei's resentful eyes, Kong Qianyu got down to business.

"The next step is nothing special. I have been following Mr. Holmes to investigate cases in this area. After the last murder occurs, everything will return to the starting point."

"Did anything special happen during this period?"

"No, it was almost the same every time until I met you." This was the first time Xue Wuwei successfully deviated from the plot.

The first few times, he desperately wanted to take Holmes to the scene of the crime and stop the murderer at the scene. Every time, he encountered various accidents, forcing him to follow the plot step by step.

"You mean, until now, you don't know who the real murderer is?"

"Yeah, I don't know."

No, Kong Qianyu remembered that in the "Detective Sherlock Holmes" she had watched, the murderer was finally caught. The murderer was a dying nobleman. Holmes was hindered by the pleas of his descendants, and she also knew that the murderer would definitely not He continued to commit crimes without making any noise.

Why doesn't the plot just go on and on, instead of just resetting when all the victims die?

"Boss, where are we? Why did I become an ordinary person?" Xue Wuwei saw that Kong Qianyu was in a daze and remained silent for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

He was not good at studying, so he just accepted his defeat. The big boss was actually trapped in, and he couldn't help but think more about whether he could still get out.

"If I'm right, it's in a book."

"a book?"

"It's probably not accurate enough. It's in a pile of books."

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