The first thing Xue Wuwei did after regaining his freedom was to beat up the two barbarians. While fighting back, he said: "I'll let you sneak attack and tie me up!"

He was very angry. Being captured by an ordinary humanoid creature was such a shame and humiliation!

When his anger was almost gone, they sat down on the other side of the island and had time to talk.

"How did you get in?"

Xue Wuwei picked up two pieces of broken jade, threw it to the sea out of boredom, and glared at Jiang Siji: "He wasn't the one who tricked me!"

I don't know what this guy saw in the tomb passage at that time, and he had to chase him out. He had no power to restrain the chicken, so how could anyone rest assured? He had no choice but to chase after him.

"Then how did you end up on this small island?" There was a vast sea nearby, and there was no land as far as the eye could see. Kong Qianyu only saw such a small piece of land after floating on the sea for many years.

Moreover, because of her advanced cultivation, it would be no big deal if she soaked in water, but Jiang Siji could do the same?

"We came out of the ancient tomb and arrived at this island. Look at the top of the mountain." The highest point of the island is a mountain in the middle. It is surrounded by bare trees. Xue Wuwei pointed to a cave not far from the top of the mountain and said, "We He got out of that hole and was captured by the savages as soon as he came out."

At that time, Jiang Siji disappeared from the tomb passage first, and Xue Wuwei was worried that he could not find him. Unexpectedly, they both fell into the same tomb at the same time, and found a robbery hole in the tomb. From the robbery hole, they were halfway up the mountain. On the mountain, it can be said to be quite smooth.

They were all shocked when they came out. Jiang Siji majored in archeology. Although he was not an expert in paleontology, he was still certain that every plant in front of him should be an extinct species tens of thousands of years ago.

Before they could figure out where they were, the two of them were knocked unconscious by the barbarians one after another and taken home. They even gestured and shouted, but they couldn't communicate with the two barbarians, but the barbarians seemed to have no way of communicating with them. Didn't mean to hurt them.

Therefore, Xue Wuwei did not kill him just now, and the two barbarians were not in serious trouble.

"I seem to have seen Ling Qing." Kong Qianyu said.

"Ah? Really? Great, where is she? Can you take me to find her?"

"We have to go back and try first. If we can't get in and out of this ancient tomb, we will be in trouble."

"Where are we now?" Xue Wuwei felt that the air and environment here were good, but there were too few people and there was no way to communicate.

"The world of mountains and seas."

"Huh?" What kind of world is the world of mountains and seas? Xue Wuwei didn't understand.

"Have you read the Classic of Mountains and Seas?" Kong Qianyu shrugged helplessly.

"Isn't it?" The various strange and exotic beasts in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are not all just weird-looking and have special abilities. Some of them especially like to eat people!

It seemed that they were lucky enough to not be near the beast's den when they came in. Otherwise, they would have been caught and fed unpalatable soup for a few days. It was doubtful whether they would survive until now.

After all, none of the monsters in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are easy to get along with!

"Let's go, let's go." Xue Wuwei hurriedly led the way.

The passage remained halfway up the mountain and did not disappear.

Kong Qianyu felt a little depressed after entering the cave. Why was it that the passages everyone came in were normal and could accommodate adults, but the passage she came in was like a dog hole, getting narrower as she climbed.

At the end, they entered a tomb that was completely different from the one Kong Qianyu had entered before. This tomb was quite clean. There were no burials, no tomb owner, and only an empty coffin standing alone.

There was also no way out. The passage they entered did look like a robbery cave, but after Kong Qianyu blasted the wall again, she found that this tomb was similar to the one she had entered before, and the strong repair ability of the masonry still existed.

She silently turned her head and looked at the Thief's Cave, wondering what kind of person could open a passage here.

Fortunately, as long as the blasted hole is large enough, the repair will still take a short time, which is enough for Kong Qianyu to test it back and forth several times. After returning to the tomb passage from the tomb chamber, he can return to the original path and see again the accumulation of yellow sand in the sky when they first entered. entrance, that would be easy. Jiang Siji was very nervous when he heard the sound of bombing the wall at first, but now he can calmly gnaw on the bread while constantly following in and out to search for different tombs.

Xue Wuwei was extremely envious of Kong Qianyu's powerful use of talismans, as if these talismans were free of charge, and he would get more than thirty of them in one shot.

Although activating a talisman does not require much spiritual power, being unable to withstand this talisman's activation at the same time is a big test in both control and spiritual power.

But having said that, their talisman does not cost money.

Caught in the tangle of how the same people could be so different, he also joined Jiang Siji in eating and drinking, which he was good at.

When the familiar Xiao Maozhang appeared in front of him again, Kong Qianyu raised his hand to greet her with a smile: "Hi, we meet again." Xiao Maozhang changed from expressionless to eager, and began to circle around Kong Qianyu, as if I saw countless mushrooms waving to it again.

"Um" Kong Qianyu was a little embarrassed. She didn't have any stock to replenish. Where did she get the mushrooms? She tentatively took out a few snacks. Xiao Mao was not interested, and a look of disappointment gradually appeared on her face.

At the end, Kong Qianyu took out a roasted crocodile. Xiao Mao stiffly sniffed, his eyes brightened a little, and rubbed it on Kong Qianyu's arm, looking like he wanted to eat it and give it to me as soon as possible.

Xue Wuwei raised his hand to lift his chin back, which was about to fall off. Wasn't it just a stiff hair? Isn’t it just Mao Zheng who still eats meat? Isn't it just Mao Zheng who still acts like a spoiled child? As long as you put it on the boss, any weird thing is reasonable.

Anyway, they had seen barbarians with human bodies and bird claws before, so it was no big deal!

I think back then they fought against a small red zombie, and it took a lot of effort. The four of them were surrounded and almost lost. Compared with a red zombie, it was difficult to carry shoes for the latter. Not worthy.

Xiao Maozhang ate the meat with great pleasure. Kong Qianyu patted her head and led the two of them to climb the dog hole.

This increasingly narrow dog hole was really torturous. Kong Qianyu crawled for the second time, knowing exactly how far it was. He resisted the urge to explode again and again, and finally climbed to the exit again.

Following their memories, they quickly found Ling Qing and the other three, but

Jiang Siji hugged her lover and told her how much he missed her and how much he regretted quarreling with her. He kept apologizing, but Ling Qing couldn't tell the truth.

"I do not love you."

"I don't want to see you."

"I don't want to make up with you."

"I won't forgive you."

Is this the power of the blackmail beast? How long has it been and it still hasn’t returned to normal?

Jiang Siji looked helplessly at Kong Qianyu: "Master, is there a way to get rid of this side effect?"

Kong Qianyu shook her head. At least as far as she knew, even gods were not immune to the side effects of eating a lie beast, but it seemed that gods could only tell lies for a period of time, ranging from a few years to decades.

As for how long ordinary people will talk, no one knows which ordinary people will have the opportunity to eat the blackmail beast.

But the beast was so fragrant. The aroma of the meat they roasted that day wafted so far away that she almost couldn't hold back her greed.

But the most important thing is to save your life. At worst, talk less and type more and communicate on mobile phone in the future.

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