At night, Ling Fengzi leaned out of the yellow paper, respectfully lit incense for his ancestor, and knelt in front of the case until dawn.

He was so crazy about immortality that he made mistakes again and again. He followed King Chu Jiang and committed too many murders. His sin was unforgivable and he should have been sent to the eighteenth level of hell to receive his guilt.

However, after severely punishing him, it was no longer possible to conceal the crimes committed by King Chu Jiang, so the final result was that nothing was done. He was deprived of his position as City God and was driven out of Fengdu to fend for himself.

At the current rate of decay of his soul, he will be wiped out in a few years. When Ling Fengzi had nowhere to go, the first thing he thought of was Xuanqing Temple.

That was the place where he had lived for decades. He vaguely remembered that when the war was raging, he worked as an underground liaison officer, settled the wounded, and protected the people. He was a great benefactor spread by word of mouth among the people around him.

Those praises and beliefs are not comparable to the merits of a few sticks of incense. He was satisfied when he died, feeling that his life was complete, and he was a enlightened person with the world in mind.

He visited his old place again, but even the ancestor couldn't tolerate him. When he was almost blown away by thunder and fire, Kong Qianyu appeared.

She left behind a sentence: If she had known this day, why bother in the first place, she no longer cared about him, and allowed him to live in the Taoist temple. The yellow paper on the wall could protect him from the Yang Qi during the day, and he would kneel down at night. Plea before the case.

At the end, he suddenly woke up.

Saving people is like putting out a fire, so you have to move quickly. Five hours later, the plane landed at an airport in the northwest. An SUV drove them deep into the desert. The driver was Wang Qingshun, a veteran with great skills. He is also one of the support personnel invited by the institute. Since he is not a professional, he is not responsible for going to the grave and only provides logistical support.

There were only three of them in the car. Xue Wuwei handed over a cigarette and started talking to Wang Qingshun.

"Brother Wang, how far are we from the ancient tomb now?"

"If everything goes well, it will take more than two hours to drive. It will be difficult before dark." The sky is long in the northwest and the sun sets late. It is already past seven o'clock, and a red sun still hangs high in the sky.

"Then where shall we stay tonight?" Going to the cemetery in the dark is simply an act of seeking death. Zongzi is actually stronger at night.

"We set up a few temporary tents next to the ancient tomb. Our conditions are limited, please bear with me." Wang Qingshun was very polite. He looked at Xuan Qing who was sleeping soundly in the rearview mirror and couldn't hold it back.

"I'm not blabbering. Why are you wading into this muddy water with your children?" Money is not as important as life. Wang Qingshun earns 500 yuan for a trip. He is already very satisfied and will not envy these people who continue to come. A fool who makes a lot of money.

As an aborigine from the northwest, there are various local legends about what lies under that yellow sand, all of which are terrifying.

Xue Wuwei didn't explain too much and changed the topic: "Which batch of us arrived? Did the people in front of them go back or not come up?"

This was not an easy thing to say. Wang Qingshun hesitated for a long time and then asked: "Do you really want to make this money?"

Xue Wuwei took the opportunity and stuffed a few hundred yuan over: "We have friends who went in but didn't come out. We will go down to save people no matter what. Brother, you are familiar with this area. Please tell us about the situation so that we can prepare in advance."

Wang Qingshun nodded, took the money, lit a cigarette again, and slowly started talking.

Moving all the way to the west, the afterglow of the sun finally sank and disappeared, and with it, the warm blood on Xue Wuwei's body disappeared. According to Wang Qingshun, their area was part of the ancient Silk Road, and there once was a splendid ancient civilization called Kumi.

The ancient Kumi Kingdom, like other prosperous vassal states on the Silk Road, appeared and disappeared extremely mysteriously. In the end, all the civilization it created was buried under the yellow sand, leaving not many written records.

The ancient Kumi country was not big and its population was not large, so even archaeologists knew very little about it. That is why the discovered ancient tomb is so important. Through its excavation and research, we can Learn about the tip of the iceberg of this mysterious ancient country more than a thousand years ago.

When Wang Qingshun said this, he took a long puff of cigarette, opened the window and threw the cigarette butt out, looking very annoyed: "Our rules passed down from generation to generation are not to go to the cemetery of the Kumi people, otherwise something bad will happen. .”

"There is the Hanbao Empress in there."

Xue Wuwei's face turned green when he heard this. He turned his head to look at Kong Qianyu in the back seat.

She, who had been scrolling through her cell phone out of boredom since getting in the car, finally raised her head. Even Xuan Qing, who had been dozing off, opened her eyes and began to listen carefully to Wang Qingshun's words.

Although he didn't see the frightened expressions on their faces, Xue Wuwei was still a little uneasy: "Fellow Daoist Kong, do you know what Hanban is?"

"Is this thing also available here?" If it is true, it is indeed a bit troublesome. Kong Qianyu turned to look out the window. The desert that was passing by was endless, with the occasional half-dead drought-tolerant plants, which looked like the territory of a drought demon. It's just as dry and rainless, and it's just as inaccessible.

"Our village holds sacrificial activities every year, which are said to be for ancestor worship, but even the oldest man, Ah Lao, can't tell whose ancestor this sacrifice is."

"When their research institute wanted to excavate the ancient tomb, the people around them disagreed, saying that it would disturb the empress and cause a big disaster. But how could they listen to us? They found the entrance to the tomb passage within two days. We even found a few burglary holes.”

"It's a pity that none of the first batch of people came out. Less than half a month later, no one was seen alive, and no corpse was found dead. The old man in our village said that they were eaten as sacrifices to the Drought Demon Queen."

"Who knew they would send a second group of people? You are already the third group."

"Have all the second group of people come out?" Xue Wuwei only knew that his friends were the first group to go in. Before coming, he had not heard anything about the second group of people.

Wang Qingshun paused: "There is a second batch of people from our village who have not come out for more than three days. Ah Xi said he must be dead. His parents are crying blind at home."

Unlike Wang Qingshun who wanted to take the opportunity to make a little money, many strong laborers in nearby villages were dazzled by the high bonuses.

It is said that it is a nearby village, but in fact, none of them is less than a day's walk from the ancient tomb. Even near the actual entrance of the ancient tomb, there is no road at all, so you need to walk to get in.

Wang Yakun is about the same age as Wang Qingshun. He worked outside for several years and realized that it is hard to make money and hard to eat, so he returned to the village to make a living, and went out twice a year to collect medicinal materials, mushrooms and other mountain products to make a living.

This time, his father was seriously ill and his family could not afford the huge medical expenses. He was so anxious that he happened to find the research institute recruiting people at a high price, so he went there. In the end, regardless of whether he made money or not, he definitely didn't have the people. After seeing the shadow, I don’t know how the old couple can survive in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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