After finishing the melon, Kong Qianyu swayed and prepared to enter the city.

Xu was so happy that she forgot the time, and her invisibility charm expired at some point. Just as she was about to walk in boldly, she was blocked by the city gatekeeper.

"Show me your residence permit!" She had so much fun going in and out that she almost forgot about it, but she had the certificate in her hand, so she didn't panic at all, so she took it out and handed it over.

The city gatekeeper looked at her a few more times and was secretly surprised. Isn't this the female ghost that the superiors asked to find? The boss also repeatedly emphasized that if you encounter someone, don't alert the snake.

She is actually a new ghost. What happened, or who did she offend? She was targeted as soon as she arrived. What a pity for her pretty face. She should be lucky.

Kong Qianyu was a little strange when she entered the city. Why did the city gatekeeper look at her strangely? Could it be that her face was too young, and she felt sorry for being a ghost at such a young age?
It shouldn't be. The old ghost guarding the city has seen a lot, and there are still baby spirits that died before they were born crawling all over the ground. He must understand the principle that there are no young or old on the road to hell.

After entering the city, the streets were still as lively as ever, with stalls on both sides selling and shouting at their best. Only here, Kong Qianyu could feel a bit of the excitement of the human world.

It's strange, she is obviously not a person who likes to join in the fun. She used to be in seclusion for decades, but she didn't feel so cold. After coming to the underworld, she actually misses everything in the world.

She looked up at the always gray sky, probably because there was no sun. Fortunately, she could still go back.

The amount of white rice at the stall has doubled in just a few days, reaching 2 million yuan per bowl. When she passed Tiandi Bank on the main street, she was really surprised by the long queue.

The two ghosts at the end of the team were chatting and complaining about the difficulty of ghost life.

"I didn't expect that I was a poor person during my lifetime and became a pauper after my death. Alas, I don't know how much flowers my family burned this time."

"Who says it's not the case? My family is in a rural area. It's pretty good. I can cook it secretly and get some delivered to me. Look at the uncle next to him. His face is extremely green. He's probably hungry."

There were a few ghosts sitting sparsely next to them who didn't look normal at first sight. Their little faces were sunken and green. They were obviously suffering from the cold, but they had one thing in common. They were well-dressed, and there were piles of things in front of them. The piles of flowers, some with dew on them, were so fresh.

"Hey, that's because my family accepts too many new ideas, and they are stupid. You said you don't want to waste money, so why are you just sending some useless flowers? In our place, even if the prices continue to soar and the value of the paper depreciates, Money is money, and as long as the Bank of Heaven and Earth does not fail, there will always be money to spend.”

"That's right. Flowers can be given, but money must also be given, otherwise the ancestors will have nothing to spend."

Kong Qianyu shook her head. She was also penniless and had no right to pity other ghosts.

She was still immersed in Dana's love story. After entering the city, she just wandered around, walking east and west, turning a few streets and walking back for a while, and then she stopped.

She was followed.

If it was a coincidence that the two ghosts were on the same road with her at the beginning, then the fact that they were still attached to the back of her butt after she took an unreasonable detour must have been intentional.

The last time she was suddenly attacked at Jian Yan's house, this time she was followed by a ghost as soon as she entered the city. It was clear that she had been fine after using the invisibility charm before.

There are two possibilities. One is that she has offended some powerful ghost who is specifically guarding her. The other is that there is something on her body that will attract official officials once it is taken out.

In order to verify his guess, Kong Qianyu immediately put on the invisibility charm after turning into the alley for the third time, and then pressed against the wall, waiting for them to come.

When the kid who was following discovered that she was missing, he was a little panicked: "Have we two been discovered?"

"No, we are quite far away. What should we do now?" "What are you afraid of? We charge money to do things. If we don't do it well, we will give up the money. Will Li Dong eat us?"

After searching for her to no avail, the two brats took out their mobile phones and called to report something embarrassing happening to them.

"A bunch of trash!" After being scolded, the two imps prepared to leave dejectedly.

Naturally, Kong Qianyu would not let them leave so easily. She pulled off the invisibility charm and said hello to them: "Hello~ I heard you are looking for me."

The two little ghosts changed their expressions at the same time. How could she appear out of thin air? In Fengdu City, all the little ghosts are almost like living people, but they don't have the ability to automatically become invisible!
"No, why are we looking for you? Who are you? We were just passing by, passing by." They still wanted to quibble, turned around and wanted to run away.

A binding spell bound the legs of the two ghosts, and she walked up to them with a smile: "Tell me, who sent you here? Or should I just search for the souls?"

Searching souls is very useful. After searching, three souls can be destroyed and two souls can be destroyed, and the ghost life is over.

"I said, I said." I finally realized that I couldn't afford to offend them. The two brats didn't even receive any money, and it was impossible for them to take their lives.

"We are city gate officials. We were greeted by Li Dong early in the morning. As soon as your residence certificate was shown, we started to follow you."

"Is this thing of mine fake?" Kong Qianyu took out the residence permit that Ling Fengzi had applied for and looked around, but couldn't see any difference from other ghosts.

"The certificate is genuine, but it has been marked in the system." Their city gate guard system has been successfully upgraded and connected to the Internet a long time ago. The previous residence permit was made of dark wood, which was costly and easy to be counterfeited. Now it saves trouble. I heard that it is similar to the ID card used above. It is a thin plastic card with its own chip. The information can be scanned by just sticking it on the machine, and it is not easy to forge.

It turned out to be the case.

"Who is Li Dong?" She had never heard this name before, so she probably didn't recognize it.

"He is the meritorious officer next to Emperor Song."

When they asked what they wanted to ask, Kong Qianyu erased their memories and became invisible. She wanted to see who Li Dong was and what his purpose was for being so guarded against him.

In addition to having his own office in Hell, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty also had an office area in the Yama Luo Palace in Fengdu City. Most of them were used by his scribes and meritorious officials. If they wanted to find Li Dong, they had to go there.

No matter how useful the invisibility charm is, after all, other ghosts cannot see her, and it cannot erase the objective fact of the existence of the spirit body. Therefore, as soon as she entered one of the core office areas of the underworld, she was afraid of running into other ghosts even when she slipped through the wall.

There are too many ghosts. This is the result of the layoff of a number of ghosts after the implementation of paperless office.

She was careful all the way, not daring to fly into the air. If someone saw through her invisibility charm, she would be trapped in a trap, and she wouldn't be able to escape.

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty was a three-hall Yama, which meant that he had to pass through at least two main halls to reach it.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes
"Who are you? Why did you break into this king's bedroom?"

Oops, found out!

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