The City God has a very high status in the eyes of the people, but in the underworld, he is only an inconspicuous one among the middle and lower-level officials.

Generally, City Gods are honored after the death of local sages. If you have been working for a long time, have seen the sufferings of both worlds, and no longer want to work, you can also choose to be reincarnated as an ordinary person. Replacement is relatively frequent. .

At the Naihe Bridge, Po Meng sent away countless city gods who wanted to be reincarnated. Ling Fengzi had only been a minor official for a hundred years, which was not even a fraction of the ghost king's.

Therefore, if his little Taoist deeds were placed in the human world, he could control the wind and rain, benefit the people of a certain area, and gain some merits, but if placed in the underworld, let alone far away, any real ghost king would not be able to make ten moves, and he would definitely fail miserably. Maybe the defeat will be more disgraceful, and you won't even be able to touch a corner of someone's clothes.

How can I escape from the underworld to the Yang Realm by fighting and killing, and still be lucky enough to be saved by Kong Qianyu?

"The rules of the underworld are so loose. Are there impostors on the tour?" The ghost didn't feel guilty at all when he introduced himself to them. The real tour was nothing more than that, right?

"What if one day their rebellion succeeds and the leader really becomes the Ghost Emperor?"

Anywhere, whether in the human world, the fairy world, or the ghost world, actually follows the same primitive jungle laws.The process of ascending to power may be shady, and the methods of ascending to power are even more insidious and vicious, but for the ghost world, as long as it does not interfere with the normal order of the six paths of reincarnation, no big boss is willing to take charge of trivial matters such as territorial disputes.

It’s hard to say, but the private fights are what the big bosses above want to see. The people below are trying their best to fight and kill, which will not hinder their daily lives and eliminate potential hidden dangers. Why not do it? ?Of course they can just sit back and watch.

"I understand." Xuan Qing came out of the fight in the orthodox world of immortal cultivation. Xuan Qing quickly thought about the secrets that could not be told. The bosses of all parties in the underworld are also immortals. Although the ghosts and immortals have difficulty in cultivation, they have plenty of time. This time Long, even ghosts and immortals can become immortals.

The space in the Immortal Realm is limited, and there are so many people ascending from all walks of life that they are almost like a carrot and a pit. If it weren’t for the fact that the hundred thousand celestial horses in Tianhe train hard every day, and they have to fight and suffer damage from time to time, it would be to let the enlightened ones live in the heavenly palace as horses. They are also willing.

36 Heavenly Immortals are full of troubles, which can be seen from the fact that my master likes to make offerings to seek the power of faith.If they really become immortals with no desires and desires, spending a lot of time every day, and having access to all corners of the world, what else will they have to fight for?

It's just that ascension is just the first step to becoming an immortal. Being a small immortal official is really not that important. All immortals have to climb up. Can immortals live forever?Haha, you will find out after you ascend that this is a purely false proposition, it only delays aging, and it is absolutely impossible to lie down flat.

In such an environment, the gods are also in danger, fearing that other gods will covet the position under their buttocks.Of course, the underworld is the focus of attention. After all, the cultivation environment in the underworld is harsh, and no one wants to be trapped in a dark place forever and have to deal with ghosts.

If they make a mess themselves, the higher-ups will be relieved.Fight, fight, as long as you don't turn the world upside down, you can do whatever you want. If you succeed, you have the ability. If you fail, you have run out of energy.In a word, God's will cannot be violated, life and death are fate.

How could the little city god Ling Fengzi not know these truths?When he first became the City God, he was very proud for a while.What kind of official is the City God?It cannot be regarded as a non-local sage. It is definitely the greatest affirmation of what a person has done in his life.

But as time went on, he became more and more uneasy.

When he was a human being, he was upright and loved to save people. When he was a ghost, he patrolled the land and had the power to reward good and punish evil. Naturally, he wanted to do something practical for the people.

However, reality again and again told him that the ghost world is no different from the human world. Oppressing good people and taking human life lightly is just a game for the powerful. Live or die, it is the vulnerable people who suffer.But he was told to turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, but he couldn't do it. After suffering in his heart, he learned from the pain and decided to make some changes even if his body was shattered and his soul was scattered.

Doesn’t the mantis with the mantis arm blocking the car know that he can’t block the car?It's just a matter of doing something and not doing something. A real man is born between heaven and earth, but he wants to be respected and not ashamed in his heart.

Ling Fengzi stood up straight, feeling that he must look particularly tall at this moment.

"Then you die before leaving the army?" Xuan Qing crossed her legs and smiled disdainfully: "If I hadn't met my junior sister, who is still kind-hearted, you would have been broken into pieces by now."

Without strength, no matter how determined you are, it will be in vain.Xuan Qing is a typical realist and cannot understand Ling Fengzi's thoughts.

"Is this the point? Isn't it supposed to be because you heard that the trial mechanism of the underworld is not as clean and fair as you imagined, and you feel it is very shattered?"

"Fairness is always relative. For ordinary people and ghosts, it is enough to have a place to redress their grievances and get relative fairness." At least on the surface, the underworld is still very fair. Killing for life is an iron law. Eighteen There are only a few unjustly imprisoned people in this hell, and that's enough.

Kong Qianyu brought the increasingly crooked topic back: "What happened in the underworld? How can a small ghost soldier have the ability to pretend to be a Japanese patrol?"

Ling Fengzi's face darkened: "The ghosts in the underworld are serious. In the past hundred years, more than ten thousand ghosts have disappeared. This is just on the surface. There are many ghosts that have been lost in private."

"What can ghosts be used for? I believe you don't need me to elaborate on them, right?"

"Oh, so you came to the Yang Realm to investigate?" The City God generally does not appear in the human world in person. Even if he is a small official, he still cannot get rid of his identity as a ghost. Not to mention anything else, even this small The small Taoist temple was not protected by Kong Qianyu, but his ancestors of who knows how many generations took care of him as soon as he entered the door.

Ling Fengzi shook his head.He was forced to have no choice, and the underworld was no longer safe for him.

Unexpectedly, after choosing and choosing, he chose the one he thought was the most reliable, and actually ran into someone else's net.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have a completely trustworthy ghost agent around him, and no one knew about his complaint to the superiors, he would have suspected that there was a traitor around him.

"My immediate boss, King Qin Guang, was also involved. I didn't expect this." The boss that Ling Fengzi thought was the most upright was no longer the Ghost King he knew at the beginning.

"Then what do you want to do now?" Kong Qianyu is too lazy to take care of the affairs of the underworld, and he doesn't know whether he has the ability to take care of them. It is nothing more than a struggle for power. As long as it is settled, it depends on whether the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overpowers the east wind. .

"What else can I do? I have already come to the human world anyway. If I can find out something, I can go back and find a ghost emperor to report it." The premise is that there must be conclusive evidence.

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