Chapter 103
Kong Qianyu and Xuan Qing looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

The brothers and sisters have had a tacit understanding for many years, and they know exactly what the other is laughing at.

The ghost in front of me is indeed quite advanced. He is a thousand-year-old ghost. Is he still so ignorant and uneducated?
Let’s not mention that the two of them are dressed as Taoist priests who catch ghosts and subjugate demons. Let’s just say that your old gentleman was hanging up a nondescript sign on his RV in the corner of the empty second-floor underground parking lot in the middle of the night. If they hadn’t come here specifically to catch you, Damn it, only a devil can get into your car!

Has this ghost been dead for so long that he lacks common sense in life?

"I want to kill God, can you help me?" Xuan Qing said with a low smile.

The ghost slowly floated out from the shadows. It was a male ghost. He probably had something wrong with his eyesight. It wasn't until he got very close that he could clearly see the clothes of the two people who came in.

He was startled, took a step back and wanted to run.

"You're here, don't leave in a hurry. You are a guest when you come in. Is there any way to treat guests?"

Before getting in the car, four soul-restraining talismans were hand-painted by Xuan Qing, using his own demon blood, and were firmly posted around the RV. Not to mention a mere thousand-year-old ghost, plus 2000 years of Taoism, the game would be over. .

The male ghost couldn't break out from anywhere. His feet gave way and he fell to his knees: "Master, spare my life."

cut!It's so boring, I haven't even hit it yet.

"Hey, get up, let's have a fight." After all, this guy has a thousand years of Taoism, which is perfect for practicing his skills. After Xuan Qing transformed, he had suppressed the evil fire and had no place to spread it.

But the ghost knelt on the ground and shook like chaff, repeating over and over again, "Master, please forgive me." When asked again, he said, "Little old man has never harmed anyone."

"Tell me, how did you end up here? What do you want to do? It's hard to tell. The knife in my hand is not vegetarian."

"Little old man, little old man, I have never done anything bad! Please master, please look into it!"

Kong Qianyu walked around the RV. This car was truly a ghost car. It looked real from the outside, but when you walked in, you could tell that it was made of paper from a white shop. The details inside were messed up. I don’t know where this thousand-year-old ghost got it from.

"Let me ask you, you have been dead for more than a thousand years, have you really never hurt anyone?"

"Indeed, I don't dare to hide this from the two masters. You two are the first ones to come to our door since we opened the business." The old ghost said more and more, and he became less confident.

Haha, his attitude was indeed very sincere. If Kong Qianyu hadn't seen He Jiuzhang's body, he would have almost believed him.

"What kind of business are you doing?" Xuan Qing raised his hand and drew a lighting charm.

There was nothing in the car, except for an inconspicuous old jar standing in the corner, about half a person's height. The old ghost's kneeling position, whether intentionally or by coincidence, concealed the jar. "Little old man, I don't have much business." The old ghost said with a bitter look on his face: "Master, please understand. The little old man used to live in his own house on Huangquan Road, with his children and grandchildren around his knees. He was very happy. Although he never wanted to be reincarnated, like this There are a lot of tough households like Xiao Lao'er in Fengdu City."

"You said you ran away from Fengdu City?" Kong Qianyu couldn't help but become serious.

"No, no, no, it's because the little old man wants to run away. It's because his children and grandchildren are not living up to expectations and they can't pay back the loan sharks. They want to take away the little old man's children. How can the little old man sit back and ignore them?"

"The little old man was originally a scholar, so he naturally understands the principle of not committing adultery and illegal things. However, my descendants are my flesh and blood. The little old man has been dead for many years. He enjoyed happiness when he was alive, but his life after death is dull but lively. , dying again is nothing.”

"But my descendants were born in troubled times, died young, and did not live a good life. The little old man offered to take their own lives, and then they were found out. It has only been more than a year since then."

The underworld has its own rules and strict management. At least Kong Qianyu has never heard of any ghost running out casually.If you can still be the same as you were when you were dead, and you can just come to the world for a walk if you have nothing to do, it won't be all chaos.

You know, among these ghosts, only those who behave well can apply to come back to play through formal channels in July and a half. If there is even the slightest negative record, how can you figure it out?Don't even think about it.

As for the unofficial channels, I wish you good luck. From the moment you leave the underworld, both the Yin and Yang realms are arresting you. If you are caught, hahaha. The punishments in the underworld are not as merciful as those in the upper world. The eighteenth level Do you want to know about hell?Do you want to know how long the torture period starts from a thousand years ago?
"Don't talk nonsense. What do you want to do here? Could you really help me kill God?" As soon as Xuan Qing finished speaking, there was a rumbling and low thunder outside, which scared him and hurriedly Putting his hands together: "Just kidding, don't blame me!"

"Master is joking. The little old man is only strictly ordered by the Ghost King to capture ten ghosts and send them to him every year. However, the little old man has zero performance this year, which has already made the Ghost King very dissatisfied."

"The little old man is incompetent. He has lived for a thousand years, but he has no skills. He has no idea how to harm others. He has no choice but to learn a thing or two from other colleagues. He trades with others to get this RV, pretends to be a small shop, and waits for customers to come to his door. Although I guard the shop diligently every day, no one comes to the shop."

"Have you ever thought that it might be the reason for your shop?" Kong Qianyu shook his head. He was an adorable idiot, and he really had a bit of the pedantic spirit of the literati in the past. He didn't know how to adapt at all. Could it be that he hadn't harmed anyone before?

"Is there something wrong with the little old man's shop? This is the Ghost King's instruction. You must not directly harm people's lives. You must cover it and hide it so that no one can find it. Other colleagues have done this, and you need to trick the person into giving his consent. After taking human form, he kills his enemies and seizes their souls."

"In this way, the deceased himself has not yet reached the end of his life, and there are living murderers who can be held accountable in the underworld. There are no complaining ghosts in the underworld. It will still take decades to wait until the life of the person who died in vain is up before sending ghost messengers. Searching for the soul. As time goes by, the little old man has paid off his debts and has long since returned to the underworld to be reincarnated. What does the missing ghost have to do with the little old man?"

"Ghost King? Where is the Ghost King?" What a cunning and treacherous Ghost King!In this way, this ghost king is very good at taking advantage of the loopholes in the policies of both sides.

Kong Qianyu felt that this technique was very familiar.
"I don't know." He is just one of the many enslaved little ghosts under the Ghost King. He has never seen what the Ghost King looks like. It's just that such a number one figure is mentioned in everyone's words, and all the ghosts are in awe when he is mentioned.

"How many ghosts have you seen under the Ghost King?"

"About forty years old." He is the worst among them. He has been warned twice. If it happens a third time, he may end up in ashes. But he is not afraid. There is nothing to fear about death. Being a ghost After doing this for 1000 years, he has already done enough.

He had been waiting for Ai Ai Gou for so long, and finally when someone asked him about the internal affairs of the Ghost King, he would definitely tell them everything. If he could really deal with them, wouldn't his life as a ghost be in vain?

(End of this chapter)
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