Chapter 5 5. The store manager who landed by air
"Bang bang bang-"

"Bang bang bang-"


With a gentle bite, the irony smell of the machine rushes into the taste buds, and the cold tingling sensation is like biting into ice cubes.The staff's impatient knock on the door reached his ears, and Jiang Chuxia suddenly woke up.

What am I doing!

She covered her mouth, and the black mist followed her example.

Jiang Chuxia glared at the black mist, it was all you who made me unable to resist the temptation to bite the machine!
Heiwu also glared at Jiang Chuxia, wrapped her around again, and acted affectionately.

It was obviously a dark mass, but Jiang Chuxia found it extremely cute.

"I'm so hungry, so hungry, just a small bite."

There was a childish voice in his head, and Jiang Chuxia intuitively guessed that it was the black mist.

She took a look at the flashing light in front of her, 'I am very expensive! 's superpower detection machine, his face changed drastically, "You can't eat it!——"

However, it was too late.

Little Heiwu left Jiang Chuxia, wailing and swooping at the measuring instrument for fluctuating data, as fiercely as if he hadn't eaten for hundreds of years.

Jiang Chuxia had no time to stop it, so she could only watch the huge machine being swallowed up by Xiao Heiwu in one gulp, and secretly thought about how many years of work she would have to work to pay off the debt.

Xiao Heiwu chewed a few times, then spat it out, "It tastes so bad! It tastes so bad!——"

At the same time, a blue interface appeared in Jiang Chuxia’s mind:
"Devouring the baby's growth plan!"

"Level: S-level (current)"

"Evolution points: 1000000/5"


The spit-out detection machine seemed to have malfunctioned and emitted an electromagnetic sound. After half a sound, it shouted: "Congratulations to Jiang Chuxia for awakening the S-level power - Devour!"

"Congratulations to Jiang Chuxia for awakening the S-level power—devour!"

"Congratulations to Jiang Chuxia for awakening the S-level power—devour!"

The sound became louder and louder, and the sound lingered around, and all the orcs in the room heard it.

"What level? How many levels?" The staff member who came to knock on the door was named Li Jue. He couldn't believe it, "S level?! There must be something wrong with this machine!"

It's not that he maliciously speculated on Jiang Chuxia.

In fact, that short, thin and ugly orc is already an adult!How is it possible to awaken S-level powers!

Li Jue didn't understand, Li Jue didn't accept it.

Other staff members were also stunned for a moment.

"It's impossible, S-class, S-class, there's an S-class on Star 44?!"

"Ask him to take another test? No, no, no, this testing machine has only been used for a year. It can't possibly make mistakes?"

"Should the place at Hope College be given to him?"

A staff member raised his hand and said weakly.

Other staff members woke up from a dream.

"Yes, yes! I hope there will be a place in the school!"

"I still need to inform my superiors! Oh my god, S level..."

As soon as Jiang Chuxia got out of the power testing machine, she saw that all the staff who had previously been indifferent to her looked at her like a giant panda.

Jiang Chuxia felt embarrassed when her burning eyes fell on her.

She waved: "Hi?"

"can I go now?"

"Let's go? What are we going to do?!" Li Jue slapped the table and shouted. After shouting, he felt that his attitude was wrong. He quickly put on a bright smile and said cautiously: "Jiang Chuxia, your name is Jiang Chuxia, right? Our store manager wants to see you. .”

Jiang Chuxia didn't realize for a moment that she was about to meet the store manager of Galaxy Building without doing anything.

This appearance was regarded by Li Jue as the timidity of the low-level orcs. Li Jue usually hated the timid and sullen low-level orcs the most.But now, the more he looked at the tattered and gray-faced Jiang Chuxia, the more he felt that this was not timid, this was clearly cautious!This is a noble son born from a poor family!
"Don't worry, the store manager is here to give you a place to enroll in Hope Academy!"

The Hope School, one of the top five in the capital.

Jiang Chuxia belatedly remembered that she hoped that she could get a place in the academy as long as she had A-level abilities.

And her ability is S-level, so she can get this spot of course.

The treatment after being tested for S-level abilities is completely different from when you came in.

Jiang Chuxia was sitting on the soft sofa. There were two staff members passing drinks and food. The children waiting in line for the test of their abilities all looked up to her with envy.


Jiang Chuxia put down her drink and stretched.

Regarding this situation, Li Jue had only one thing to say: S-class is worthy of being S-class!No matter how miserable you are, it’s still different!

On one side, Li Jue was secretly sizing up Jiang Chuxia. On the other side, on the highest floor of the Galaxy Building, senior executives gathered together to meet the newly appointed store manager of the Galaxy Building.

Galaxy Tower is the largest multi-functional building on Planet 44, and every senior executive wants to become a 'store manager'.

However, the previous store manager had just retired, and before the senior executives could compete, he was suddenly taken over by a rich second-generation young man from Capital Star.

How can one not be angry?

Even the meeting was absent-minded, and all the senior officials were bullying Sha Liuguang openly or covertly.

The rich second generation from Xinglai in the capital has a pair of eagle's black wings on his back. He has long jet black hair, one eye is blood-like crimson, and the other is light blue, the representative color of the Yan family.

The senior executives all guessed that he was a branch of the Yan family. Otherwise, how could he become the store manager by air, but this made no sense. After all, his surname was not Yan, and if he was really the young master of the Yan family branch, how could this person be almost dismissed? What about Planet No. 44 abandoned by the Muka Empire?

However, no matter what kind of speculation, it cannot change the fact.

——This narrow-eyed rich second generation parachuted in to replace the position they should have obtained.

Still looking at them with squinted eyes and a smile, he didn't care at all about their praise and criticism, as if he was watching people acting in a drama, which made the beast heartbroken.

The top brass couldn't help but grind their teeth.

"Jingle Bell--"

Sha Liuguang raised the phone and waved his hand.

Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the store manager who landed from Capital Star, the senior management of the company still calmed down in a dignified manner.

Sha Liuguang answered the phone and looked surprised, "An S-class superpower just appeared downstairs?"

S-class superpowers are very rare even in the capital planet.

Not only Sha Liuguang was surprised, but the other company executives were also shocked.

They whispered, their eyes were hidden, and they glanced at the sand and light again and again.

I don’t know what mistake I made. The airborne store manager who was exiled to Capital Star is so lucky!

Only a few hours after taking office, an S-class superpower has been detected. As long as this orc is recommended to the Yan family, I am afraid he will be able to return to the capital planet soon, or else go to a better planet!

Sha Liuguang pondered for a moment:
"Bring him up, no, I'll go down myself."

He stood up, and several senior executives who wanted to flatter him laughed and congratulated, "Congratulations to the store manager! Congratulations to the store manager! Leaving Star 44 is just around the corner!"

"The store manager is so lucky. Only Capital Star can be worthy of you."

Sha Liuguang adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled, without explaining that coming to Planet 44 was not a devaluation, but rather a promotion in some sense.

Yesterday, the intelligent Al detection system "Ishun Garden" detected the last human woman on Planet 44. All the nobles rushed to send people to Planet 44, trying to find the human woman from 20 years ago.

The Yan family is naturally no exception.

Sha Liuguang was sent by the Yan family to find the human woman, and his identity as the store manager of Galaxy Building was just his disguise.

Sha Liuguang's body exuded a hazy golden light. His limbs were as soft as water and as illusory as the morning light. The rest of the company just blinked, and Sha Liuguang disappeared like a ray of light.

"S-level ability "Floating Light and Gold". "

The employee murmured about Sha Liuguang's superpower, "What huge mistake did such a superpower make to be demoted to Planet 44?"

(End of this chapter)

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