Chapter 28 28. My child, come to me.

The white-haired old man closed the door and comforted his female.

Ye Qing also closed the door and knelt on the ground obediently.

In front of him was a female orc with long white hair, with colorful glass wings like a medieval church on her back. It was clearly daytime, but under the sunlight, she was as pale as a vampire, with blue eyes so pale that they were almost white.

It's colored glaze, it's glass, it's morning dew.

Crystal clear and fleeting.

"Ye Qing." She spoke.

Ye Qing knelt lower, his face flushed.
——Of course, this is not awe, let alone admiration, but real fear.

I was so frightened that I couldn't breathe smoothly, and I wished I had a knife by my side so I could commit suicide.

The female from the white-haired old man next door screamed even louder.

The white-haired female who called herself 'Shi' stood up and stroked Ye Qing's fiery red hair softly and gently with her cold palms.

"Relax, you're scaring the little girl next door."

Ye Qing's whole body was shaking, and his teeth were chattering. He felt that the world in front of him was dark, but he couldn't faint.

Ye Qing trembled and said: "Yes, yes."

"You're kind of wasting my medicine."

Ye Qing turned pale when he heard the word 'medicine'.

His taste buds couldn't help but recall that a few days ago, he abandoned his son whose life and death were unknown and ran away with his friends.

They took advantage of the chaos and boarded a black ship bound for the capital star, hoping to sneak there to take revenge on the orcs who caused him to live on Planet 44 for half his life.

But I didn't expect that the spaceship was dark, it was too dark.

After an hour of sailing, something suddenly broke down and the plane was about to crash.

At that time, they had flown tens of thousands of miles into the sky. If the plane crashed, they would all die! ! !

Ye Qing was recalling his life with his friend the rabbit-eared orc.

All the cries on the spaceship suddenly stopped, and all the orcs stiffened their movements. They seemed to be frozen in place by time, except for Ye Qing.

Amidst the howling wind and burning fire, the white-haired female walked in front of him from the gap in time and space.

"I heard the tangled threads of fate."

The female orc named 'Shi' fed him a medicine.

His body and soul were shattered into hundreds or thousands of pieces at that moment. Thin needles pricked his body, and the scorching fire burned him.

Ye Qing's breathing rose and fell, and in the end he struggled to survive in the endless pain.

His tails changed from three to nine, six of which are transparent.His ability has changed from the most common D-level ability "Flame Wings" in the world to the rarer A-level ability "Fire Feather".

His appearance in his 30s changed to that of a man in his twenties, and he even had a facelift.

Hidden under the clothes, the large chunks of skin rot caused by genetic collapse were all gone.

If his biological son Ye Lu was still alive, he might not even be able to recognize his father.

The reversal of genetic collapse, the cross-level promotion of superpowers, and the younger age, no matter which one it is, is enough to drive the entire Muka Empire into madness.

But in this female's mouth, he is just a failure.

"Ah, you are such a loser. You only have A-level powers after taking this kind of medicine."

The girl muttered, and he kept bending down, meekly acting as her obedient puppet, in order to survive.

"But it doesn't matter, let's find a few more puppets~"

"Well, Ye Zhaoxin from the Ye family is pretty good~"

"If he becomes my plaything, Ye Fenglin will be very angry, right? I'm really looking forward to it~"

The white-haired orc told Ye Lu about what he knew about the neighbor.

"He looks like he's in his twenties at most. He has three red tails and is much prettier than you. He's definitely not your dad, unless you picked him up."

Three days later, the white-haired old man recovered from the fright of that day and was able to make some jokes.

Seeing that Ye Lu was in a depressed mood and that he was almost the same age as his son, he couldn't help but feel sympathy, "You and your dad haven't been back for so long, and the house was probably bought second-hand by the landlord.

The orc who came that day was very dangerous and would definitely dare to kill the beast!Especially his accomplices, they sound like they are not good people!
Losing your house is a trivial matter, but losing your life means nothing. You must not go looking for them. I am ready to move. "

The white-haired orc did not mention that the voice seemed to be that of a female.

He himself was very unsure. Was that voice really a female voice?Was that voice really there that day?

Ye Lu lost his last look at his father who had been thinking about him for many years, but in the end, another orc picked up a cheap house.

"Huh? What is this?"

He saw a white light on the carpet at the door. He lifted the carpet and saw that the white light was a piece of white paper with blood written on it.

"My child, come to me, I'm with Ye Zhaoxin."

this!This is completely the handwriting of his father, Ye Qing! ! !
 Thank you for catching insects (kiss) (kiss) (kiss)

  The author has over [-] million typos...

(End of this chapter)

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