Chapter 75 Seeking Justice for the Eighth Senior Brother

"Bold Shen Zhengbei actually colluded with the Demon Dao to murder the emperor!" Qing Yi slapped the table.

The Shen family members all knelt down, and Shen Shangshu quickly kowtowed, "Master Imperial Master Mingjian, I really did not murder the emperor."

"Look at this portrait, the mouth and nose are enclosed. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Qing Yi sneered, "Don't misunderstand me, let Dali Temple search it and we will find out."

"Master National Preceptor, please listen to what the official said. We only met this Taoist priest once nine years ago. We are really innocent. You are so proud of us."

"Child, please help us beg for mercy, we are your blood relatives!" Shen Shangshu winked at Qingmu, asking him to quickly plead for mercy.

Aoki rolled his eyes and asked for help.

"Son, there are many misunderstandings now. You must listen to our explanation. Master Imperial Preceptor, our allegiance to the Emperor has never changed. You must believe us." Shen Zhiyuan looked at his son and went to seek help from Master Imperial Preceptor.

There are so many voices in his head now that he doesn't know what to do?
"Sir, the Minister of Dali Temple is here..." the housekeeper shouted anxiously, and saw all his masters and young men kneeling.

This incident caused everyone in Shangshu Mansion to panic.

Shen Shangshu fell to the ground, "Master Imperial Master, if you are venting your anger on this child, then you will destroy the Shen family and he will have no family."

"Son, if your grandfather falls, our whole family will be ruined. If you recognize your ancestor and return to the clan, you will be the eldest grandson of our Shen family. You will have countless glory and wealth in the future, do you understand?" Shen Zhiyuan patted the ground.

They thought that the Imperial Master came today to give them good luck.

Who would have thought that this would happen.

Qingmu looked at them, "I am not the Shen family. I don't need the wealth of the Shen family. Go to hell with your family. You are not worthy."

"Because I have been able to see my deceased elders since I was a child, so you treat me as a ghost."

Shen Zhiyuan didn't expect that this child would actually remember that he...

"Since I can see the deceased, I can naturally see the deceased mother. Are you tired of making up lies here?" Aoki looked at them mockingly.

Shen Shangshu stumbled to his feet and said, "Master Imperial Master, this is our personal grudge. Can you ask the Minister of Dali Temple to stop?"

"Shang Shu Shen, I don't like to hear what you are saying. It concerns the Emperor, how can it be a personal grudge? We will find out if you have done anything." The Minister of Dali Temple has always disliked the Shen family.

A minister of the Ministry of Etiquette used his nostrils to look at people every day.

"Check it out! I am a man who purifies himself. Sir, I have always respected you. I wanted to have a good chat with you, but I don't want to make you unhappy because of old things."

"My child, grandpa apologizes to you. You blame me for everything, blame me for mistrusting others and causing you to be wronged." Shen Shangshu immediately changed his face.

As an old man, he admits his mistakes to the younger generation. No matter how you look at it, this is the greatest magnanimity.If Aoki still can't forgive, that's his problem.

However, Qingmu is from Lingyun Taoist Temple. Is there a normal person in this Taoist Temple?
No, none at all!

He stood there, watching Shen Shangshu and his son bend down and bow together. He did not move.

"Why don't you kneel down and try? Let's see if God will strike me with thunder! If there is thunder, it means I should forgive you. If not, it means God can't tolerate it." Qingmu stared into Shen Shangshu's eyes.

This old man is not very eloquent, so keep talking!

The elder brother brought him here and asked people from Dali Temple to come, not because of personal grudges, nor because he wanted him to recognize his father.

It should make him feel better and leave this past behind. Even if he has no father or mother, he is already a Taoist. "Okay! I'll kneel down to you! You, a traitor, actually asked your grandfather to kneel down. You really disappoint me." How could Shen Zhiyuan let his father kneel down to such a traitor.

If someone must kneel down, let him do it!
Shen Shangshu took this opportunity to stand aside. His ability to bend down was already the biggest concession. Asking him, a grandfather, to kneel down to his grandson, he couldn't do it.

After Shen Zhiyuan knelt down, it was still sunny outside the house. There were no dark clouds and no wind. Naturally, there would be no thunder.

Aoki yawned, "After waiting for so long, no lightning strikes me. Oops! It's not that I don't forgive you, it's that God doesn't allow me to forgive you."

"You would rather listen to a demon who doesn't dare to reveal his face than have a son or grandson. Even a tiger's poison will not eat its seeds. You are really worse than animals!"

He scolded him happily, and all the depression in his heart was now vented.

"You, you..." Shen Zhiyuan got up, pointing at Qingmu, his fingers were trembling.

"What are you! A person like you is not worthy of being a father. You were destined to have only one son, but unfortunately you lost him, so you are destined to die without a son. You deserve it!" Su Mumu couldn't let go of the eighth senior brother after all, and rushed over to help him. support.

For such a biological father, let him die as far away as possible.

"I have three sons! Even without you, someone will still be there to see me die!" Shen Zhiyuan's face turned red with anger.

Shen Shangshu wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Su Mumu smiled, "You are not three sons, but three brothers, good brothers."

"Shen Shangshu, right? The father-in-law and his daughter-in-law are picking up the ashes. The richer the family, the darker it becomes!"

There is nothing wrong with her appearance. She doesn't cover up such dirty things at all.

Mrs. Shen Zhiyuan was trembling with fear, her eyes pleading for help from her father-in-law.

Over the years, Shen Zhiyuan has always had suspicions, but there is no real evidence. Anyway, he doesn't like this woman. His father forced him to marry her.

Now think about it carefully, this is really the kind of green grass above your head that shines brightly every day.

The rest of the Shen family couldn't help but retreat. What is this?
Shen Zhiyuan's brothers quickly looked at their wife and then at their biological father. Everyone was suspicious anyway.

Shen Shangshu refused to admit it, "Where are you from, a little Taoist priest? You are talking nonsense. It is absolutely impossible to slander my reputation. At my age..."

"Shang Shu Shen is always strong and there is no need to be humble. If you don't believe what my junior sister says, I have a way to verify it. Do you want to see it?" Qing Yi will not let others bully his junior sister.

Shen Zhiyuan said with a sullen face, "No, no need! This is our own business."

He was treated like a bastard by his biological father, but now it was the survival of the Shen family, and he couldn't mess up the situation.

"Husband, I don't. Your Majesty, you are forcing civilian women to die." Mrs. Shen Zhiyuan knelt on the ground.

When she saw her husband's attitude, she immediately began to fight back.

Anyway, she must not admit this crime, otherwise all three sons will be useless.

"My senior brother didn't force you to die." Su Mumu directly stuffed a truth pill into the woman's mouth.

"Now let me ask you, who do these three children belong to? Don't think about talking. If you have the truth pill, you will give up."

(End of this chapter)

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