Chapter 54 Chu Ningyan’s appearance has changed
"Who?" King Xiaoyao shouted warily.

"Dad, it's me..." Chu Ningyan didn't expect that he just wanted to be closer to his biological father, but he heard such shocking news.

His father is going to rebel! ! !

"Come in!" King Xiaoyao looked at his ten-year-old second son. He had not cared enough about him these years.

He has also grown into a little man and is able to take on tasks.

"Dad, Mom." Chu Ningyan looked at his father and mother. He and his father were somewhat familiar but unfamiliar.

I want to get close but don't know what to say, so I can only stand aside.

"Yan'er, you are still the eldest son of this family. In our hearts, you are the same as my brother. You are a little happier than my brother, and this is my brother's love for you."

"When I found your brother, he no longer remembered me, but he remembered you." King Xiaoyao still remembers the mood at the moment he found his son.

Chu Ningyan raised her head and said, "Dad, I will also give my brother a little more love, so that we are the same again."

"Okay, dad believes in you! Whatever you heard tonight, go back and think about it yourself." King Xiaoyao did not explain too much.

The person who had insomnia this night became Chu Ningyan.

He went to the Zhuang Mansion early the next morning and wanted to stay with Su Mumu and ask her to help his father and eldest brother review again.

Who would have thought that the little girl was not in the house.

After asking, he found out that today was the day Lord Meng Hemeng left the capital, so he hurried to the official road.

At this moment, Su Mumu told Father Meng like an adult, "Don't drink raw water along the way, drink boiled water no matter how hot it is. All meat must be cooked, and don't eat it if it's bloody."

"Put these things away. I've labeled each bottle of medicine. Keep these charms close to you. Don't be too troublesome."

Meng He touched his daughter's hair and said, "Mumu, remember to write a letter to daddy."

"You are not allowed to keep the shop that daddy left for you. You can use it to do good deeds."

"If you are unhappy, you can come to me at any time. With me, you will always be the best daughter."

It was fate that they, father and daughter, could meet.

"Okay! Daddy, let's go quickly!" Su Mumu no longer delayed her father's schedule and waved goodbye.

Along the way, Dad has had no dangers, and he will become a mainstay of the imperial court in the future.

He will have a happy family, all of which he should have originally.

Meng He was sitting in the carriage, holding the sachet given to him by his daughter, which was full of mosquito-repelling spices.

It can be said that this little person has done everything he can think of.

His father is actually very useless and can't give her much help.He will try his best to return to the capital and let his daughter be his backer.

The man didn't shed tears easily, but he didn't reach the sad point. At this moment, his tears fell on the sachet.

Su Mumu stood on the official road and watched the carriage getting further and further away.

Rubbing her eyes and taking a deep breath, no one should see her crying.

The next moment, Chu Ningyan jumped in front of her, "Sister Mumu!"

"Ah! When did you come?" Su Mumu looked at him angrily.

How could anyone pop up suddenly like him? People who scare people will be scared to death. Does he understand?
"I came when you, father and daughter, were waving goodbye! I couldn't disturb you when I saw you wiping your tears." Chu Ningyan said very seriously.

When he cried, he didn't want others to disturb him.

"What are you doing here!" Su Mumu quickly changed the subject. This person is really annoying.

"I asked you to change the dressing. My wrist still hurts." Chu Ningyan didn't dare to talk about things at home, which made him feel so stressed that he couldn't sleep all night.When he saw the little girl, he felt more at ease.

"Impossible, I gave you medicine and your wrists were scabbed." Su Mumu exposed his lie directly.

"That...that, I just feel a little depressed and want to come and play with you." Chu Ningyan rubbed her head and smiled sheepishly.

"What fun do I have? You haven't slept all night. Go home and go to bed." Su Mumu didn't want to play with the children.

"Sister Mumu, just let me stay with you for one day. I can't sleep now." Chu Ningyan really couldn't sleep.

How could he fall asleep as long as he thought about his father's rebellion?

"Are you sure?" Su Mumu smiled meaningfully at him.

"I'm sure, I've seen everything now, so why should I be afraid?" Chu Ningyan puffed up his chest, he was not afraid.

"Okay then! If you get scared away in the middle, don't blame me." Su Mumu liked to see people get slapped in the face.

Since he is so confident, it must make him cry.

Su Mumu first went to Shuntian Mansion to confirm that the eight victims were buried in public graves.

When Mr. Fu Yin saw the Little Heavenly Master coming, he agreed without saying a word.

"Little Heavenly Master, look at what else you have to do. I will do everything for you that I can do." Shuntian Fuyin was now completely convinced.

"When will Zhuang Dafu be beheaded?" Su Mumu has not forgotten this evil man.

"It's coming soon, waiting for the approval from the Ministry of Punishment. But he may not be able to survive beheading in this way. According to the law, his wife and children are entitled to 20 years for one and ten years for the other." Mr. Fu Yin's workload has really increased this year.

Each one is a big case, involving multiple lives.

"Don't worry, he won't die. I'm going to draw a few talismans on his cell door now. When the time comes for him to behead, you can notify me." Su Mumu couldn't let the evil spirit get ahead of him.

Yaodao was counterattacked by her and her senior brother, and the injuries sustained were enough for him to recover for a while.

"Yes, yes! Please, I have some official business here, can I ask Master to take you there?" Mr. Fu Yin is not busy with official business, he really doesn't dare to see those things.

Although the Little Heavenly Master gave him the talisman, he couldn't sleep every time he thought about these cases. Even if he fell asleep, he would still have dreams.

Su Mumu took Chu Ningyan to the prison, and no one stopped him.

After all, no one dares to mess with the name of the number one dude in the capital, and King Xiaoyao has returned to his home.

"Sister Mu Mu, do you think I can learn to draw talisman?" Chu Ningyan thought that drawing talisman was really awesome.

If he can learn it, he will definitely be the most handsome boy in the capital.

"You... can't!" Su Mumu looked him up and down seriously and gave a negative reply.

"Why can't I do it? Your two senior brothers are about the same age as me. If they can do it, I can do it!" Chu Ningyan was not convinced. He had always been the strongest among his peers in martial arts.

As for studying, as long as he is willing, he can come back with the top score.

He has always been the smartest one, but now that he is told that he can't do it, this damn desire to win immediately comes out.

No matter what age a man is, he jumps when he hears the word "no".

"Your horoscope is too tough, your life is fire, so you can't do it!" Su Mumu's main point is sincerity, and the reasons given are very formal.

"This...why can't this work? Please help me change my horoscope. I can pay for it if I have money." Chu Ningyan didn't understand, but it seemed that sister Mu Mu was not targeting him, but stating the facts.

"I can't stuff you into the princess's belly to give birth again. I don't have the ability. However, your appearance has changed a little. A big event has happened in your family." Su Mumu pulled him down and squatted down. It didn't matter. What are you doing at such a high level?

Her neck is exhausted!
(End of this chapter)

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